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As for Lifesteal being useful for Lane Sustain, assuming you have 100ish damage around lvl6, if you Last Hit every Creep you'll only get 50 or so HP from the entire wave. A
You really want a Battlefury as a first Item, if you didn't go
As for
Didn't see it at first, but I think he is actually saying go mid Void...hence the
Void is probably one of the few heroes who could reasonably think about a HoM + BF build....but I really don't like it on anyone. It's incredibly dependent on a strong trilane working, and the opposition giving you a lot of afk free farm time to gain the advantage of it. Any half decent team should already be gunning hard for Void early-mid game, and that build means you have very little to contribute.
He's gone
I think "Middle Hard Carry" should read "Mid-Game Hard Carry". I'm hoping he means he's more active in the Mid-Game than most Voids, but it does make it sound like you want to go Middle Lane 8(
Yeah it was that combined with the bottle... Also things like when he said good lane partners including pudge and OD that made me think this guide wasn't written by the most experienced player.
Overall a fairly good guide, but yeah you've overdone it a bit with the colours :
You can also link items/skills by adding double square brackets [] like this ((Time Lock)) with square brackets makes
Yeah, a bit a colour here and there is nice, but entire paragraphs of it is too much imo. 8(
Also, the Square Brackets lets you scroll over the Skill/Item/etc. in question to revela more information on it, its a highly useful feature.
On the build etc...not sure you need all those early points in
As for Lifesteal being useful for Lane Sustain, assuming you have 100ish damage around lvl6, if you Last Hit every Creep you'll only get 50 or so HP from the entire wave. A
Really not much point in buying a late
You really want a Battlefury as a first Item, if you didn't go
As for
Please say you're not actually advocating void going mid?...
I think "Middle Hard Carry" should read "Mid-Game Hard Carry". I'm hoping he means he's more active in the Mid-Game than most Voids, but it does make it sound like you want to go Middle Lane 8(
I tweaked it so its less confusing.
You can also link items/skills by adding double square brackets [] like this ((Time Lock)) with square brackets makes
On the build etc...not sure you need all those early points in
Really not much point in buying a late