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October 8, 2014 by Rudick
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TheSofa (54) | October 9, 2014 2:59pm

Personally, I for one can not tell if you are giving me attitude or not, sorry if I am interpreting that wrong. But tips on how to roam would be sort of a Pudge kind, making sure to stay out of view, a nice Meat Hook, or Sacred Arrow I should say, and the kill is almost always secured if you target the right guy. The only difference is that Mirana for 1. Has a longer ranged skill shot. 2. Has to jump into the fray rather than pull someone out of positioning. 3. Stun is more reliable as they can escape Pudge's Dismember with a blink before it is cast, if they have high enough reaction rate, or a disable of some sort. Also unlike Pudge who usually gets the kill, Mirana can effectively set up or give the kill to the laner.

Oh... sorry!

I meant like how to aim arrow, what items to buy... etc. And don't tell me, put it in your guide!
Rudick | October 9, 2014 2:40pm
TheSofa wrote:


Yeah... her roaming potential is really strong. Like so strong that pros play her full time roaming. Maybe you would like to share tips on how to roam?

Personally, I for one can not tell if you are giving me attitude or not, sorry if I am interpreting that wrong. But tips on how to roam would be sort of a Pudge kind, making sure to stay out of view, a nice Meat Hook, or Sacred Arrow I should say, and the kill is almost always secured if you target the right guy. The only difference is that Mirana for 1. Has a longer ranged skill shot. 2. Has to jump into the fray rather than pull someone out of positioning. 3. Stun is more reliable as they can escape Pudge's Dismember with a blink before it is cast, if they have high enough reaction rate, or a disable of some sort. Also unlike Pudge who usually gets the kill, Mirana can effectively set up or give the kill to the laner.
TheSofa (54) | October 9, 2014 2:22pm

I personally suggest Midlane for Mirana as she gets more potent with early levels, and her roaming potential is very strong. Allowing her to shut down other carries with early nukes and ganks. I am looking forward to adding in more additions, I will take your comment into consideration when doing so. But please do not advertise your guide on mine. :) As I shall not do to yours, as I believe you might find it a bit awkward too. Thank you. <3

P.S. I try my best to get on and read all comments and reply to them in the best of my abilities everyday after school when I first get home. :)


Yeah... her roaming potential is really strong. Like so strong that pros play her full time roaming. Maybe you would like to share tips on how to roam?
Rudick | October 9, 2014 2:18pm
TheSofa wrote:

Why do you suggest Midlane for Mirana? Just curious... It might solve a little discussion over at my guide.

I think your guide is... not as good as it could be.
A few additions would/could include, but is not limited to, the following:

Skill build justification
How to use your skills effectively.

I hate to brag, but I'm pretty proud of my Mirana guide... you should look at that, if you want.

I personally suggest Midlane for Mirana as she gets more potent with early levels, and her roaming potential is very strong. Allowing her to shut down other carries with early nukes and ganks. I am looking forward to adding in more additions, I will take your comment into consideration when doing so. But please do not advertise your guide on mine. :) As I shall not do to yours, as I believe you might find it a bit awkward too. Thank you. <3

P.S. I try my best to get on and read all comments and reply to them in the best of my abilities everyday after school when I first get home. :)
Rudick | October 9, 2014 2:14pm
MuoiKhoang wrote:

E-blade gives the most agility in a single slot in the game. With the 6.82 change, E-blade is now completely viable on many agility carries.

I like your guide. Short and concise. But perhaps it's a little bit too short. The one part that I see most guides is missing is the gameplay section. Most players, when trying a new hero for the first time, don't know what to do in the game, especially after the laning phase. Should i farm? How deep can I farm? Should I respond to teammate requests for ganks or ignore them? Those are the things you should write about more. I'm looking forward to updates. Cheers,

I would like to put all these things in thanks to your suggestion, thank you and I have been working on this guide for a few days now, just released it and I am looking forward to updating it. :)

P.S. I have free time this week as I am out of school tomorrow, Saturday, and of course Sunday. I will probably get to it sometime today or tomorrow, most likely at 1 AM like every other time I worked on this. :)
TheSofa (54) | October 9, 2014 8:00am
Why do you suggest Midlane for Mirana? Just curious... It might solve a little discussion over at my guide.

I think your guide is... not as good as it could be.
A few additions would/could include, but is not limited to, the following:

Skill build justification
How to use your skills effectively.

I hate to brag, but I'm pretty proud of my Mirana guide... you should look at that, if you want.
MuoiKhoang (6) | October 9, 2014 4:01am
Smuggels wrote:

^^ how Exactly?

E-blade gives the most agility in a single slot in the game. With the 6.82 change, E-blade is now completely viable on many agility carries.

I like your guide. Short and concise. But perhaps it's a little bit too short. The one part that I see most guides is missing is the gameplay section. Most players, when trying a new hero for the first time, don't know what to do in the game, especially after the laning phase. Should i farm? How deep can I farm? Should I respond to teammate requests for ganks or ignore them? Those are the things you should write about more. I'm looking forward to updates. Cheers,
Smuggels (82) | October 9, 2014 12:59am

Ethereal Blade also prevents Mirana from losing damage late game as it boost her abilities by 40%.

^^ how Exactly?
Rudick | October 9, 2014 12:28am
Yes, she could lose some damage by an enemy Black King Bar but if you're a good shot with her arrow you should be just fine getting a 5 second stun, setting up a hit with you're Ethereal Blade and Starstorm which is a large nuke against most hard carries. :) Ethereal Blade also prevents Mirana from losing damage late game as it boost her abilities by 40%.
Smuggels (82) | October 8, 2014 11:56pm
hmmm well i mean i have never built eblade on her so maybe its something i should try but would she be easily countered by BKB? which is a core item on most hard carries?
Rudick | October 8, 2014 11:18pm
I do understand what you are all saying, but I would also like you to try Ethereal Blade out first, it has great potential on Mirana and it has made me able to kill most hard carries with ease. This might not be a HARD carry build but it still gives you HIGH damage output, I could easily go against most carries. And as I probably didn't state clearly, you can skip purchasing a Linken's Sphere if you don't have the kills or maybe you just need a Black King Bar instead. I don't want this build/guide to tell you exactly what you need to get or else you lose, I would like it to be interpreted in its own way for each player. Some games I will even skip getting a bottle because, I just don't have the money. So yes I know the typical hard carry Mirana build, and i'm not saying its not good or anything, I just prefer mine over it. I hope you will all give it a try, and if not so be it. Thanks for all the considerations, <3 you guys.

P.S. I have changed the build title itself from Carry; Midlane ---> Semi-Carry; Midlane; Roamer
As I see there is a lot of controversy on the subject of it being a "Carry build".
Smuggels (82) | October 8, 2014 7:36pm
i play a bit of mirana around 100 or so games.

she is a penultimate roamer offlaner and support but building her as a carry is a "Shotgun" Build...

i dont know why you have Eblade in there as it isnt anywhere near her potential.

if you were doing a roaming guide and she built it as a luxury then yea i could understand but as a hard carry guide an eblade is of no use.

for her to transition into a hard carry she needs DPS and A/S so Maelstrom Desolator Mjollnir Monkey King Bar Daedalus Manta Style Butterfly are what is needed ...

if your going up against a mobile or harder carry team then i suggest Eye of Skadi overall it allows heaps of survivability and in some cases allows you to go toe to toe with harder carries.

here is an example of a hard carry mirana.
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