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1. Spectre has average starting int and int growth ( 16 and 1.9). That means you wont be able to spam dagger that much early game. It scales rather bad and the up-time of free-pathing is the same on all levels. However, post lvl 6, desolate damage can quickly adds up and is 'free', provided your enemies don't clump up ( if they do they're more prone to aoe disables/nukes ). Therefore, desolate seems to be the go-to skill to max first with dagger second.
2. dispersion or stats is a tricky one, since dispersion provides more EHP for the farming/laning stage and boosts your heals ( tranquils, tangos, stick, etc ). Stats however, give you more mana to work with and boost your ulti's damage ( since illusions benefit from stats-increased damage only ). I usually take dagger at 1 to prevent/ help with an early gang, then get dispersion at 2. After that it's a matter of game preference and both team's comp. Either leave it at 1 and take stats or max it after the other 2 skills.
3. if you really want to rush a radiance, provided that you are properly babysat and have vision, you can just stick to plain boots. 950 is a huge chunk of your gold early game and if you have a good team comp ( jungling/disables ), treads won't help you that much with setting up a gang on your lane.
4. as end game extensions, you should consider dropping off the treads for BoT ( that's a given ) and adding in a Refresher Orb. Most people underestimate the power of Haunt, because if it's not used correctly, i.e. you aren't really engaged in a fight, it's rather lackluster. You should pop your ult only when the enemy team is fully committed to a fight. Now, with refresher orb, you basically get 14 seconds of illusions that you can't kite and that move at 522 ms (with BoT and manta ). Someone did a damage test with refresher orb to a lvl 25 centaur with a HoT :; and provided you won't usually get 3 EB's in your game, the point still stands. I'd even argue that getting a refresher orb as your second big item, after radi, is the most optimal choice, since it provides quite a lot of regen to farm your woods with and you get your double duration ulty/radi burn right from the get-go. As for the mana issues, you can always tp to your base as soon as you see a fight is coming, and pop your ultis from there.
*Edit The pic is not really scaled correctly. The spec in the test is using Refresher orb, diffusal 2, radi and 3 EB's
I was thinking and its seem like Desolate might be super useful if you're laning vs a solo offlaner. Or if around the 10 min mark your support leaves and all you have to face is the occasional enemy hero coming down to harass. That extra dmg is pretty big early game.
I was also thinking that if you really want to do a max/min build, after heart and manta you could go for a another tanky item. Maybe just a causal reiver (that you could build into a satanic).
I was playing a game last night and during one of the team fights here's what happened: Roshan and I got the agesis. Massive team fight ensued. I started out by yolo-ing in with spectral dagger and just right clicking. Then I was killed pretty early on, dispating dmg (right clicking and using manta). Agesis brought me back and I died again and dispated more dmg. Then I bought back haunted it. That was about 10,000 dmg taken probably, which means I dealt about 2000dmg to each enemy without even considering right clicks. Love this hero.
Well, the main problem when playing Spectre is you normally don't have enough farm (not much of a problem in ranked play, though). And people expect you to enter teamfights early on because she got Dispersion. And, you will obviously get killed and deemed a feeder.
Personally, I never pick Spectre in pubs unless I'm laning with my real life friend where he acts as a support and giving me the farm. But, as you said, she is indeed a amusing hero to play once you have enough farm, nothing beats the LOLness when someone gets their whole team killed by attacking you.
@Timm - I kinda have to agree with you, but I meant for Blade Mail as something for a back-up in case you can't get massive items like Heart. If you can get Heart, I will sure as hell (as everyone would) get it first.
I was thinking and its seem like Desolate might be super useful if you're laning vs a solo offlaner. