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9 Votes

The not Killable Undying [EN + DE]

March 25, 2013 by GTBAL
Comments: 8    |    Views: 21430    |   

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PoEJunk | June 3, 2013 3:39pm
First, the German is completely wrong. It's just google translate. Total ******** and dishonest.

Like everyone else said, he is a tanky spell-spammer. Not a tank.

This guide should be downrated/deleted.
GTBAL | April 9, 2013 2:42am
Vvardenfell wrote:

The author of the guide said :

Ty for your honesty. You could have 5 games and still be clear-sighted about Undying, but currently it is not the case. 'Hope players won't read your bullsh1t. Bye.

And ?
I like Undying.
I like writing something like a Guide.
And Kid's like you just got Rage for it.
Go away, really.
Vvardenfell | April 8, 2013 5:42am
The author of the guide said :
I dont have 3 Years Experience with Undying, just 5 Games.

Ty for your honesty. You could have 5 games and still be clear-sighted about Undying, but currently it is not the case. 'Hope players won't read your bullsh1t. Bye.
GTBAL | March 26, 2013 3:34am
Eisbaer wrote:

I like what you did here. Mainly because of the formatting and because you can see there has been work put into it. Also it's nice, that you write guides even although you're still new to the game. IMO that's the best way to learn a hero because you check all other guides and learn the items that maybe or maybe could not work on your hero of choice.
Lastly I also think though, that you should play the hero a bit more and try some varieties of Skill and Item builds before you publish a Guide.


What happened to the german translation? Is that Google Translator?

Hey, first thanks for your Feedback.
Yesterday I played Undying again, this time I tried to spam my Skills more,
it was Mana Expensive.
I think I will try to Skill my E fewer and more.
Tombstone is a nice Skill, but like I said it already, the Cooldown makes me Sad.

Firstly I put the English text in to the Google Translator.
Then I reworked it a bit.
Im from German, but my problem is that my English isn't the best. :D
Eisbaer (1) | March 26, 2013 12:31am
I like what you did here. Mainly because of the formatting and because you can see there has been work put into it. Also it's nice, that you write guides even although you're still new to the game. IMO that's the best way to learn a hero because you check all other guides and learn the items that maybe or maybe could not work on your hero of choice.
Lastly I also think though, that you should play the hero a bit more and try some varieties of Skill and Item builds before you publish a Guide.


What happened to the german translation? Is that Google Translator?
GTBAL | March 25, 2013 12:00pm
xCO2 wrote:

Your guide really takes away from Dirge's main role. Undying isn't a tank, he's a beefy spell spammer. As Dirge, your required to constantly have mana and your build has no regen except for the some early clarities and a late Bloodstone. With that little mana, you won't be able to able to use your the two spells that you're maxing that increase mana cost with each level. You don't need more than one point of Decay early, its use is to str sap. When leveling Soul Rip you won't need more then 3 points into it because there'll only be a max of 15 units in the lane at a time. Tombstone is Undying's strongest spell, this should be the first spell that you max, its the primary reason Dirge is picked as a hard tower pusher or defender.

In regards to your item build Treads is probably the last pair of boots you need, you're better off with Phase or Arcane Boots, Dirge doesn't auto-attack so the extra attack speed from treads is uneeded. Phase is cheaper and provides you an ability to walk through units, which is crucial when you cast your Tombstone. Arcane Boots ensures that you'll always have mana to defend with your tombstone and allow your lane partner to have some mana. Vanguard is the last survival item you should be picking up on Dirge and if you are going to it should be rushed after your boots, Undying doesn't have any on-hit reactive spells like Axe or Centaur so the only good its for is the early regen. Bloodstone is made out of Perseverance and Soulbooster without a recipe so your core should just be boots of choice, Bloodstone, Chainmail. Normally you'd replace the Aghanim's with a Veil of Discord, but in this build it works quite well with Blademail especially since you don't build resistances you're maximizing the reflection of damage. I would remove Hand of Midas and Orb of Venom from the situationals though, you'll never need a HoM on this hero you need to rush your Bloodstone and you can get it faster with towers and assists then an item you don't benefit from the attack speed with or serves any usefulness to your team. The Orb is uneeded because Tombstone has a passive slow when they hit the threshold and its better money spent on wards or upgrading the courier. If you're not going to get more passive mana regen early game then I suggest replacing the Healing Salve with another two clarities, but a better option would be to get an early Soul Ring.

