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The Chill From Home! - My personal Tusk ways.

August 8, 2014 by TheGooGaming
Comments: 4    |    Views: 14469    |   

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apaz (17) | March 2, 2015 5:09pm
IF you want damaage and regen, like from a Battle Fury, get a Linken's Sphere. I personally go the Mana Regen/Max Punch build.

It goes:
Early game:
Stout Shield
2x Gauntlets of Strength / 2x Iron Branch

Early Mid Game:
Boots of Speed
Urn of Shadows / Medallion of Courage + Magic Wand
Phase Boots

Late Mid Game:

Late Game:
Completely Situational
Lancerappa2000 | September 11, 2014 3:57pm
TheGooGaming (29) | August 9, 2014 10:02am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

I'm a Tusk player myself. I wouldn't get a Shadow Blade as my core item, instead I would purchase Blink Dagger. Tusk doesn't need an item like Battle Fury. Battle Fury is a farming tool so Tusk doesn't benefit from it, except for the DMG and Regen. For a core build on Tusk I would suggest Phase Boots, Bottle (if your going mid), Blink Dagger and Desolator. Tusk also doesn't benefit from Eye of Skadi that much. He needs something to synergize with Walrus Punch. Example: Satanic. If you're on low HP and you activate Satanic and Walrus Punch, once you hit the enemy you will heal for huge amount.

Daedalus also doesn't stack with Walrus Punch so getting it would be a waste of gold. Vanguard is a bad item on Tusk. Monkey King Bar can be also included in the build because Tusk has really use from the damage.

You mention a lot of the items that I specifically say do not work, say Daedalus and Vanguard. And judging on the objective of your comment, you didnt read the guide, you just saw the item build.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | August 9, 2014 3:22am
I'm a Tusk player myself. I wouldn't get a Shadow Blade as my core item, instead I would purchase Blink Dagger. Tusk doesn't need an item like Battle Fury. Battle Fury is a farming tool so Tusk doesn't benefit from it, except for the DMG and Regen. For a core build on Tusk I would suggest Phase Boots, Bottle (if your going mid), Blink Dagger and Desolator. Tusk also doesn't benefit from Eye of Skadi that much. He needs something to synergize with Walrus Punch. Example: Satanic. If you're on low HP and you activate Satanic and Walrus Punch, once you hit the enemy you will heal for huge amount.

Daedalus also doesn't stack with Walrus Punch so getting it would be a waste of gold. Vanguard is a bad item on Tusk. Monkey King Bar can be also included in the build because Tusk has really use from the damage.
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