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8 Votes

The King's Artillary

March 9, 2015 by Phlogius
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Phlogius | March 29, 2014 12:36am
I prefer using Aghanim's Scepter better because it lowers the cooldown of Epicenter
and I have enough items in my build that are active so I just like having something that's always ready and I don't have to always worry about it before a intiation. Although I would definitely get Veil of Discord if I needed a good boost to take down tanky heroes
BKvoiceover (12) | March 21, 2014 6:57pm
Just in my opinion as Sand King is one of my most played heroes I would swap Aghanim's Scepter with Veil of Discord as the damage output + veil will give you more bang for your buck and it is 1500 gold cheaper. Not saying Aghs is bad on Sand King but I think that that Veil of Discord should be picked up first.
Phlogius | March 7, 2014 10:55am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Just a format tip; when using items use this magical code;
and the magical output is Tango or Nyx Assassin as well as Epicenter
nothing else really gj (+1 I feel like being nice)
oh and I'd add Force Staff into situational items because it can have its uses such as activating Epicenter and then blasting right-into the middle of their team :3

Thank you very much for that code I've been wondering how to do that for a while. Thanks for the suggestions as well but I think Blink Dagger is a better initiation although a Force Staff could catch a enemy outside of epicentres reach and send the hero into the heart of you attack I think I'll try that when I get the chance.
Zerak Kyria (8) | March 6, 2014 10:57am
Just a format tip; when using items use this magical code;
and the magical output is Tango or Nyx Assassin as well as Epicenter
nothing else really gj (+1 I feel like being nice)
oh and I'd add Force Staff into situational items because it can have its uses such as activating Epicenter and then blasting right-into the middle of their team :3
Phlogius | March 4, 2014 6:16am
Super Axe wrote:

Take away Monkey King Bar, Sandking is not looking to do any major right click damage or carry the team :) good guide other than that and the lifesteal :)

Thanks for the suggestions I'll take away the MKB.
Super Axe (2) | February 28, 2014 12:21pm
Take away Monkey King Bar, Sandking is not looking to do any major right click damage or carry the team :) good guide other than that and the lifesteal :)
Phlogius | February 8, 2014 2:33pm
HueHang wrote:

Hi Phlogius,
I would add Black King Bar for Sand King (SK), as it is vital for him as an initiator. Also I think instead of a Radiance SK should either go for a Shiva's Guard or Scythe of Vyse late game because they contribute more to his role than Radiance does.

Also I don't think that Money King Bar should be on the situational item list, because SK is not supposed to right-click enemies to death.

Shadow Blade is in my opinion kind of meh, it delays your Blink Dagger and Aghanim's Scepter. And there are better mid-late game options for him than getting a Shadow Blade like Veil of Discord or Pipe of Insight. Also you also got Sand Storm as you remain still invisible for 1.5 seconds after it ends. You can use this to juke enemies or use Burrowstrike to get away.
And I suggest buying a Bracer, which can later be upgraded into Drum of Endurance when there nobody else is getting it. It adds survivability to SK and the stats-gain for its price is great.

Thanks for the suggestions and I will add Shiva's Guard,Black King Bar and Veil of Discord.

I have mentioned Shadow Blade as more of a means of escape because Sand King is slow and blink has a 3 second cooldown every time your hit so it's sometimes unreliable. The extra speed and invisibility give him a chance to run away even if they have gem you might still be fast enough to run. I know I could just use Sandstorm and then blink but if your being chased all the enemy needs is a stun(or Pudge's hook) AOE and then your invisibility ware's off and you die and then there's Pudge's rot which will hurt and slow you even more making blink pretty useless. The extra damage and attack speed is also quite nice too.
I'll try out the drum of endurance though because I have never bought it with Sand King.
Thanks for the comment anyway it was very helpful.:-D
HueHang | February 8, 2014 7:43am
Hi Phlogius,
I would add Black King Bar for Sand King (SK), as it is vital for him as an initiator. Also I think instead of a Radiance SK should either go for a Shiva's Guard or Scythe of Vyse late game because they contribute more to his role than Radiance does.

Also I don't think that Money King Bar should be on the situational item list, because SK is not supposed to right-click enemies to death.

Shadow Blade is in my opinion kind of meh, it delays your Blink Dagger and Aghanim's Scepter. And there are better mid-late game options for him than getting a Shadow Blade like Veil of Discord or Pipe of Insight. Also you also got Sand Storm as you remain still invisible for 1.5 seconds after it ends. You can use this to juke enemies or use Burrowstrike to get away.
And I suggest buying a Bracer, which can later be upgraded into Drum of Endurance when there nobody else is getting it. It adds survivability to SK and the stats-gain for its price is great.
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