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12 Votes

Surviving the Hard Lane Solo

May 1, 2014 by Sando
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Donald0son (1) | May 3, 2014 12:15am
Brillaint guide Sando. I have recently focused more on the offlane as we have discussed before on a guide for Dark Seer so when i seen this guide definitely had to check out and the content is brilliant and user friendly as well.

I have seen Viper sit in the offlane a few times in pro games, though i must admit not so much recently, and im pretty sure you could run Ember Spirit in the offlane as well due to his mixed bag of skills. Is there any kind of "out the box" offlaners you guys have toyed with or have an idea would be good but havent tried it yet?

Thanks for the guide though bro, really helping for my offlane play. +1
ThreadOfFate (14) | April 30, 2014 12:17pm
Nice guide, as per usual. Well formatted, again, as per usual.
All in all, useful and noob-sort-of-friendly guide.
PrimarchXIII (1) | December 19, 2013 8:42pm
Very good guide. TY for the knowledge. PrimarchXIII levels up!!!
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 29, 2013 11:56am
Mirror wrote:

I think Magnus should be a grade A choice. The skewer nerf hit him hard but he can still bottle crow and hit 6 fast. In competitive play I see more Magnus solo lanes than Brood, Bounty and Wind runner combined.

That is less because it is a good solo lane and more because a team just wants to include Magnus for Reverse Polarity, where as Windrunner wouldn't do as much, Broodmother is completely outclassed by nature's profit, and Bounty Hunter has just seen less play because he cannot defend against pushes (the same reason Lich isn't played offlane solo anymore)

Magnus only goes offlane if the enemy mid would counter him, in which case you chose a different mid.
Mirror (22) | May 27, 2013 8:21pm
I think Magnus should be a grade A choice. The skewer nerf hit him hard but he can still bottle crow and hit 6 fast. In competitive play I see more Magnus solo lanes than Brood, Bounty and Wind runner combined.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 27, 2013 5:55pm
For Tree, offlane solo I would not get invisibility. It is expensive and doesn't last long. Often times when you solo a hero without an escape, you just sit in exp range and sap exp. Tree can do this well, since he can also support other lanes while sapping exp from the solo lane and even semi effectively counter push via taking agro off the tower and then healing the tower.

I personally used the console command dota_range_display_1200, to show blink/experience range, because when I play on my 5 stacks I usually play number 5 or offlane solo, and avoiding sapping experience from a carry and getting solo experience in an offlane is very vital.

Oh an on your warding for offlane solo, don't forget to include the 2 wards on the radiant that need a tango or quelling blade to see, that block the pull camp. They don't give much vision but force the opponent to expend money if they want to counter ward.
Sando (118) | May 24, 2013 1:00am
Thanks for the feedback guys...

Have moved a few heroes around and tried to make it clearer who I could consider "good" solos, and ones who can "do a job".

Fair enough that's probably true in Pro Games Ancient Hero, but it's unusual not to have a hero in every lane during a pub game. Venomancer actually used to be picked specifically as an off-lane solo in pro games, he can do a job up there by maxing Plague Ward and hold the push for a long time. He's got to play smart though.

Will add Magnus as he definitely deserves a place!
pk_bzodiac | May 23, 2013 7:44pm
Learned a Lot Thnx!
Ancient Hero (17) | May 23, 2013 5:33pm
Having Off lane solo isn't as common as say 4 months ago with aggresive trilanes being alot more common. I don't understand why Visage and Venomancer are there. They are 2 squishy heros that can easily be burst down. Grave Keepers cloak helps visage but it shouldnt be gotten early as grave chill and soul asuumption are really good spells to get. Magnus can solo against a dual lane even with the nerf to skewer. Tusk can also solo with snowball as an escape(possible) and the ice shards to farm. Although I haven't seen it, Spirit Breaker can also solo since he can charge out of they try to go on him(provided hes not stun locked).
Sando (118) | May 22, 2013 7:08am
There's been a fair bit of discussion about this kind of stuff on the forums lately, so thought it might be helpful to provide a guide...please feel free to ask any questions below!
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