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2 Votes

Sven | 6.87 | It's Rogue Knight, It's Not Rouge knight. Dammit!

May 13, 2016 by IGBAN
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AEJgamer | August 7, 2016 9:48am
I don't think you need that many situational items in this guide. Especially not desolator and manta. Neither really work well with Sven at all.
hamx0r | June 6, 2016 9:34am
Thanks for the exhaustive writeup with rationale for each item. I use to play DOTA and just picked up DOTA 2 a week ago. I'd like to turn your build list into an official build to be used in-game. For newbs like me, it's nice to have the info at hand. I'll name it "It's Rogue Knight". If you want to make it instead, let me know and I'll take mine down. I just want you to get credit since it's your brainchild. Thanks again!
IGBAN | June 12, 2016 3:09am
Hahaha you are welcome! This is my first guide so I really don't know how to start it off and such. Anyone can freely re-create the guide in anyway :). I'm not that binge to reputation or fame. I just want to help people out that's all. Name it however you like. And if you'd like, I can put the steam guide info down in the guide for everyone to notice :D. Also, no need to give me the credit. Thank you for liking the guide, it really inspires me alot :D.
Croofe (1) | May 14, 2016 7:32am
You don't really joke when the item section is very long. Very well formatted, though will be a pain to read with the wall text (sorry, just honest opinion). I can see you have given thoughts to every each item, and I respect you for it. Good for newbies.

I won't take Great Cleave until he gets level 3 or 4 however, because he will just pushes the lane, unless when facing Axe that cuts your creep wave (I even hold taking skill points when I should take Great Cleave when i'm still laning).

I always prefer to buy Sange and Yasha after Helm of the Dominator because he needs movement speed and attack speed and Armor comes from war cry. Also I prefer Power Treads instead of directly goes to Boots of Travel. Because, rather than always pushing lanes, Sven can flash farm the jungle after pushing, hence the reduced needs for Teleporting. The existence of Blink Dagger even more reduce the needs for teleporting.

When you don't level Storm Hammer above level 1, he is just not good at clashing before level 11. Your team just have to defend themselves until he gets there, after all you are playing him as Hard Carry, so your team should not complain when you need more space.

Well, this is my critique about this build.

Still a nice build.

Keep up the good work.
IGBAN | May 14, 2016 4:40pm
Hey! Thanks for the feedback I really do appreciate it :). I'll try my best to summarize up the item section since I, myself, really think it's quite messy. I was just thinking about this as a guide for newbies who are really interested in Sven, and that the icon has all the stuff you need to know about the item. I'll just revise it a little later.

I noted in the Introduction section that the build should NOT be strictly followed and you may adjust according to it. May I ask, what do you suggest for the skill build then? Also Storm Hammer has great kill potential early on in the fight for the Bounty Rune... I really have to review the guide properly soon. I'd still like to know your skill build with Sven, I was just thinking about clearing those ancient camps/neutral camps (although it's going to be difficult if you are new) immediately after hitting 7 or 8 , instead I completely forgot about the laning stage and didn't adjust accordingly.

Well, I put Sange and Yasha in the situationals since he already has Warcry but he'll need the mana regeneration for it so you'll only use it in teamfights or counter-ganking. The Sange and Yasha is up to your preference and is as good as Armlet of Mordiggian (imo). You can always get Sange and Yasha instead of Armlet of Mordiggian as I have said the build is not strict as DotA is an ever-changing game (:D). The boots of choice is still your preference I just prefer Boots of Travel because of the movement speed and there is the possibility of your tier-1 towers getting taken down (or worst tier-2) and you'll have to push as well to have the same disadvantage. After Sven takes a tower or two, he will usually hit the jungle afterwards but what if the enemies are smoked and ganks you? Just a bit of negativity there, but usually if you push, you do not stay longer in that lane and you should get out of there ASAP. Boots of Travel lets you do that faster but at the cost of mana. So you can just tp straight into a lane and push there OR you hit the jungle and clear camps. Blink Dagger is great for providing mobility without mana-cost but the downside is if you get hit it gets disabled and you'll have a lower chance of survival. The Blink Dagger just helps you around in teamfights/ganks by not having to walk up straight into an enemy and shout " Storm Hammer!" and be counter-ganked. So in my opinion Boots of Travel is for the flash farm ability (lane AND jungle) and Blink Dagger more of a ganking ability and not an escape tool (still one though). I genuinely and honestly respect your opinion about the Sange and Yasha item build-up and I'll think about it :).

Well that's because before level 11 you are supposed to clear camps and clear lanes. You shouldn't really run around roaming the map hoping for kills to atleast have a decent farm by then. We are playing him as a hard carry so we wouldn't really want to participate in teamfights (and possibly die) so much before lvl 11. I'll change the skill build in a moment to getting Storm Hammer at level one for the potential first-blood kill and especially when laning in an aggressive duo style or trilane.

Thank you for your honest feedback! I'll do my best to respond to it and change accordingly :)
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