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6 Votes

Terrorblade Solo Mid 6.80

March 26, 2014 by deytmegziken
Comments: 15    |    Views: 19803    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Solo Mid Terrorblade

DotA2 Hero: Terrorblade

Hero Skills

Dark Unity (Innate)


1 13 14 15

Conjure Image

3 8 10 12


2 4 5 7


6 11 16


17 18


Hi, this is my first guide ever made on DotaFire. Feel free to criticise if this guide is terrible/ok, just don't be too harsh :P .

Also, please excuse the lack of BB code and pics as I am not familiar with it ;).

I would have to say this build is for people that can't put up with ****** lane partners in pub matches and want them quick levels for quicker DPS.

Remember, this is how "I" play Terrorblade and find it quite fun. Experimenting with new builds is what makes Dota fun. I suggest to everybody once they have a few hours under their belt to experiment themselves and stop using in-game guides with one-way skill builds.

Things to work on in future and a few notes

  • Make this guide prettier
  • Learn BB code :3
  • Use this build more frequently in games to input some more information into this guide
  • Use criticism (if I get any)
  • Make an in-game guide
  • Do some calculations on DPS with Conjure Image and Manta Style
  • Add Friends and Foes

Thank you for looking at my build. Give me some criticism and I am sure I could tweak the guide. Leave a rating good or bad and favourite to come back to this guide once I have edited it.

Remember have fun, it's only a game!

My Steam Account:

Pros / Cons

  • Great all around during most of the game
  • A great ability in Metamorphosis that has good synergy with Conjure Image
  • Can turn the tide of battle with Sunder
  • Illusion Confusion :)
  • Good base movespeed
  • High Agility gain
  • Amazing BAT and attack speed for last-hitting
  • Has no flash farming abilities
  • Can be easily shutdown
  • Very low base health



Lvl 1: 50 Mana
Lvl 2: 50 Mana
Lvl 3: 50 Mana
Lvl 4: 50 Mana
Illusion Damage Dealt:
Lvl 1: 40%
Lvl 2: 50%
Lvl 3: 60%
Lvl 4: 70%
Attack Speed Slow:
Lvl 1: 60%
Lvl 2: 60%
Lvl 3: 60%
Lvl 4: 60%
Movement Speed Slow:
Lvl 1: 60%
Lvl 2: 60%
Lvl 3: 60%
Lvl 4: 60%
Lvl 1: 22
Lvl 2: 18
Lvl 3: 14
Lvl 4: 10

Conjure Image

80 Mana
Illusion Damage Dealt:
Lvl 1: 30%
Lvl 2: 40%
Lvl 3: 50%
Lvl 4: 60%
Illusion Damage Taken:


50 Mana
Bonus Damage:
Lvl 1: 20
Lvl 2: 40
Lvl 3: 60
Lvl 4: 80
Attack Range:
Base Attack Time


Lvl 1: 200 Mana
Lvl 2: 100 Mana
Lvl 3: 0 Mana
Lvl 1: 120
Lvl 2: 80
Lvl 3: 40


Starting Items
Get Tango and stat items to be made into Ring of Aquila. I cannot stress how important it is to know your lane matchup so you can choose the right items.

Early Game
Quelling Blade for last-hitting power if you need it. TB has a great last-hit animation and BAT so it may not be necessary
Ring of Aquila is so you have some Agility and base mana regen to spam those low-cost abilities. I also find rushing this item better than getting a Quelling Blade. Using Conjure Image with Reflection is also the only way you can contest the lane, so that mana regen is really nice.
Ogre Club is to increase your HP to be more durable as TB has lacklustre base HP. Get this item if you are getting decent early game farm, otherwise go for a Bracer to build into a Drum of Endurance. Once you build a Yasha you can choose to make a Black King Bar or finish the Sange and Yasha.
Orb of Venom if you feel like you are going to have a good game or you need that extra slow. Otherwise forget it and build into Eye of Skadi
Medallion of Courage makes this item makes you feel like you are a Visage when you have 2 illusions but can make your DPS great in the Early-Mid Game. Build if farmed quickly.
Bottle is an item that should be gotten depending on who you are laning against. Lion is a hero that would make me consider getting a bottle over Ring of Aquilla.

