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8 Votes

Storm Spirit - Where's the Party? - Updated for 6.84c

May 31, 2015 by Iced Tacos
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Mesko191 | December 15, 2014 6:25pm
This is a really good guide! As someone who almost always plays mid heroes, I have been trying to get better at Storm Spirit and I have really learned a lot from this. This guide hits the three main points that for me really define a good guide; informative, interesting, and attractive.

BrandonYairRT | September 21, 2014 12:22am
Nice guide!
Storm Spirit is definitely my favorite hero in the whole game. You explain pretty much everything. However, there are some points i woyld like to say too. First, sometimes you'll get your bkb as first core item, before orchid/bloodstone. In this situations, in al most every case you should ignore both after your bkb and go for a straight scythe of vyse. Another is that sometimes when you're dominating your lane so badly you can get a 2nd early point in overload just to increase the harass. It works soo nicely when you're above your enemy.
Anyway, awesome guide!
J4bb4w0ck33Z | September 18, 2014 2:15am
Great guide overall,
but i like to mention a few changes for the skillbuild.
you said that the lvl 3 vortex will pull your target into the remnant, so u dont need to max it.
go for lvl 3 vortex and then max overload, to maximize the damage output.

FYI u can proc a overload with popping a remnant while you autoattack is flying, so u can use it to slow your opponent and fight him before lvl 6
Iced Tacos | September 12, 2014 5:01pm
Thanks for the feedback!

The Orchid Malevolence question usually depends on the hero you are going up against. Are they tanky? Do they have a good escape mechanism? If they have a spell that lets them easily run away ( Icarus Dive, Leap, Shadow Walk, etc.) or lets them turn around on you ( Ancient Seal, Ensnare, Spiked Carapace), then you should definitely Orchid first. Getting the extra Overload is not worth risking the gank failing all together or even worse, you dying. However, in most other cases, the extra damage and slow from Overload makes the gank so much easier. To be honest, you can just pull right after Orchid, as the Overload slow isn't enough to keep them totally in place, plus you can get a guaranteed Static Remnant off on them, in addition to giving any teammate a much easier time.

I actually never thought about Eye of Skadi, mostly because its orb is similar to Overload, but I think it could be another situational pickup like Heaven's Halberd. Its the best item you can get to tank up, as the bonus Int increases your mana regen a ton.

Sorry about the sections stuff, this is my first guide and I just tried to not make it look amateur :D.

Ugh, I knew I forgot something! Changed it.
MuoiKhoang (6) | September 12, 2014 4:30am
Impressive guide. Although I'm not a Storm Spirit player, I learn quite a bit for this guide. For the same reason, I'm in no position to judge your guide. Instead, I have a question: do you zip in, use Orchid, pull, and remnant? I think it is better to auto attack every time you cast a spell to make the most out of Overload. Is it possible to, say, zip in, Orchid, attack once, remnant, attack again, keep using short distance zip to get overload bonus, and when orchid is over pull for maximum disable? Can somebody out run that?
Monkey King Bar and Daedalus... Not very WTF but still, I think you should split it up into another section, like 'super late game'. Also, whayya think about Eye of Skadi?
About the formatting, great job. I would, however, want to see you break up the game play section a bit (by using list).
Oh, and it should be 'get these!!!', not 'get this!!!' ;)
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