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3 Votes

The Juggernaut

October 18, 2012 by NinjaFatcats
Comments: 7    |    Views: 9602    |   


DotA2 Hero: Juggernaut

Hero Skills

Duelist (Innate)

Blade Fury

1 3 5 7

Healing Ward

8 10 13 15

Blade Dance

4 9 12 14


6 11 16


2 17 18

The Juggernaut

October 18, 2012


Juggernaut is an awesome hero who is excellent at achieving first blood, and is deadly with his feared ability, Omnislash! This guide is a general outline of how to use Juggernaut. You mave have to squint when you are looking at the Pros/Cons...or maybe my brightness is too high



-Fairly simple to use
- Healing Ward is basically a portable fountain
- Omnislash does massive damage early to late game
- Blade Dance has a high chance of double damage occurring when maxed out
-Is magic immune when using Blade Fury
- Blade Fury does massive damage early game
- Blade Fury is a great escape mechanism
-Easy to first blood with a good partner
-Higher than average base movement speed and attack speed


- Blade Fury loses effectiveness late game
- Omnislash is only best when there is a lone hero
-No stun, slow, disable.etc
- Omnislash has a REALLY long cooldown
- Blade Fury also has a pretty long cooldown
-HUGE mana problems early game, and maybe a bit at late game
-Pretty much relies on farming to become powerful
-Vulnerable to physical damage while Blade Furying


Blade Fury

Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Juggernaut, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units. Lasts 5 seconds.
Ability: No Target
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Radius: 250
Duration: 5
Damage Per Second: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown: 30/28/26/24
Mana cost: 110

-This ability won't affect mechanical units.
-You can use items (including TP Scroll/ Boots of Travel) during Blade Fury.
-If a unit is not being affected by Blade Fury, Yurnero can perform normal attacks against this unit.

This ability looks awesome especially is you have an awesome blade!!! This does massive damage early game ands does 400 damage, 500 damage, 600 damage then 700 damage by level 7, according to this guide. This will often take a MASSIVE chunk from the enemy heroes health. This will often frighten most heroes so use it only when your partner has a stun or slow. This can also be accompanied with Phase Boots to chase up with running heroes and a Bottle to replenish the missing mana.

Healing Ward

Summons a Healing Ward that heals all nearby allied units, based on their max HP. The Healing Ward can move at 300 movement speed after being summoned. Lasts 25 seconds.
Ability: Target Point
Affects: Allies
Range: 350
Radius: 500
Duration: 25
Heal Per Second: 2%/3%/4%/5%
Cooldown: 60
Mana cost: 80/100/120/140

-If a unit is affected by two Healing Wards only one will work.
-The Healing Ward has 1 hit point and can be attacked.
-The Healing Ward won't heal mechanical units.
-Can be targeted by Decrepify.

The only thing which i should say is that this ability is a portable fountain, but is better since the fountain regen is 2% of your max health and Healing Ward maxed out has the regen of 5% of your max health!

Blade Dance

Gives Juggernaut a chance to deal double damage on each attack.
Ability: Passive
Affects: Enemies
Chance: 15%/20%/25%/35%

Nothing to see here

This passive skill is excellent for farming and is even better when you have Battle Fury!


Juggernaut leaps towards the target enemy unit with a damaging attack, and then slashes other nearby enemy units, dealing between 175-250 damage per slash. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take; if a unit is alone, it will take all of the damage. Juggernaut becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing and mini-stuns the first target.
Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Physical
Range: 450
Jump Radius: 425
Number Of Attacks: 3/6/9 (6/9/12*)
Damage Per Attack: 175-250
Cooldown: 130/120/110 (110/100/90*)
Mana cost: 200/275/350

Linken's Sphere(partially bocked):
Blocked first instance of damage (but not ministun) if Linken's holder is primary target.

Aghanim's Scepter(* shows the improved values):
Increases number of jumps and decreases cooldown.

