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Teddy Ownage *VOTE IT*-Allaround Ursa Guide

July 30, 2013 by GamesForGods
Comments: 2    |    Views: 15831    |   

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DotA2 Hero: Ursa


Hey lads an welcome to my guide "Teddy Ownage" to Ursa the Uflsaar Warrior, who is arguably one of the game's best carries and probably as well the most notorious du to his early carry-potential.

For folks not familiar to him here is the teddy's story:

Ulfsaar the Warrior is the fiercest member of an ursine tribe, protective of his land and his people. During the long winters, while the mothers sleep and nurse their cubs, the males patrol the lands aboveas tireless, vigilant defenders of their ancient ways. Hearing dim but growing rumors of a spreading evil, Ulfsaar headed out beyond the boundaries of his wild wooded homeland, intending to track down and destroy the threat at its source, before it could endanger his people. He is a proud creature with a bright strong spirit, utterly trustworthy, a staunch ally and defender.

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Pros / Cons

Pros: -Tanky agility carry
-Early carry potential
-Can burst down enemies in secs
-Capable of jungling AND laning

Cons: -Melee
-No disables and a short-ranged slow



Ability Affects Damage
No Target Enemies Magical
Ursa slams the earth, causing a powerful shock to damage and slow all enemy units in a nearby area for 4 seconds.
Radius: 385
Damage: 90/140/190/240
Slow: 25%/35%/45%/55%
Duration: 4
6 CD 75 Mana

An underrated skill since the slow is quite strong even with only 1 level in it and CD is low. Remember not to spam it since you need that for your fury sweeps. Also this skill is taken for the slow not for the dmg!

W: Overpower

Ability Affects
No Target Self
Using his skill in combat, Ursa gains increased attack speed for a set number of attacks or until the duration expires.
Effect: 400 Attack speed
Duration: 15
Number of attacks: 3/4/5/6
10 CD 45/55/65/75 Mana

This skill coupled with your E makes that strong early carry and quite item-independant for a carry. You can even go over the maximum attackspeed with this skill. TIPP: If you use blink dagger or shadow blade activate Fury Swipes and Enrage before it so you immidietly attack otherwise you need to wait a precious sec while activating the skills. Break the invisibility with a hit since it makes extradmg THEN IMMIDIETLY slow them with Earthshock. This is how will get 50% of your kills! TIPP: Your W doesn't stack but you if you activate it ealey enough you can use it and immidietly use it again!

E: Fury Swipes

Ability Affects Damage
Passive Enemy Units Physical
Ursa's claws dig deeper wounds in the enemy, causing consecutive attacks to the same enemy to deal more damage. Each hit on the same target within 15 seconds, including the first hit, deals damage and increases the damage taken by subsequent attacks. If the same target is not attacked after 15 seconds, the bonus damage is lost.
Bonus damage per attack: 15/20/25/30
Duration: 15

THIS is your key skill. This it what makes that feared pubstomper, early Solo-Rosher and fierce motherf*cker! Notice this is a UNIQUE ATTACK MODIFIER so don't buy anything like that since Fury Swipes will always override them. Notice too that the stack always gets restacked when ursa attacks and that the stacks last on rosh only 6 secs.

R: Enrage

Ability Affects
No Target Self
Ursa goes into a frenzy, gaining a percentage of his current health as bonus damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
Percent of current life added to damage: 5%/6%/7%

Duration: 15
25 CD No Manacosts

This is what makes ursa such a unique Agility-Carry: While building survability you still gain dmg. Since this ability has no manacosts and has a very low cooldown you can have it the most time on but when you notice a teamfight is about to go on save it for it.

Skill Justification for Standard Jungle Build/Farming like a MAD?

