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The Army of Randomness - Chaos Knight (SIA) Guide

January 4, 2015 by SIA the Death Dealer
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Megusfa | March 30, 2015 2:19am
My Favorite Hero, Get 20++ kills hard carry, wipe out entire team. Soulring, Power Thread, Sange Yasha, dominator, manta.
Eightfold (9) | January 6, 2015 11:18am
vroomndie wrote:

plz dont insult my ck saying it is semi carry.He is one of the few awesom carry who can team wipeout.
he has second highest base movement speed. highest is "NOVA"luna 330.

Third highest at this point, Luna is the second fastest at 330 and Enchantress is at 335.
vroomndie (1) | January 6, 2015 11:08am
plz dont insult my ck saying it is semi carry.He is one of the few awesom carry who can team wipeout.
he has second highest base movement speed. highest is "NOVA"luna 330.
wangyuphing (9) | January 5, 2015 2:40am
I think this guide is for pub players. There's no way someone would let you free-farm for 5 minutes in ranked, especially 3.5k and above. Believe me, I know. The only time I succeeded in free-farming for 5 min without interruption is when I was in lo pro.
You need money for TP-ing to other lanes, as there's no way someone will let you farm at that lane for 5 mins. Farming jungle is acceptable, but still, there's no way you could get a 5-min Heart of Tarrasque. Well, it's another story if you start with no items and farm up till you got 5.5k.

FYI, the fastest HoT is by Secret's Kuroky, 13min HoT only boots and a Morbid Mask
SIA the Death Dealer | January 4, 2015 9:45am
and btw hi-breed's guide isn't the best way as he doesn't suggest drum that has a good aura and a good active to chase or run away or in tesm fights. and he says get Phantasm as you reach lvl6 and that's not the way pros play as i've never seen dendi or xboct or arteezy or others to pick it at 6 because it's a waste as it has high cooldown and only one illusion or two at the first level so as i said totally not worth it even with high damage you will have.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 4, 2015 8:11am
Unscathed wrote:

Hi-Breed's guide is crazy

You mean genius.....ayyy lmao.
SIA the Death Dealer | January 4, 2015 3:15am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

you put three points in second skill simultaniously.Not possible.

The whole skills section is copied from

very unrealistic item build and many items are not explained.actually none of them are.

mentioned Diffusal Blade in the tips but nothing in the item purchase order.Same for Sange and Yasha

thank you for mentioning. as i said it's my first guide so there are some mistakes. about the item build it's not unrealistic it's the best timing by being professional at getting last hits. the heart/armlet could be ready at mid game but if you can't only armlet can also do well as it provides AS and damage.
about the skill chapter those are specific info about the abilities and cannot be changed and i wrote the tips by myself
i will add friend/foes and item explanations later. again tnx 4 mentioning.

You make soul ring and magic wand?
How much are you really investing in your earlygame?
You cannot put 3 points in 1 skill consecutively unless you put three first in stats.
KoDy has a point, your skill section looks unformatted and as if you havent used any effort or copied from some other site.

Look, if you are passionate about CK, i suggest youplay him, give us your input and we will rather appreciate it that much more instead of this piece of &information* which someone can get from ingame valve guides.

I am not advertising any guide but check out Hi-Breed's guide. He conceptually refutes and introduces what is the real CK gameplay.
It will help you in your guide, just incorporate your own gameplay in it or take some inspiration.

noted about wand/soul ring
and as i said to KoDy, i wrote the guide by myself and no copying except the skills' info
and again as i said it's my first guide so there are some mistakes like the skill build part as i wasn't careful enough but with your help it'll get better
Unscathed (47) | January 4, 2015 3:00am
Hi-Breed's guide is crazy

Also, how the **** are you expecting us to get heart in 5 mins?
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 4, 2015 2:55am
You make soul ring and magic wand?
How much are you really investing in your earlygame?
You cannot put 3 points in 1 skill consecutively unless you put three first in stats.
KoDy has a point, your skill section looks unformatted and as if you havent used any effort or copied from some other site.

Look, if you are passionate about CK, i suggest youplay him, give us your input and we will rather appreciate it that much more instead of this piece of &information* which someone can get from ingame valve guides.

I am not advertising any guide but check out Hi-Breed's guide. He conceptually refutes and introduces what is the real CK gameplay.
It will help you in your guide, just incorporate your own gameplay in it or take some inspiration.
Unscathed (47) | January 4, 2015 2:47am
Text wall
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 4, 2015 2:17am
you put three points in second skill simultaniously.Not possible.

The whole skills section is copied from

very unrealistic item build and many items are not explained.actually none of them are.

mentioned Diffusal Blade in the tips but nothing in the item purchase order.Same for Sange and Yasha
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