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3 Votes

Terrifically Terrifying Terrorblade Build of Terror

September 9, 2014 by BKvoiceover
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Hamstertamer (89) | September 12, 2014 11:09pm
volvoplzfix wrote:

Is a lothars valid? it provides some decent dps, and provides an escape for if you're pushing and get ganked

Lothat's (yes this is Shadow Blade) IS valid, but not as an escape. Shadowblade has never been an escape because Dust of Appearance. SB is a ganking item and that's it.
However Shadow Blade is great if you want to gank with Sunder : get to low HP and land a Sunder while invisible.
BKvoiceover (12) | September 12, 2014 10:22pm
volvoplzfix wrote:

Is a lothars valid? it provides some decent dps, and provides an escape for if you're pushing and get ganked

Lothar's Blade is a Shadow Blade correct? If so, i'm not a huge fan of it, and here is why. Lothar's Blade ( Shadow Blade) is only really feasible on heroes that want to initiate, not necessarily as an escape mechanism. Why is that you say? Well lets say you get ganked while pushing a tower. Most people think "oh I a have invisibilty, they can't kill me" and then the enemy team puts down Sentry Wards and Dust of Appearance. Snap, crackle, pop and you are dead. An item that I would recommend for escapes however, would be a Blink Dagger. Instant escape, shorter cooldown, and doubles as an initiation tool. But that's just my opinion. Feel free to do whatever you wish :)

Hope to see you around,

BKvoiceover (12) | August 7, 2014 6:40pm
Thanks for the insight reignofterror. I get Helm of the Dominator over Mask of Madness because Helm gives you better lifesteal number 1, also you really only get mask for the attack speed which Terrorblade has naturally. Also as far as the increased movement speed goes it is not incredible since you have an ability that slows an enemy for 60% of their movement speed. Also the increased regen and armor increases his survivability which is why Helm is picked up way more often than mask on Terrorblade.

As far as the Bracer pick up goes I agree with it if you are expecting a lot of magic damage harass and you simply need more hp. If you are more afraid of right clicks a Stout Shield will fill your needs fine.

Again thank you for the suggestions and hope to see you around,

volvoplzfix | August 1, 2014 4:07pm
Is a lothars valid? it provides some decent dps, and provides an escape for if you're pushing and get ganked
reignofterror | July 20, 2014 8:23am
Last thing i start directly with a bracer and only tango for early harass well and make unconfortable lol.i won a lot of games with him even other teammate are beginners haha.
reignofterror | July 20, 2014 8:21am
I agree with you for terrorblade but instead of lifesteal i prefer mask of madness(more pratical^^)
And work well for him if we want to chase someone or just escape.for me terrorblade is a quite of outsider hero who can change totally a game on his favour.and can push easely.good support with stunner and mele heroes.
Anyway i love it!!^^
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