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4 Votes

Sven, The Solitary Knight. How to play with him?

March 4, 2013 by KaliZa
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KaliZa (11) | March 5, 2013 3:28pm
Olá, fortrek!
Sim sou Brasileiro e com orgulho! Em breve irei postar builds em Português para todos os brasileiros entenderem.
Como já disse anteriormente, irei dar um upgrade nas minhas builds frequentemente.
Irei criar um canal no youtube, sim. Porém, não tenho uma data prevista para lançamentos, mas será depois do dia 1 de Abril, pois o meu novo computador chegará nesse dia.
Obrigado por deixar sua opinião, cada comentário irá me incentivar ainda mais :)
- KaliZa -
fortrek | March 5, 2013 3:22pm
Tu é Brasileiro? kkkkkkkkk também .-.
Cara, a build ficou muito foda só que deverias adicionar uma parte ensinando a jogar tipo:
-Em qual lane ir e porque
-Melhorar a parte do friends and foes explicando o porque deles serem seus inimigos. ( sounoob =\ )
-Se der pra por uns vídeos tb fica maneiro.
-Cria um canal pra ti no youtube e manda os links, to vendo que vc se esforça pra fazer as builds pra gente.
É isso ai, KaliZa.
+rep pra ti e 1+ vote tb. ABraaços ~
KaliZa (11) | March 5, 2013 3:10pm

Urn = no. If you will play as a carry you will NOT partecipate fights/ganks until you get MOM and BKB, thus getting no charges. There is absolutely no point in getting that urn. Go for MoM then BKB then armlet and other damage items: you need as much attack speed as possible and MoM gives you that plus a useful lifesteal. Also, if you play as a carry you are not supposed to initiate teamfights, you can of course, but it's not that good, you should be waiting for your teammates to initiate and then you get out of that corner and rape everyone with your ulti, BKB and MoM active. Keep your stun to get fleeing enemies or to chain stun them, it's much more effective. I really don't like sven as a support, he is either a hard carry or an initiator.
In the guide try to change the friends and foes section, making it more general without listing just 3 heroes but explaining why some heroes are good with or against him. Also it's quite useless to list the abilities and give little to no info about them, maybe you should instead add more gameplay tips and a how to play section.
No vote yet, I hope you improve the guide.

Hello, bastardodentro!
Urn is a great choice to use your gauntlets of stregth and give some mana regen, and you can use to get kills too and regen in a clash.
I will improve the guide soon, dont you worry abou it.
Thanks for your feedback.
- KaliZa -
bastardodentro (2) | March 5, 2013 4:32am
Urn = no. If you will play as a carry you will NOT partecipate fights/ganks until you get MOM and BKB, thus getting no charges. There is absolutely no point in getting that urn. Go for MoM then BKB then armlet and other damage items: you need as much attack speed as possible and MoM gives you that plus a useful lifesteal. Also, if you play as a carry you are not supposed to initiate teamfights, you can of course, but it's not that good, you should be waiting for your teammates to initiate and then you get out of that corner and rape everyone with your ulti, BKB and MoM active. Keep your stun to get fleeing enemies or to chain stun them, it's much more effective. I really don't like sven as a support, he is either a hard carry or an initiator.
In the guide try to change the friends and foes section, making it more general without listing just 3 heroes but explaining why some heroes are good with or against him. Also it's quite useless to list the abilities and give little to no info about them, maybe you should instead add more gameplay tips and a how to play section.
No vote yet, I hope you improve the guide.
KaliZa (11) | March 4, 2013 7:54pm
gyseed wrote:

nice guide, dude. But Divine its so crazy xD

Hello, Gyseed.
Divine is a situtional item. Depending of the situation you should buy the item :D
Thank you for your feedback, and remember to rate my guide.
gyseed | March 4, 2013 7:50pm
nice guide, dude. But Divine its so crazy xD
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