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Tanking like a Boss with CHAOS KNIGHT

December 14, 2015 by ProNursesinDOTA
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5leepydeath | December 26, 2015 3:46pm
I appreciate the effort but there are some serious issues to consider here. skill build, obviously its situational but i would say going 1-3-1 is really strong for level 6 ganks/kills. CK can ult, reality rift, stun, and instantly kill pretty much any support or out of position offlaner. this is just something to consider

the real issue is the item progression. CK doesn't need to buy crystalys and blademail provides very little to CK and nothing to his illusions. you may want to consider looking into how illusion based heroes are built (PL or TB). getting agi and str beef up you and your issulsions which deal ONEHUNDERED PERCENT DAMAGE!

Not a bad guide but you are missing the key points on what makes CK such a strong carry.
Lysia | December 16, 2015 10:06am
Hey, my first guess was yeah a guide, it was poor that this cool hero, my favorite one, doesn't have an actual guide. And I am writing a guide on my own for month now and just couldnt manage to finish it. To much work to do...

Back to your guide. Good is your skill guide also a classic one since the new patch an early point in Chaos Strike is valid. And its discussable ti skip the Phantasm until lvl 10 and then getting directly two points in lvls 10 and 11.

The item choice... I persinally do not like on Chaos Knight. but I guess its valid I prefer an early Bracer and then either build Drum of Endurance or Armlet of Mordiggian or even Vladmir's Offering (if I go full Aura carrier). I think you can skip because you still depend on your random damage for a decent last hitting and for me it doesnt make it that better.
But you definitely should prefer stat items! My favorite way is:
Power Treads, Armlet of Mordiggian, Heart of Tarrasque, Eye of Skadi and then finish ;-)
Sp3ctr3 (4) | December 15, 2015 1:35pm
I don´t know you guys but I always put a point in Chaos Bolt at level 3, because now with the armour reduction I think it really worth it. I share the opinion about Blade Mail, I really don't like it in CK and I think that I have never build a Black King Bar in any of my games with the hero. I also see no point in building a Daedalus since CK already has a crit, I usually tend to build more survivality items or utility items, but hey, that's just me. However it's a nice guide. +1
The Frosto (14) | December 15, 2015 11:16am
Getting one point in chaos strike early is really good because it aplies a minus armor. So what you do with ck is you farm and when someone comes close you attack him. If you don't crit just back off but if you got a crit do reallity rift chaos bolt and you have a kill almost 100% with ck.
ProNursesinDOTA | December 15, 2015 4:19am
Primera wrote:

the skill build is definitely good but the item but is kind of...

why should i go for blade mail + BKB on CK thats make it obvious that u are the real one , BKB may be if you truely need it (againest meepo or magnus for example) but blade mail is just not for CK .

Chaos knight as hero should build a ton of stats (satanic or AC/heart/skadi/manta/halberd/BoT) may be the best item build for CK.

also why crystalys on CK , you can take an early point on crit now cause it reduces the enemy's armor.

Manta is better than SnY because of the dispel and the bonus illusion.

Radiance/diffusal/butterfly blade are better for agility hard carry because CK illusions are made for team fights and kills not for farm/split push and CK never benefit from diffusal bonus agility/active unless you face omni knight and no one else will buy it in your team ,butterfly also never benefit CK you don't need bonus movement speed nor agility and heavens halberd already gives you the evasion.

sorry for my bad English.

tnx for your comments. ill gladly improvise my gamestyle, but this build is working for me, ill try your suggestion .ill suggest you try it.
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 15, 2015 2:20am
CK has an impressive illusion ultimate. Hes a natural damage dealer with his reality rift and benfits from lots of strength as his illusions are 50% durable and do 100% of the primary stat damage. This is the reason why you go strength items on him. Its not for tank. Its for damage. Hes the guy that can murder two people in a spa of 8 seconds if he gets off a good ult.

Why do you want to build a Daedalus on him unless you're so far ahead?
CK with his illusions have a probability of 10% per unit to crit.Just do a multinomial theorem calculation and it comes around 30-40%. Which is the highest in game mate!(aside from juggernaut, but that's only 200%).
Primera (1) | December 15, 2015 12:38am
the skill build is definitely good but the item but is kind of...

why should i go for blade mail + BKB on CK thats make it obvious that u are the real one , BKB may be if you truely need it (againest meepo or magnus for example) but blade mail is just not for CK .

Chaos knight as hero should build a ton of stats (satanic or AC/heart/skadi/manta/halberd/BoT) may be the best item build for CK.

also why crystalys on CK , you can take an early point on crit now cause it reduces the enemy's armor.

Manta is better than SnY because of the dispel and the bonus illusion.

Radiance/diffusal/butterfly blade are better for agility hard carry because CK illusions are made for team fights and kills not for farm/split push and CK never benefit from diffusal bonus agility/active unless you face omni knight and no one else will buy it in your team ,butterfly also never benefit CK you don't need bonus movement speed nor agility and heavens halberd already gives you the evasion.

sorry for my bad English.
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