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3 Votes

Terrorblade, The Old Illidan

December 25, 2012 by Rudidudi
Comments: 14    |    Views: 68392    |   

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Rudidudi | December 25, 2012 6:56pm
All reuploaded,
Conjure image added.
foes added.
starting items added.

Check and comment, thx
xCO2 (72) | December 17, 2012 7:30am
For now I think you should archive your guide and come up with a modern build. Also Reflection is single target, and Metamorphosis has a 150 second cooldown.
Rudidudi | December 17, 2012 7:21am
Wulfstan wrote:

Zeal->Conjure Image.You should play more Terrorblade.

thx will check and think about it!
Rudidudi | December 17, 2012 7:20am
xCO2 wrote:

That doesn't even make sense. Get some early EHP, he's just like any other carry start. You can get what you need from the sideshop within a level of being in lane, why burden everyone with taking the courier early when you could just avoid it altogether?

And Zeal is now Conjure Image, hover over zeal in your build. Editors can't rename skills and such, only edit their description, I've already messaged Atlas about this and he should update it sometime today. Also, add a build, a full final build doesn't tell the players how to build and what's core.

will check and modify i appreciate much your opinions
Wulfstan (77) | December 17, 2012 7:16am

Zeal->Conjure Image.You should play more Terrorblade.
xCO2 (72) | December 17, 2012 6:54am

courier? for gounlets etc?

That doesn't even make sense. Get some early EHP, he's just like any other carry start. You can get what you need from the sideshop within a level of being in lane, why burden everyone with taking the courier early when you could just avoid it altogether?

And Zeal is now Conjure Image, hover over zeal in your build. Editors can't rename skills and such, only edit their description, I've already messaged Atlas about this and he should update it sometime today. Also, add a build, a full final build doesn't tell the players how to build and what's core.
Rudidudi | December 17, 2012 6:40am
xCO2 wrote:

Agreed, get some early EHP, you can pick a stout or quelling on the side shop.

courier? for gounlets etc?
Rudidudi | December 17, 2012 6:39am
Wulfstan wrote:

Soul keeper just got changed.As I remember there is no more ZEAL they added back the old illusion factory.

i really hope not... but in that case will see!
xCO2 (72) | December 17, 2012 6:37am
Wulfstan wrote:

You'll get harassed to death.Each time you have only one way of regenerating.No support will start by buying you 600 gold worth of regen.

Agreed, get some early EHP, you can pick a stout or quelling on the side shop.
Wulfstan (77) | December 17, 2012 6:26am
Soul keeper just got changed.As I remember there is no more ZEAL they added back the old illusion factory.
Rudidudi | December 17, 2012 6:21am
Wulfstan wrote:

You'll get harassed to death.Each time you have only one way of regenerating.No support will start by buying you 600 gold worth of regen.

and you think with a bit of stats u have no more this problem?
soul keeper got zeal for regen, and tangos, much better durability than all other carrys.
Wulfstan (77) | December 17, 2012 6:07am

@wulfstan, don't think so, maybe true on mid, but it is not his role, no suck garanteed on line with a proper support

You'll get harassed to death.Each time you have only one way of regenerating.No support will start by buying you 600 gold worth of regen.
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