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The minimap is mine! A Purple Ghost ganking/farming guide

December 21, 2016 by Hamstertamer
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Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 11:17am
Hey, is there a reason for not putting a skill sequence in Build 1?
History Maker | December 20, 2016 8:54pm
This is a great guide for players who are new are want to gain more knowledge on Spectre
Phyroz | September 23, 2016 8:20am
Best spectre guide I've seen so far.
Quick tip:You can haunt, reality in, use manta, reality back out, and use your manta illusions to kill the enemy.
Hamstertamer (89) | September 23, 2016 12:52pm
Thanks. That's actually pretty smart, good idea.
Oorslavich | August 3, 2016 7:23am
Easily the best Spec guide. Fantastic detail and actual mathematical evaluation of items. +1
Lofy | October 31, 2015 6:15pm
Incredible Guide. +1

Tryed Urn Manta works very well.

used vanguard S&Y befor. The damage output with manta is just plain ridiclous.

Hamstertamer wrote:

I even rewrote complete sections of the guide, just 'cos it's necessary in order to make the best purple ghost guide in the freaking world...Enjoy :)

I think u Succed :)
JoJoBird | October 27, 2015 4:53am
Hamstertamer wrote:

I actually forgot to update the skill description for Dispersion. My bad, Fixed.

It used to deal only pure damage. But since the 6.85 change, Dispersion reflected damage is the same damage type as the initial damage you took. So if you take physical damage, you reflect physical damage. If you take magical damage, you reflect magical damage.

And this reflection happens before damage reductions. So if you build Assault Cuirass for example, you'll still reflect as much damage but since you have higher armor, you'll take far less damage.

Hamstertamer (89) | October 26, 2015 6:14am
JoJoBird wrote:

Withregard to dispersion, at places you say it does pure damage, with assault cuirass you say it deals physical and wiki says it returns whatever is coming in in the same form. What's the actual type?

I actually forgot to update the skill description for Dispersion. My bad, Fixed.

It used to deal only pure damage. But since the 6.85 change, Dispersion reflected damage is the same damage type as the initial damage you took. So if you take physical damage, you reflect physical damage. If you take magical damage, you reflect magical damage.

And this reflection happens before damage reductions. So if you build Assault Cuirass for example, you'll still reflect as much damage but since you have higher armor, you'll take far less damage.
JoJoBird | October 26, 2015 5:49am
Withregard to dispersion, at places you say it does pure damage, with assault cuirass you say it deals physical and wiki says it returns whatever is coming in in the same form. What's the actual type?
Hamstertamer (89) | October 24, 2015 10:18am
MASSIVE UPDATE for the 6.85 patch!

I reworked the guide by quite a bit, changed several items because of the new Dispersion change, meaning that stuff like Vanguard/ Crimson Guard and Assault Cuirass that used to be pretty 'meh' on the hero are perfectly legit pickups now!

I even rewrote complete sections of the guide, just 'cos it's necessary in order to make the best purple ghost guide in the freaking world...Enjoy :)
Hamstertamer (89) | October 2, 2015 1:03pm
YellulzQuiet wrote:

What should i build after those ?

Same thing as before, nothing changed. Manta skadi, then just stack stat/HP items.
YellulzQuiet (8) | October 2, 2015 12:57pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

The change to Desolate makes Spectre a much better early jungler. Essentially you kill the small creep and then Desolate starts working on the big creep. This accelerates you farm by a lot. Buy a regen item so that you can jungle (you can add Morbid Mask to my list). Radiance Spectre is much better now because you can get a radiance really fast in the jungle.
And always max Desolate first if you didn't already. Always be 1/4/1/1 or 2/3/1/1 at level 7.

The change to Dispersion made Spectre the most broken hero in the patch. I'm not even kidding. Seriously spam pick her before she gets nerfed and get ez MMR.
That's the reason why I didn't update the guide. She's getting nerfed 100% in 6.85b or something.
Now that Dispersion is what it is you can consider the 2/4/4 build, leaving dagger at only level 2 to max dispersion once desolate is maxed. This build only makes sense as long as dispersion is OP, and this won't last.

I'll update some stuff once she "stabilizes" into a balanced hero :)

Try out Power Treads -> Morbid Mask -> Radiance if you want to jungle for an early radiance with Desolate (replace mask with urn if you're fighting a lot).

Happy you liked it, thanks!

What should i build after those ?
Hamstertamer (89) | October 2, 2015 2:20am
Aksingia wrote:

Anything you would say about the last patch?

The change to Desolate makes Spectre a much better early jungler. Essentially you kill the small creep and then Desolate starts working on the big creep. This accelerates you farm by a lot. Buy a regen item so that you can jungle (you can add Morbid Mask to my list). Radiance Spectre is much better now because you can get a radiance really fast in the jungle.
And always max Desolate first if you didn't already. Always be 1/4/1/1 or 2/3/1/1 at level 7.

The change to Dispersion made Spectre the most broken hero in the patch. I'm not even kidding. Seriously spam pick her before she gets nerfed and get ez MMR.
That's the reason why I didn't update the guide. She's getting nerfed 100% in 6.85b or something.
Now that Dispersion is what it is you can consider the 2/4/4 build, leaving dagger at only level 2 to max dispersion once desolate is maxed. This build only makes sense as long as dispersion is OP, and this won't last.

I'll update some stuff once she "stabilizes" into a balanced hero :)

Try out Power Treads -> Morbid Mask -> Radiance if you want to jungle for an early radiance with Desolate (replace mask with urn if you're fighting a lot).

Happy you liked it, thanks!
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