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11 Votes

Storm Spirit, Rolling on Plebs...

November 11, 2012 by mitchapalooza
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mitchapalooza (2) | December 24, 2012 11:11am
FrogKnight wrote:

agreed 100 percent, but still a nice guide

Why is Bloodstone more team fighting oriented compared to orchid? Is it because you build charges when heroes die in a proximity or because it gives hp when you die? Orchid provides a disable, how is that not a team fight item? If you bought a bloodstone by the time you are team fighting, you have bought it a little too late to give it the full potential. From what I understand, you want a bloodstone while ganks are still by surprise to build charges.
FrogKnight (1) | December 17, 2012 4:02am
synapsii wrote:

Orchid rush is a very ganking-focused build, making it situational. Bloodstone rush is more teamfight oriented, and generally more useful if you expect the game to go into lategame. To not consider it at all makes the item build a bit lacking in options. Sheep first would be a "middle-of-the-road" option since it provides an excellent disable + mana regen, but doesn't give you right-click carry-ability.

agreed 100 percent, but still a nice guide
mitchapalooza (2) | December 12, 2012 4:42pm
Is the skill build not showing up? I thought I fixed that already...

It's not that I don't think Bloodstone is useful, I don't really spam ball lighting at any impulsive moment I might have. I manage my mana well enough to look past it. When I do buy a Bloodstone, I have to admit, you do have the ability to stay in team fights. Anyways, this is a build for the way I play.
pumpermoose (2) | December 8, 2012 6:17pm
Why no skill build? Sorta crucial for a guide haha.

I have never played a storm without a Bloodstone, I will try it out next game, I agree 100% if you can farm the orchid before the 20 min mark you are an absolute killing machine. Great concept dude, never thought of it.

How ever, I would like to say bloodstone is a CRUCIAL element of a storm spirit offensive. So great on so many fronts: hp regen, mana regen, increases to both mana and health pools, shorter respawn... yada yada yada. For it not to be included AT ALL IN ANY ASPECT is mildly baffeling. Even talking it down because its "your" build, its still a sweet item for storm.

Do you sometimes not go for the orchid and instead go for the blood?
synapsii (1) | December 2, 2012 2:06am
Orchid rush is a very ganking-focused build, making it situational. Bloodstone rush is more teamfight oriented, and generally more useful if you expect the game to go into lategame. To not consider it at all makes the item build a bit lacking in options. Sheep first would be a "middle-of-the-road" option since it provides an excellent disable + mana regen, but doesn't give you right-click carry-ability.
mitchapalooza (2) | November 15, 2012 11:53am
Whated wrote:

With only Orchid and Scythe you really are going to fail pretty 100%.

I can't even into.

The reason you would 'fail pretty 100%' is if you never used the actives. My thought on it.
PotM_Plz (19) | November 15, 2012 8:19am
had a good laugh.
Whated (12) | November 15, 2012 8:13am
This build is okay. I wouldn't buy mantle at start nowadays. I go for even faster Bottle. Also going for straight Scythe is almost always bad. With only Orchid and Scythe you really are going to fail pretty 100%. Just go for BKB then Scythe.

Anyways approved.
mitchapalooza (2) | November 15, 2012 8:07am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Anyway, I like this build very much, but add Bloodstone in the last item section.

wilddeonpwn wrote:

but add Bloodstone in the last item section.

wilddeonpwn wrote:

add Bloodstone

wilddeonpwn wrote:


Just going to Quote my first sentence from the guide, you can agree with me or not.

I present to you a guide to the way I play Storm Spirit
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 13, 2012 9:04pm
Nice job on writing the guide! The pictures from Dota2wiki look weird in the black background, but I don't think you can do anything about it.
Anyway, I like this build very much, but add Bloodstone in the last item section. A really important thing you should mention with this Orchid core, is shift-queuing when ganking.

Ball lightning to your victim, but hold shift then use orchid on him, silencing him "before you land", or so it seems.
This guide could be improved and updated, so I won't vote yet.

mitchapalooza (2) | November 13, 2012 4:45pm
Mirror wrote:

I agree that blood stone first is bad but why not ever? Once you get a few big items out and you can't be killed why would you get other items over blood stone? Still I hate playing vs a good storm, there is nothing you can do.

This guide is just the way I play Storm. Bloodstone is a really 'fun' item to get once you start building up charges. The main reason you would purchase this is to have more regen, but why not purchase items that have actives that give regen? It gives no stats for the cost of it. I like winning games, and I guess I feel that if I get orchid with a bkb/hex/link's I feel like I can provide more for my team. In no way am i saying that because you bought a bloodstone you are going to lose, but the item is meant to snowball.

my two cents friend
Mirror (22) | November 13, 2012 3:02pm
I agree that blood stone first is bad but why not ever? Once you get a few big items out and you can't be killed why would you get other items over blood stone? Still I hate playing vs a good storm, there is nothing you can do.
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