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25% base resistance, which is actually calculated to 0.75 of the magic damage.
IE - 100dmg magical, with your base resistance, will only do 75 dmg.
so they take each resistance individually. we will use 100dmg to make calculations easier.
so you take the damage, and multiply the answer with the next resistance
25% base resistance = 0.75 reduction = 75dmg
75 dmg X hood (40% resistance) = 0.6 reduction = (75x0.6) 45dmg (item reduction is always calculated before skill reduction)
45 dmg X (take your example of 76%) = 0.24 reduction = (45x0.24) = 10.8 damage, or 89.2% magic resistance.
^ this is how it is calculated, unfortunately, as strong as it would seem, a hood of defiance is not 'cost effective' on huskar - as he has a high magic resistance already, thus wasting 2k gold. same example, without the hood.
25% base resistance = 0.75 reduction = 75dmg
75dmg X (take your example of 76%) = 0.24 reduction = (75x0.24) = 18 damage, or 82% magic resistance
as you can see you are only gaining an extra 7.2% in magic resistance (which for huskar is only 1 tick of his passive at level 4) for 2k gold.. better to get items to help with physical damage, such as armor or hp.
hope that helps.. PM me if you need more clarity on this anyone!! :)
qop I don't think will have a terrible time against huskar.. but I agree any casting hero will have a hard time.
for a mid role, I feel phase boots are better.. as when you gank, worrying about the creep wave blocking you will not be a problem, especially with the short range - but agree it's situational. Huskar is not the best 'farmer' for say, as he has to hit each last hit individually, instead of a mass skill like QOP..
Since the only counter to huskar are pure damage and physical damage,
You should be mentioning also that while playing huskar you have to end the game quite fast, since later on you lose a lot of effectiveness and just don't have the damage to keep up with hard carries.
Even without Ghost Scepter two stuns will shut you down, though.
Point being, with the new Huskar, I really don't see any reason not to get it, unless the enemy team just doesn't have any physical damage, because with his new passive, he really is only countered by physical damage now.
if you have a pugna in your team ?
Point being, with the new Huskar, I really don't see any reason not to get it, unless the enemy team just doesn't have any physical damage, because with his new passive, he really is only countered by physical damage now.