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Sven isn't really a first-rate (or even second-rate) support hero, but if you must play him as one Arcane Boots should fit the bill nicely compared to Power Treads as Storm Bolt is everything. Arcane Boots is also a must if you are getting Mekansm and Pipe as you would be introducing even more mana problems otherwise. Sven "support" should be played very aggressively; if you can't kill your lane, roaming is always an option.
Otherwise, I agree with your skill build/item choices for the most part. Keep in mind that transitioning from early game roam/gank into mid game farm/semi-carry is always an option if your ganks go well; you don't necessarily need to shoehorn yourself into purchasing Mekansm and Pipe of Insight on a hero with God's Strength.
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Otherwise, I agree with your skill build/item choices for the most part. Keep in mind that transitioning from early game roam/gank into mid game farm/semi-carry is always an option if your ganks go well; you don't necessarily need to shoehorn yourself into purchasing