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8 Votes

Spectre. - Updated -

November 3, 2012 by OneHalf
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GGnet.Ace (4) | January 23, 2013 4:26pm
Nice guide but sometimes you need a vanguard.I think you should mention poors man shield and quelling blade for making your life easier.Also nice that you get no butterfly.Its better to tank and hit them back with dispersion.
OneHalf (10) | October 31, 2012 4:42pm
I tend to stay out of any team fights before I have Radiance, and once I do have Radiance its really a matter of cleaning up with your ultimate and slow rather than tanking large amounts of damage, that is; Until you get your heart. Realistically diffusal is easier to achieve before heart and is a fantastic mid game ganking item with the purge active, you aren't ready to start taking damage anyway. I've seen a few people pick up PMS and Vitality booster rather than Vanguard it's not bad.
Atlas (117) | October 30, 2012 5:42pm
Your core is Treads, Radiance and Diffusal. The problem with this is that she isn't naturally tanky, and even with Dispersion, you will die very quickly in a fight by the time you have farmed those items. Even picking up a simple vitality booster can help to offset this, but often a vanguard is grabbed. If I'm going Radiance rush, I personally go boots of choice -> radiance -> heart -> whatever else you need.
Poetastrophe (4) | October 30, 2012 4:15pm
Good guide. I have to say though, Vanguard is not that bad of an alternative if you need survivability in the mid-late game stages, when you can not farm your way up to a HoT. I just think it should not be consigned to oblivion.
But the guide is overall good, with great item justification and skill build adaption +1 :)
OneHalf (10) | October 27, 2012 6:08pm
LiLPr0 wrote:

Because vanguard are for ******* that don't know how to farm and be ****ing boss with tranquils and a PMS

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Basically, the longer you mess around getting things that aren't relic the later your relic becomes, with the exception of another relic.
Sp12 (25) | October 27, 2012 6:29am
LiLPr0 wrote:

Because vanguard are for ******* that don't know how to farm and be ****ing boss with tranquils and a PMS

Basically my response. If you need extra early survivability there's nothing wrong with a stat level or two. You can easily keep your skill levels on track by delaying levels 2/3 of haunt.
LiLPr0 (9) | October 27, 2012 1:52am
Because vanguard are for ******* that don't know how to farm and be ****ing boss with tranquils and a PMS
Hades4u (296) | October 27, 2012 1:34am
Why you don't get an early Vanguard? If you get a bad lane and a bad farm, you'll get Radiance too late.

Still a +1.
OneHalf (10) | October 26, 2012 6:56pm
Walter Jr wrote:

Why do you get basher on spectre?..

It's a good disable, although reliant on chance I find it does the job until you get to finish Abyssal.
Walter Jr | October 26, 2012 6:13pm
Why do you get basher on spectre?..
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 26, 2012 5:39pm
Well, it's simple and effective, +1
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