We are first leveling Fury Swipes (should be obvious) to increase our damage dealt. Next we get Overpower since it speeds up your attack speed an this way your farm.
Now we are trying to level Fury Swipes as high as possible before level 6 because this is the skill that makes ursa so strong. When not able to skill the e get ur q 'cause it gives you in earlygame endgame atttackspeed.
At level 6 we take of course our Ultimate Enrage (which we always level when possible) since it rly increases your dmg.
Right after this we go for Earthshock to make ganks easier which you should start doing from 7.
After that we get level 4 in E and in our W and at 11 the R.

Now decide which further build to follow since the "Standard Jungle Build" would now skill Earthshock since you will now participate in teamfights to max and then stats (but always save level 16 for the ult) while the "Farm like a MAD?" build would go for the stats for faster farming.

Skill Justification for "LaningLaningLaning"

At level 1 we get Fury Swipes to make farming easier.
Level 2 go for your W Overpower to be able to fight when getting engaged.
At 3 take Earthshock since ursa able to draw First Blood.
Now on we nearly follow the Skillset of the "Standard Jungle Build" to max your damage and killing potential. Your Q keeps rather unleveled since it is just taken for the slow not the dmg.
As always you should experiment with the skillbuils and adept it tocyour needs especially after level 6.


Untill I made a video-tutorial by myself I think this one will hel you excellent an it even contains a general explannation about Choke-Point-Jungling:

Farming on the Lane

For farming in the lane with ursa you can do something in earlygame what you should NEVER EVER do: Prehit creeps! Since your E is quite powerful early on you can use it to farm. ALWAYS prehit only ONE time! TIPP: Get a support to deny your creeps or pull otherwise you will push your lane and give the enemy freefarm.

"Standard Jungle Build"-Role Explanation

Ok Sir your mission shouldn't be hard. After you grabbed your stuff get to the easy camp where you farm it until 0:53. Then you stack it up and kill it again. REMEMBER if you clear the camp after 0:55 you have no chance to get out of sight so the creeps won't respawn. Also eat a tango while doing this camp
After you finished the stacked camp it should be under 1:30 and you are level 2.
Now go for a medium camp: Try to stack them if you exceed timelimits, eat a tango between and finish it. REMEMBER to save your Overpower for the medium and later hard camps. Don't try to do a wolf-camp yet since they are to strong now.
Then go for easy camp again, eat a tango, pop the clarity and after that check the runespot.
Then go for 2 medium camps (if you can otherwise do easy). You should now have around 510 gold and level 3. This isn't fully correct since I always take the average and if you guys still don't believe, comment and I will add the math... Anyway get your Ring of Regen and some Tangos (Tangos since they provide more healing than salves).
Now do easy and medium camps until you can afford Boots of Speed for your Tranquil Boots. Heal yourself with boots and check for runes.
After aqquiring Tranquils you can do hard camps too. When you hit level 7 take Earthshock and go ganking. ALWAYS try to get runes for ganking (check out the rune section for more).
Succesfully or not get back in the jungle untill you have finished your Phase Boots and vladimir's offering. To get your vlads disassemble your tranquils pick of that Ring of Regen and Ring of Protection and buy a Sage's Mask, a Morbid Mask and the recipe for vladimir's offering. Go base, grab your Smoke of Deceit and go for ROSHAN.
For all folks not knowing why to take smoke, here: Since Ursa is known for taking down rosh alone in early stages enemies ward the area around rosh die-hard. Smoke hides you from wards and warns you about invisible and other heroes nearby 'cause the smoke fases when opponent heroes are near. Use your Ult and W to take Rosh quickly down take the aegis and go for some deliscious meat 'cause it's ganking time!
After this jungle for the Shadow Blade. With it you should start to gank more, flashfarm and push towers. Pushing should be priority since with you vladimir's offering-Aura your get some Life-Regen and armour so pushing is quite easy for you (thx bastardendro). Do roshan as often as possible, look out for teamfights and try to pull off some kills but don't kill just to die afterward since that feeds your opponent and can in lategame cost your team the victory! From this point you know what to do!

