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5 Votes

TA Semicarry - The Roaming Ganker (Work in Progress - 1.0)

December 18, 2012 by superjew619
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mathmadical | December 16, 2012 3:56pm
I like the idea of this build....tried it out and it has some good things going on. Needs to be filled out with more info though. I did like the part about letting your traps charge. Didn't realize that before. Nice build overall
Griffith (2) | December 11, 2012 11:25pm
Nice guide, a lot of this that are incomplete but hopefully it will come soon, Here are some of my thoughts about TA

DirtGrub is right with the level 1 psi blades, and about blink first. But your guide is about how to get back when your early game is not going 100% like you want it to go. Meaning you wouldn't be able to hand out 2150 gold for a blink dagger early.

TA is a rune***** and if often better to place her mid, then at level 1 yes you can take PSI blades first 80% of games start with a solo mid, but if you go to the side lanes I would rather go with Refraction first. People need to wait to pick their abilities, so they can decide which abilities would work best in that lane. TA needs her levels + money as fast as possible and sharing half of it with a lane partner is a nono to me. Since you say she is a mid (between 20min - 40min) hero who doesn't scale into late game she needs her gold as quick as possible then.

Talk about typical match ups she will face when playing mid. Her friends and foes. Replays of how you play her and how the professionals play her so that people can compare the two. There are a few more items that I would place in Luxury item slots.
DirtGrub (13) | December 11, 2012 12:15pm
Refraction is the best early game bonus damage spell. It makes last hitting so much easier and psi blade at level one means you are gankable. To me level 1 psi blades means im gonna get first blood with my teammates ganking you immediately. Just something to think about. I also think mobility to get better meld hits is pretty huge. Blink first is the most common way to go.
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