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3 Votes

Terrorblade, The Old Illidan

December 25, 2012 by Rudidudi
Comments: 14    |    Views: 68391    |   


DotA2 Hero: Terrorblade

Hero Skills

Dark Unity (Innate)


1 12 13 14

Conjure Image

4 8 9 10


2 3 5 7


6 16


15 17 18

Terrorblade, The Old Illidan

December 25, 2012



Hi All i'm Roditalia and i play dota since WCIII.
Terrorblade was my favourite here so i want make a guide for him.
Yes Exatly before he comes!


The Soul Keeper has one of the most feared growth potentials of all. While initially weak, if left unchecked he can come back to slaughter his enemies with ease. His ability to Zeal allows him to slowly regen himself. To aid in his physical prowess, Terrorblade can Metamorphosis into the powerful demon hunter, gaining a ranged attack, attack damage, and clones. He can also use Sunder to swap his current health with that of someone robust and lively, essentially escaping death, and sending someone close to their own.


Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolize his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

Affiliation: The Dire
Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.6
Damage: 48 - 54
Casting Animation: 0.5 / 0.51
Armor: 5.1
Base Attack Time: 1.5
Movespeed: 310
Missile Speed: Instant
Attack Range: 128 (melee)
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Pros & Cons

(+) Really funny to play
(+) Good in line and mid
(+) ranged and melee
(+) wonderful ulti
(+) fantastic hero history
(+) fantastic carry, cause big agi gain
(+) hight base ms
(+) can be used anywhere

(-) item dependent in later
(-) difficult to play seriously, expecially ultimate usage
(-) low base str
(-) a bit unless when metamorphosis is in cooldown (not in earlygame)
(-) weak in start

Skills esplications


Terrorblade brings forth a dark reflection of a targeted enemy unit. The enemy is slowed by 60% and attacked by its reflection for 5 seconds.

Level 1 : Mana Cost:75 - CD: 22 - Effect: illusions deal 40% damage
Level 2 : Mana Cost:75 - CD: 18 - Effect: illusions deal 50% damage
Level 3 : Mana Cost:75 - CD: 14 - Effect: illusions deal 60% damage
Level 4 : Mana Cost:75 - CD: 18 - Effect: illusions deal 70% damage


Casting range: Ever 250
Duration: Ever 5 seconds
Allowed targets: Enemy units
Effect area: Single target
Slow: Ever 60%
Reflections are untargetable, invulnerable illusions
Reflections can only attack their source

Conjure Image

Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals damage. Lasts 25 second

Level 1 : Mana Cost:80 - CD: 16 - Effect: Illusion deals 30% damage.
Level 2 : Mana Cost:80 - CD: 16 - Effect: Illusion deals 40% damage.
Level 3 : Mana Cost:80 - CD: 16 - Effect: Illusion deals 50% damage.
Level 4 : Mana Cost:80 - CD: 16 - Effect: Illusion deals 60% damage.


Illusions take 300% damage.
Duration: ever 25 seconds.


Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with a ranged attack.

Level 1 : Mana Cost:50 - CD: 150 - Effect: 20 extra base damage.
Level 2 : Mana Cost:50 - CD: 150 - Effect: 40 extra base damage.
Level 3 : Mana Cost:50 - CD: 150 - Effect: 60 extra base damage.
Level 4 : Mana Cost:50 - CD: 150 - Effect: 80 extra base damage.


Metamorphed Terrorblade has 300 movement speed, a 1.6s Base Attack Time and 500 attack range.
Duration: Ever 40 seconds


Sunder severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target hero, then exchanges them, carrying part of the units' life forces. The percentage hit points of each unit are switched with the souls.

Level 1 : Mana Cost:200 - CD: 160 - 33% hit point minimum.
Level 2 : Mana Cost:100 - CD: 110 - 28% hit point minimum.
Level 3 : Mana Cost:0 - CD: 60 - 23% hit point minimum.


Damage type: direct HP removal
Interrupts channeling spells of the target.

Skills Build


Level 1: Reflection
Level 2: Metamorphosis
Level 3: Metamorphosis
Level 4: Conjure Image
Level 5: Metamorphosis
Level 6: Sunder
Level 7: Metamorphosis
Level 8: Conjure Image
Level 9: Conjure Image
Level 10: Conjure Image
Level 11: Sunder
Level 12: Reflection
Level 13: Reflection
Level 14: Reflection
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Sunder
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Stats
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: Stats
Level 21: Stats
Level 22: Stats
Level 23: Stats
Level 24: Stats
Level 25: Stats

we need to start with reflection cause it give a massive (for a carry) CC with a bit damage, can be usefull in start for escape or chase, at start also we need to improve our
damage very ealy and with metamorphosis we can easly do this (at level 6 with +80 basic damage is really hard). Next we don't need mor slow, let's do conjure image for a better damage output. Sunder when can obviously.

Start & Early

Soul keeper is very weak in start cause of low strengt and low starting hp,
anyway our line is the safe line with a true support. So we need to improve strengt and with this our durability (we can do or the build start or this, this is for more line durability and without spammers)


After low time we have to hold this with or withou courier cause we can buy this in the shop in the line.


Much durability and damage vs creeps, what else?

in case we got an enemy spammer in line we really need also a


We need to maximize zeal for wooding durability and output damage, and refraction if we want gank for give and extra CC to our mates.



next the start phase essentially we have to upgrade our output damage, essentially buying a

that give us better durability and better last-hit power.

then rush for boots, the best are power treads to hold in strenght form to give us a bit of durability

that item provide us hight MS and better attack speed.

The real core of Soul keeper item building is Manta Style

this item provide us 2 extra illusions agility and durability, its kind perfect!


At this moment we have to choose our orb. there is 3 possibilities


is the best orb, give lifesteal and durability.

Eyes Of Skadi:

give slow and durability and a bit of attack damage.

Diffusal Blade:

is better keep this item if enemy team is full of mages.

all other items are luxuries.



maximige your damage, the best item but is hard to do.

Monkey king bar:

an other item to maximige your damage but not the best.


with our hight attack speed crit damage is an easy way.

Assault Currias:

a bit of armor and more attack speed.

Black King Bar:

if you are ever focussed is the best way.


Magic Wand:

can be usefull vs spammer enemys in early game.

Ethereal Blade:

you can build this with a hard carry enemy team.

Shadow Blade:

very very situational, upon your choose.


Sange and Yasha:

no way, manta is supreme better.

Abyssal Blade:

you are half ranged, it's useless.

Friends & Foes


You must have a proper support to have a good lineing phase you have to choose someone with CC, you make the damage, he make the CC.

I think Lion and Rhasta are the best support you can have.

Dazzle can be good also.


Our best foes are big mobility heroes with stuns and area massive skills the perfect 2 examples of foes are:


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