Guide-wise you need to provide more information, gameplay skills and such, everything that's in the written part can be found on the hero's description. You copy-pasted the site's roles, stories, stats, Dotabuff report, and abilities. All of this can be seen on the hero's page, and the information that you provided was taken from my guide, which I don't mind, but I'd at least like some credit. I think the only thing you wrote yourself was the translations and added a few more lane positions.


first thanks for your Feedback.
Undying is for me a Tank.
I dont have 3 Years Experience with Undying, just 5 Games.
But as I played him for the first time, I loved him already.
I think it isn't the best Build, but I like it.
I go firstly on Power Treads, I have no Mana Problems with Undying.
Then Vanguard, Blade Mail, trying to get Aegis and fast Bloodstone.
At least Aghanim's & Tarrasque or Cheese.
I think it's a Expensive Build, but I beat always 4-5 Items.
No I doesent Copy-Pasted Informations about him.
Firstly I created this Guide on Steam Workshop, I just depreciated it.
Tombstone is a nice Skill, but the Cooldown ... Grr.
I think Soul Rip is for the Laneing Phase the Best Skill.
I oriented my Guide on youre one's.
I will add Credits to your Guide, that was a bit stupid from me, I know.
You're Guide about Undying is Big and Nice, thats true.
F4kECr4Nky | March 25, 2013 11:02am
fuuuuuuuck yeaaaaaaah
xCO2 (72) | March 25, 2013 11:01am
Your guide really takes away from Dirge's main role. Undying isn't a tank, he's a beefy spell spammer. As Dirge, your required to constantly have mana and your build has no regen except for the some early clarities and a late Bloodstone. With that little mana, you won't be able to able to use your the two spells that you're maxing that increase mana cost with each level. You don't need more than one point of Decay early, its use is to str sap. When leveling Soul Rip you won't need more then 3 points into it because there'll only be a max of 15 units in the lane at a time. Tombstone is Undying's strongest spell, this should be the first spell that you max, its the primary reason Dirge is picked as a hard tower pusher or defender.

In regards to your item build Treads is probably the last pair of boots you need, you're better off with Phase or Arcane Boots, Dirge doesn't auto-attack so the extra attack speed from treads is uneeded. Phase is cheaper and provides you an ability to walk through units, which is crucial when you cast your Tombstone. Arcane Boots ensures that you'll always have mana to defend with your tombstone and allow your lane partner to have some mana. Vanguard is the last survival item you should be picking up on Dirge and if you are going to it should be rushed after your boots, Undying doesn't have any on-hit reactive spells like Axe or Centaur so the only good its for is the early regen. Bloodstone is made out of Perseverance and Soulbooster without a recipe so your core should just be boots of choice, Bloodstone, Chainmail. Normally you'd replace the Aghanim's with a Veil of Discord, but in this build it works quite well with Blademail especially since you don't build resistances you're maximizing the reflection of damage. I would remove Hand of Midas and Orb of Venom from the situationals though, you'll never need a HoM on this hero you need to rush your Bloodstone and you can get it faster with towers and assists then an item you don't benefit from the attack speed with or serves any usefulness to your team. The Orb is uneeded because Tombstone has a passive slow when they hit the threshold and its better money spent on wards or upgrading the courier. If you're not going to get more passive mana regen early game then I suggest replacing the Healing Salve with another two clarities, but a better option would be to get an early Soul Ring.

Guide-wise you need to provide more information, gameplay skills and such, everything that's in the written part can be found on the hero's description. You copy-pasted the site's roles, stories, stats, Dotabuff report, and abilities. All of this can be seen on the hero's page, and the information that you provided was taken from my guide, which I don't mind, but I'd at least like some credit. I think the only thing you wrote yourself was the translations and added a few more lane positions.
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