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35 Votes

The Foreseer - an Oracle overview

August 24, 2015 by NDenizen
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the hyatt | June 4, 2015 2:58pm
Great guide +1

I play Oracle quite often and I think it bears mention that purifying flames can now last hit creeps. This allows him to some what off-lane because he can get those hard to reach creeps that he can't get by simply right clicking. Even in safe-lane as a babysitter, zone pusher, and harass he can now get last hits that your carry might miss, making your lane that much more effective. The cooldown and mana cost for the damage make this viable, though not something you can lean on or spam.

If I do offlane, I get phaseboots. If i do safelane I go mana boots into guardian greaves (aka GG boots) to really dominate and give the carry plenty of harass free farm.

Both have their niche in a game and have their pros and cons, it really comes down to team composition and how comfortable you are in various roles.

Also with the nerf to Euls I find that Solar Crest is a much more viable choice as well as increasing effective HP with evasion. I seem to last longer in team fights, and it acts like a fate's edict lite. Meaning in a team fight suddenly two right clickers can't hit anything and take more damage, rather than one and one that is in the air for 2.5 seconds before the combo starts. Again it comes down to comfort and team composition, but it seems to have more power in swinging a team fight than a Euls, the best would be if you were rich enough for both.
DvalinTheCacnea (1) | January 6, 2015 7:52am
+1 for me.

In addition, you can mention Ursa as one of his friends. Uninterrupted full health for 7 seconds, combined with Overpower, Fury Swipes, and Enrage, means almost a team wipe-out and the doubled lifesteal will still keep him in top-notch condition after False Promise.

Anyway, it is a great guide.
MrPoo | January 4, 2015 10:32am
Nice guide, helped me alot! :)
xenover | November 30, 2014 6:56am
Great guide. +1 and favourite.
Thanks mate! :)
deytmegziken | November 23, 2014 3:34am
A great friend that you forgot to add is outworld devourer. Arcane Orb + Fate's Edict is absurd amounts of damage especially with an Orchid Malevolence pickup. False Promise works with any damage dealer, but outworld devourer appreciates this greatly due to his survivabilty. An excellent guide +1 from me buddy :). Also the guide is formatted extremely well and was a great read.
Hamstertamer (89) | November 21, 2014 6:58am
Does Urn of Shadows work under False Promise?

Taking damage is supposed to stop the healing from urn, but under false promise, you take no damage, right? So can you ult a guy and heal him with urn during combat? It would be pretty strong if you could.
Daethlock | November 20, 2014 8:05pm
Also, fortunes end does STOP movement, not slow.
Daethlock | November 20, 2014 8:00pm
Slarks pounce is not purge-able...
xboxliver2012 | November 20, 2014 6:15am
If I were you I'd replace bottle with Soul Ring, he can heal himself with the extra mana and it builds into a Bloodstone. Both would delay your next item by too much I feel.
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