  1. If he gets the runes before you do your farm is going to be delayed a lot due to stuns, harass and mana-drain.
  2. Getting the Bottle can help you harass more and make sure Lion isn't getting the Mana and Health to nuke you down.

Mid Game
Sange and Yasha is a great overall item for TB as it give Movespeed, Strength and Agility to become a good little carry. Comes with a nice Maim as well. Excellent item for TB.
Black King Bar is to make use of that Ogre Club if disable and heavy nukes are being annoying. Pretty standard item on a lot of carries unless there is a Omniknight on your team. This is also situational if the team knows who the actual TB is. If you use Black King Bar with 2 Illusions up. It is obvious that you are going to be the lighten up (<- is this correct) and revealed to the enemy team. Be aware of that.
Power Treads are the boots of choice for TB as he is an illusion carry. The stats are great and gives extra mana for those low-cost abilities. Although Phase Boots give you that movespeed you may need to get your Reflection off or secure that kill.
Crystalys is a good item as your chance to crit increases with illusions. Builds into a Daedalus.
Shadowblade Catch out unsuspecting heroes with your low health and kill them in an instant. Dagon+ Shadow Blade+ Sunder???

Optional Late Game
Daedalus = More crits, more fun
Eye of Skadi More stats for more illusions damage and a great orb-effect.
Butterfly Evasion, Agility, Attack Speed. Nuff said.
Manta Style Moar illusion, more crits
Heart of Tarrasque gives great bulk for you and your illusions.
Monkey King Bar counter Phantom Assassin and Faceless Void

Always Consider
Town Teleport Scrolls are a core on every single hero with the exception of Nature's Prophet. Can escape a gank (which you may not survive with your pitiful health pool), Help counter-gank and get kills and also to quickly travel to push down towers which you can do quite well.

Smoke of Deceit helps you avoid those pesky Observer Wards so you can gank easily.

Recommended to avoid
Divine Rapier Your DPS comes from your illusions so having a +damage item isn't going to benefit anything other than Terrorblade himself. This item is avoided a lot of the time as it can turn the tide of a game if you die with it and the enemy picks it up.
Hand of Midas is probably good to get if you can rush it when you are hard-carrying safe-lane and you need that gold later. This build is more orientated on ganking and farming when you get the chance. Ganking is emphasised a lot in this build as the whole point of a mid is to get a good level advantage to make more use of your abilities while their usefulness lasts. This item will just delay your items you need to contest the lane to the best that Terrorblade can do.

Hero Matchups

In Dota 2, there will always be those heroes that partially counter you or COMPLETELY counter you and it makes your game worse. Here are some tips to make your lane and whole game experience better for you.

Physical harassers in the Middle Lane can be handle simply handled by your high base armor and the Stout Shield that you should be situationally getting as a starting item.
Examples of this are: Sniper, Clinkz

Nukers are what will be your bane in the Mid Lane. Especially those who have a lot of them. These are the heroes that you will preferably NOT want to lane with and should consider going to another lane and possibly try an experimental tri-lane perhaps.
Examples of this are: Lina, Zeus

Disablers will usually have a stun/disable coupled with a basic nuke. These are the heroes that you will want to deny runes by using Conjure Image to make that harass minimal during the laning-phase. Some heroes will use there abilities to push the lane or force you out so they can get rune at the rune respawn time.
Examples of this are: Lion, Bane, Ancient Apparition, Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, Tiny

General Hero Matchups

Pudge is going to love your low health so avoid those hooks and deny his runes with Conjure Image. This will effectively slow down his ability to gank.

Lion is one of the most annoying but manageable heroes to deal with in the mid lane. Deny his runes and run away from his mana-drain and maybe then get your own Bottle and try to get kills on him. Just be wary once he he gets Finger of Death, I wouldn't stay around to deal with him. His QWER combo is 100% going to wreck you.

Mirana she has one of those good escapes Early Game, stay near creeps and try to take minimal harass.