"Farming like a MAD?"-Role Explanation

Soooo you think you are able to play like a MAAAAAAAAD? Then go on! This is a quite unusual playstyle though you may have seen it once or twice in a pub. It focusses on farming yourself up untill you have at least 2 core-items. After that you may start ganking and pushing but main-priority stays FARMING! I don't wanna tell ye you should stay away from teamfights but you don't have to team up and push all three lanes since that means you get less xp and gold. And don't waste time in creating ganks: If you the simple opportunity to get a kill, get but don't tp top walk around the lane and wait for the enemy to push since in this time you could have farmed precious gold. The itembuild also focus on farming. You should be doing Rosh everytime he's up (never forget your Smoke of Deceit) flashfarm in midgame. With Shadow Blade you should be even able to do the enemies' ancients and solopush (always solo since otherwise you lose gold and xp) up to their base. Untill late Midgame you should have some of your final coreitems at this stage you should get out of the jungle win a few teamfights and finish your build for the final push!
DON'T choose this playstyle when facing opponents who will pulverize in lategame and/or are incredible farmer like Phantom Lancer, Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void, Anti-Mage or Alchemist. You shouldn't try this build too when your own team lacks lategame-potential.

"LaningLaningLaning"-Role Explanation

Laning can be quite fun with Ursa but can also suck a hell. I personalky think if you are in a lower level (under 10) soloqueu I'd recommend to play Jungle-Ursa since this teddy needs some disables which most carries lack. I am playing a lot on lane since me and ma bro team pretty well up as he plays full supp with Io the best support for Ursa. But if a teammate plans to lane with you (idially as ranged support disabler) be happy and go lane!
So you got on your lane and the batlle starts. Untill level 3 just farm with the prehittin-technique. As you get level 3 you are able to draw a kill since you now have your slow and your W. Fighting should be like this: Your mate pops his stun while you activate your W and run up to your target slow it and tear into pieces! NEVER dive in earlygame! Laning-Guide is sonewhat misleading since it rather means you stay in lane untill you got phase and vlads and maybe pushed the first tower and you go rosh and then jungling. Staying in the lane makes nowon not really sense if you already pushed the first tower 'cause ganking for the enemy gets now easier. After getting a core start to teamup and push lanes and win teamfights!

Item Justifikation

Shadow Blade: Pretty standard since almost all people run away from you. The extra-dmg syngergizes quite well with your Overpower. Sell it in lategame to get stronger items. TIPP: If you use blink dagger or shadow blade activate Fury Swipes and Enrage before it so you immidietly attack otherwise you need to wait a precious sec while activating the skills. Break the invisibility with a hit since it makes extradmg THEN IMMIDIETLY slow them with Earthshock. This is how will get 50% of your kills!

Skull Basher: Every time you activate your W you get pretty sure as stun! This items covers your lack of stuns. Upgrade it for Abyssal Blade fir a ****load of dmg and magic-immunity-piercing 2 sec-stun.

Hand of Midas: Great farmming item. Remember the xp is getting multiplied so the bigger the creep the more xp. Get it whenever you get freefarm! Sell it in Lategame for big items!

Mjollnir: Not only great for farming, this item is great when getting focused a lot by highspeed-carries or when fighting illusion-heroes.

Battle Fury: Just as Mjollnir a good Farming-Tool but great at countering Illusion-Heroes.

Abyssal Blade: Passive stun? Check! Active 2 sec piercing Magic-Immunity? Check! Enough dmg to make you look as the Undertaker? Check! Get dat ****!

Black King Bar: Since chainstunning is the only option to stop you. BKB is your friend while giving even sone useful things.

Heart of Tarrasque: This makes nearly unkillable with aegis and adds tons of your dmg via your Ultimate frenzy!

Daedalus: Except of heart of Divine Rapier the best item for attackdmg. And works again well with your Overpower!

Butterfly: Not very popular but rly effetive! People might argue the attskspeed is wasted but in lategame every sec counts, the ones your W is on CD too!