-Each slash deals 175-250 damage, with an interval of 0.4 seconds.
-The first target of Omnislash receives a mini-stun, effectively stopping its channeling actions.
-With enough attack speed, Juggernaut can attack with his own attack strength while jumping around. In these attacks, Juggernaut can place buffs and trigger chance effects.
-The slashes can't be avoided by evasion. Any normal attacks made, however, can.
-You can use items while using Omnislash.
-The Omnislash buff is not applied until after the first hit. Juggernaut is completely invulnerable under the effects of the buff.
- Juggernaut gains flying vision in 200 radius for the duration of Omnislash.
-If the only target around uses Force Staff, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, or Ghost Scepter on itself - Omnislash ends prematurely.
-If no detection is present and the only target around goes invisible, either by using an ability or Shadow Blade - Omnislash ends prematurely.
-Kills creeps and neutrals in 1 hit (this does not include player controlled units or ancients).

Juggernaut's most feared ability. This ability has an epic attack animation, slashing the target all over the place!!! This move does most damage when the enemy is alone, with the maximum damage being 3000 damage!!!(When you have Aghanim's Scepter) You can use this ability to get double kills, triple kills, ultra kills and rampages late game!!!

Item choice

For my Starting Items, i have 3 Iron Branchs for a small stat boost, which can be later made into a Magic Wand. The two Tangos are used to counter light to medium harassment and can be used when you were damaged after using Blade Fury. Clarity is used to replenish mana after using Blade Fury to harass or kill the enemy hero. Ring of Protection gives armour to sustain a bit more of harassment and can be later made into a Ring of Basilius, providing additional armour, damage and useful mana regen.

For my Early Game Items, I have Boots of Speed to chase up with heroes while using Blade Fury. Orb of Venom is a cheap little item which provides a useful slow a a mini DoT. Slow the enemy by hitting the enemy then spin with Blade Fury to surprise the enemy. Bottle is useful throughout the entire game for health and mana regen.

For Core, i have chosen Phase Boots to go through units to chase up to enemy units. Sange and Yasha provides a significant damage boost, attack speed, health and bonus movement speed along with the passive, Greater Maim, assisting in ganks and and 1v1 battles.
Battle Fury significantly increases your health and mana regen along with a huge damage boost and cleave. The cleave helps you to push and farm better and more efficiently. My final core item is Vladmir's Offering, providing further health and mana regen, damage bonus, armour and a 16% lifesteal aura, greatly benefiting you throughout the entire game.

Butterfly is luxury because it is expensive(duh) and provides a nice damage, attack speed and evasion boost, awesome for EPIC DPS power. Heart of Tarrasque is self explanatory, providing a WHOPPING 1060 bonus health!!! Eye of Skadi is diverse as it provides a massive stat boost, health and mana boost and a passive called cold attack. Cold Attack will help you dominate in every 1v1 battle slowing the attack and movement speed of the enemy for 5 seconds!!! Aghanim's Scepter is a must to dominate late game giving a GINORMOUS damage boost for Omnislash, also providing a good stat boost along with health and mana.

All the Situational items depend on your play style or approach for Juggernaut throughout the game. I would personally recommend Desolator for a damage boost and to melt armour and Eul's Scepter of Divinity for mana, mana regen, the active ability cyclone and bonus movement speed.



Allies are heroes who can slow the enemy in order to aim for first blood or can babysit you. These heroes include Crystal Maiden, Queen of Pain, Venomancer, Lifestealer, Warlock, Dazzle and Treant Protector. A special mention of an ally is Bloodseeker, as he can Rupture and you can Blade Fury the enemy, causing him or her to die either way!


Your enemies are heroes who are do high DPS and are ranged, including Drow Ranger and Sniper. Rubick can also be a troll as he can spin his(technically yours) Blade Fury to escape or steal your deadly Omnislash against yourself! BEWARE!!!


Overall, Juggernaut is a easy hero to use. Please feel free to add any comments and i wish the best of luck for every match of DOTA 2 you play! =D

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