Ancient Apparition I wouldn't really worry about this guy too much. Deny runes or use them.

Zeus I am not even going to try to lane with this guy. 4 nukes. I can only say go offensive on this guy and try to get some ganks with team-mates for support.

Lina Ok, same deal with Lion, but with more nukes. Deny runes or use. When she gets Laguna Blade gtfo.

Sniper is the one that YOU should be dominating. He is squishy and you have more fire-power over him. Stout Shield up and don't bother with a Bottle. Clinkz is the same deal, but you won't be able to kill him with a good escape.

Weaver, simliar to Clinkz and Sniper. Although Weaver has a little magic damage in the form of Sukuchi. Not a big deal.

Shadow Demon Stay away from his poison and you should be fine. Deny or use runes.

These seem pretty basic, but it is all the help I can give. use your general Dota 2 knowledge and you should be fine.


Here are some tips on using Terrorblade:

General Tips

  • As pretty much any game you play. Items should be bought for the situation and you can adapt quite well. Morphling has a basic build each time, this is an exception to Terroblade and most other heroes.
  • One point in Reflection at Lvl. 1 always.
  • Use Sunder on supports after a team fight that left you pretty low. Supports are supposed to support.
  • be careful Early Game
  • TP SCWOLS?!?!
  • Micro skills can be a godsend if you know how to do it efficiently with key-binds and all that sort of thing. They can be used to bait enemies to use long cooldown ultimates like Bane's Fiends Grip, ultimately wasting them. Although regular microing will suffice.

Early Game
  • Try to not take harrass and avoid magic damage. I opt not to get Stout Shield due to good starting armor.
  • Keep your creep-equilibrium towards your side so you can unleash the usually guaranteed kill that Reflection, Metamorphosis and Conjure Image grants. Do not attempt this on heroes with a Blink or good escape
  • Gank heroes that are lone and have no disables or escapes. If they have high nuke damage and disables that won't burst you down to death. Consider a point in Sunder at Lvl. 6 for obvious reasons.

Mid Game
  • You should be farming to finish those Early-Mid Game items and finish boots of choice and getting kills and defending with the one and only most important Town Portal Scroll.

Late Game
  • Choose late game items according to situation
  • Here are some examples of when to get certain items:
  • Heart of Tarrasque is an item that should be gotten if tankability is required (which is usually required due to Terrorblade's lacklustre health points). This can be used to make Sunder a support ability in the fact that if your team-mate is left low after a teamfight, you can swap your max health with his low health and regen it in no time. This can also be done vice-versa with your team-mate having high-health and them regenerating the low health with Heart of Tarrasque. A good combo is Slark and his Ultimate Passive Shadow Dance. It is practically the same concept.
  • Eye of Skadi is just a great item on any illusion carry. It is only natural to want to get this item. Find cleaning up after teamfights hard? Buy this and those enemies won't get away. Buy this if wanting to have good overall stats for Damage, Health and Mana.
  • Manta Style Pick this beauty up for even more damage that works with Metamorphosis. It gives you that Phantom Lancer type feel when you have just a huge amount of illusions running about. More confusion is great. Especially when the confusion is dealing considerable DPS.
  • Daedalus should be picked up for the critical hits alone. If you are thinking about buying a Manta Style, Daedulus is a great pickup.
  • Butterfly should be bought when you need to avoid damage from a powerful carry/hard carry. The evasion is just a godsend in any situation.
  • Monkey King Bar True-Strike will counter enemy Evasion. Win the carry wars with this item

General Gameplay Tips and Tricks

  • In the Middle Lane if Bottle is the item of choice, being able to micro and learning how the "Fog of War" works will determine how your laning experience goes down. Being able to scout runes with your illusion is great if your team is not Warding (like all Supports should do). Also Microing your illusion in lane while you pick up a rune will confuse your enemy greatly, thinking that you aren't getting the rune as they think you are still in lane, although there is an illusion there. To do this successfully, you need to make sure your enemy cannot see you so you can Conjure Image without being noticed and the enemy won't know what happened.

Note: There is more to be added. Stay tuned :)

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