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24 Votes

Storm in a bottle!-A guide to Storm Spirit [7.01]

January 1, 2017 by SatomiCappucino
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DerrickZoolander (4) | April 25, 2017 1:38am
I just want to say that I disagree with your opinion on Eul's Scepter It is an amazing cheap item on Storm Spirit that gives him mana regen, speed, INT and an escape from silences and roots. It is an absolute must when facing a Silencer, Death Prophet, or Treant Protector.

Otherwise, good guide.
idealsykes | January 1, 2017 3:59am
SatomiCappucino (12) | May 16, 2015 2:15pm
As Hamster said, maxing Static Remnant before getting 3 points in Electric Vortex is not recommended as they can simply walk away from the remnants.
There are 2 things you can take on level 4 if you are maxing Overload by lvl7-either a second point in Static Remnant or first point in Electric Vortex. As Timm said, the most popular build is taking a second point in remnant instead of vortex on level 4.
Well, I find taking a single level on Electric Vortex in level 4 more helpful as it allows you to cancel tp's and gank more effectively, then max it after Overload(or 3 points, then max remnant).

Xyrus wrote:

You forgot double Hex, though! 8{D

Well, Refresher sure refreshes Scythe of Vyse, but I will never buy one just for the double hex.
Refresher on Storm is when it is super lategame and you really need this 10 second magic immunity.
Hamstertamer (89) | May 16, 2015 2:08pm
Yeah, 2 points in remnant is fine, and maxing Overload is always good.
But you need level 3 Electric Vortex before level 10-11 otherwise you can't kill anyone.

2/3/4/1 is fine yeah.

But here I was talking about 4/0/4 Storm, which let's be honest really blows.
Timminatorr (57) | May 16, 2015 1:46pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

Highly, higly controversial stuff. Indeed some professional players use this skillbuild, while other professional players dismiss this build as absolute garbage.

This build is literally only good for AFK farming. It has essentially zero kill potential until you hit level 13. Since until you have level 3 Electric Vortex, there's literally NO WAY your Static Remnants will hit anybody unless you're playing against easy bots.

But you're supposed to get your Orchid Malevolence way before you hit 13. And once you get your orchid, you see that you can't kill anyone.

So it's the best farming build, but you can't do anything in the early game except hit creeps for 20 minutes.

And maxing Overload as Satomi says works really well for farming, so honestly...what's the point.

As Singsing says... "stun on cooldown" :)

the most popular build is 2 points of remmnant early with maxing overload early, and getting vortex at level 8. then it depends on how they level it.
Hamstertamer (89) | May 16, 2015 1:10pm
Sanvitch wrote:

Wasn't it established that the build works because in addition to farming, the extra damage means you are still getting the kills you'd get anyway with Electic Vortex at level 6ish? In addition to it being a farming build?

There's no additional damage. On the contrary! This skillbuild reduces your damage by a lot.
The skill points in Static Remnant are a complete waste when it comes to getting kills. There's literally no way you'll hit a single remnant unless the enemies are braindead, they'll just walk away from the remnants.
So by going for this build you LOSE 140 damage from the fact that you can't hit your remnants, and you lose all the damage you could have done from hitting during your Electric Vortex pull duration. You lose about 300 damage with that build.

I mean, I've seen EternalEnvy's streams. A lot. And seriously, his max remnant Storm has pretty much no impact. He gets orchid at around level 10 and he runs around pathetically trying to chase people with his ult, until he's out of mana and the guy gets away. There's a reason Singsing was flaming him for that build :)

So as a desperation comeback farming build if there's no kill opportunity whatsoever, why not. But're just building a ganker to kill creeps, so no way that's a standard build in any way.
Xyrus (104) | May 16, 2015 11:52am
Good Guide, +1

The only true reason you will be getting this is toooo.... refresh BKB. There is no other reason to ever get this.

You forgot double Hex, though! 8{D
Sanvitch (18) | May 16, 2015 11:12am
Wasn't it established that the build works because in addition to farming, the extra damage means you are still getting the kills you'd get anyway with Electic Vortex at level 6ish? In addition to it being a farming build?

Like, it's definitely player specific, because lets use Blitz and Sumail as examples, both talented Storms, both use different skill builds, because as Blitz said - He's less of a farming Storm than Sumail is. Thus he prefers the greater kill lockdown of vortex.

So I think it's a viable option, it just comes down to how the hero works with your playstyle, and if you are likely going to have Jungle stack to farm.
Hamstertamer (89) | May 16, 2015 10:59am
caine1232 wrote:

No mention of the 4-1-4 skill build (or even a 4-0-4)? It's the most popular build amongst pro players. It gives you A LOT of damage very early and you still have a disable to stop TPs. The very bad thing about vortex is that it slows you longer than it disables the enemy. So getting one point in it is usually enough.

Highly, higly controversial stuff. Indeed some professional players use this skillbuild, while other professional players dismiss this build as absolute garbage.

This build is literally only good for AFK farming. It has essentially zero kill potential until you hit level 13. Since until you have level 3 Electric Vortex, there's literally NO WAY your Static Remnants will hit anybody unless you're playing against easy bots.

But you're supposed to get your Orchid Malevolence way before you hit 13. And once you get your orchid, you see that you can't kill anyone.

So it's the best farming build, but you can't do anything in the early game except hit creeps for 20 minutes.

And maxing Overload as Satomi says works really well for farming, so honestly...what's the point.

As Singsing says... "stun on cooldown" :)
SatomiCappucino (12) | May 16, 2015 8:51am
caine1232 wrote:

No mention of the 4-1-4 skill build (or even a 4-0-4)? It's the most popular build amongst pro players. It gives you A LOT of damage very early and you still have a disable to stop TPs. The very bad thing about vortex is that it slows you longer than it disables the enemy. So getting one point in it is usually enough.
Otherwise good guide.

I know this skillbuild. Still, I think that skilling Electric Vortex over Static Remnant is better as I like more CC and it is generally better. One point in Static Remnant is okay for farming and Overload solves your damage problems. That's why I changed the build a bit ^^.
caine1232 (3) | May 16, 2015 8:41am
No mention of the 4-1-4 skill build (or even a 4-0-4)? It's the most popular build amongst pro players. It gives you A LOT of damage very early and you still have a disable to stop TPs. The very bad thing about vortex is that it slows you longer than it disables the enemy. So getting one point in it is usually enough.
Otherwise good guide.
michimatsch (26) | May 15, 2015 9:10pm
Nerf Storm pls
Anyway...I like your guide but now I am afraid I will even see more Storm Spirit]s trying to kill my poor [[Crystal Maiden :(
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