Blink Dagger: Ah big question Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade... Shadow Blade provides some attackdmg and -speed plus the invis is in most cases more useful. Dagger let you cover big distances and terrain... Choose what you prefer! Use the same method for ganking as if you are using Shadow Blade.

Boots of Travel: THE Lategame boots! Allows to farm and then immidietly join a teamfight as well it saves one of your inventory-slot.

Blade Mail: Pick up when facing Burst-Heroes as Phantom Assassin or Bounty Hunter (also nice against Huskar and especially his lifebreak) and enjoy them killing themselfes!

Monkey King Bar: Pick up when facing heroes with evasion ( Phantom Assassin) or Butterfly or Heaven's Halberd. Aaaand it works well with your ...aahhh you know it anyway... your W.

orchid of malevolence: Veeery uncommon. Try it out it rly works but it's rather meant as a counter to escape heroes: Silence and kill them with ease! The additional mana means more spam!

For The Underfarmed Bear:
This is meant when having tough times: Needing quickly sine itmes since a teamfight is about to go on or you just can't farm up!

Sange and Yasha: Common pickup. Gives you a good allaround and a nice slow.

Vanguard: Get this when you quickly need some tankiness or you can't afforrd a Heart of Tarrasque!

Drum of Endurance: Uncommon but cheap and nice! Ursa can make use of the Agility as it his primary attribute, of the strength 'cause of his ult and the intelligence for the constant use of his W. Plus this is a good Ganking-Item and that something where ursa excels too!

As always a build is always a orietation but shoulf be adepted if needed! Feel free to experiment!

How To ROSH!

Roshing isn't diff but can easily go wrong but with a few tipps it should be always a succes:
- Always Solo since multiple guys missing will make the enemy checking Rosh
-Always use Smoke of Deceit or Shadow Blade since it hides you from wards that may have been placed
-Check your debuff-bar if you got Tracked or ulted by Slardar, because if they gain truesight on you and see you doing Rosh!

Friends and Foes

Friends: Here are the best buddies for the teddy:

Io: THIS err thing is the BEST support for Ursa since he/she/it provides a disable ( Tether), a heal ( Tether), a much needed speed bonus for Ursa ( Tether), a nuke ( Spirits) and a great ganking tool/teleport/mobility skill ( Relocate)! Io's skillset has all Ursa's lacks. Imma add some replays of me and some pro-games.

Lion: He's ranged, is a support, he has a silence and a stun and can with his nukes prepare your kills!

Earthshaker: If you are able to handle a Double-Melee-Lane with pulling etc. You may do this combo because it's hella strong: If ES seperates the opponents you can easily 1on1 what is what Ursa excells in early game and here even got a advamtage with Fissure!

Jakiro: Ice thing+ye slow+they make it hot+you Overpower= Lots of corpses!

Gonna add some more after intense thinking aahhh!

Foes: Goes you should run away from:

Doom: Except you can guaranty you won't get Doomed since Ursa depends untill Lategame totally on his Fury Swipes to dish out dmg! If you got bkb and you can kill him while BKB is active!

winderunner: This crazy b*tch can make you the hunted one. She is able to stun youfor decades, has a ranged nuke and her windwalk makes you missing all attacks in her!

Keeper of the Light: Normally that grandpa is no prob. But in teamfights care of his Mana Leak because no mana means no Overpower!


TIPP: If you use blink dagger or shadow blade activate Fury Swipes and Enrage before it so you immidietly attack otherwise you need to wait a precious sec while activating the skills. Break the invisibility with a hit since it makes extradmg THEN IMMIDIETLY slow them with Earthshock. This is how will get 50% of your kills!

TIPP: Your W doesn't stack but you if you activate it ealey enough you can use it and immidietly use it again!


-Add more Friends and Foes

-Add replays

-Add Ursa and Io section

-Add minimap and more for jungling-section

-Add own choke-point-jungling-turorial

-Overwork the guide visually!

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