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Sven Guide This is going to be SVENtastic

January 28, 2014 by Raging King
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Kyphoid returns (42) | December 14, 2014 12:23am
Can you fit sven as counter to terrorblade?
The damn guy gets heart and crits early and tb dies in 2 hits. I. E. No chance to sunder. Even if you do, he still kills tb.

I hate sven. He is one helluva manfighter even more so than my pet demon marauder.
Angry Chickens | December 13, 2014 6:14pm
One thing about Chaos knight is that his reality rift brings him and all his illusions into a nice little group where you can stun every single one of them and use your high damage to wipe out a bunch of his illusions before he can attack.
Raging King (1) | January 29, 2014 4:32pm
yep that's right but remember i posted if he got as much farm as you (which is nearly impossible unless he is getting a lot of kill's) still it was a warning that he will out carry you if he got same farm as you are it was not meant to say chaos knight is a better farmer or a better ultimate cool down just a friendly warning :D still thanks for your comment :D
Soul_harvester44 | January 29, 2014 5:14am
Chaos Knight does have more damage during his ult but its CD is much longer than god strength. Chaos bolt is a great stun but it cant go through Bkb so it wont be that scary to Sven. Sven can also farm much faster than CK thanks to cleave so it will be hard for him to outcarry Sven.
Raging King (1) | January 28, 2014 7:27am
thanks Etheroduelist for commenting and thanks for making that clear you are right everyone who hits mana should be enemy i will add that soon thank you very much :D
Eheroduelist (2) | January 28, 2014 5:43am
Pretty good guide

Pretty much any mana-dependent support that goes mana-boots is a friend to Sven though, I mean, I rarely go mana-boots on Lion or CM, purely because they both have inherit mana-regen, whereas Rubick/any other mana-starved support (Earthshaker, Bane, etc) absolutely have to go Arcane boots as it fuels their spell spam.

Also, if a character is mana-dependent, then inherently mana-burn heroes(Silencer, Anti-mage, any hero who uses Diffusal blade) are natural enemies?
And Timbersaw (whose Whirling Death strips a hero of 15% of their primary attribute) could theoretically be considered an enemy/friend, as he's also mana-boots dependent.
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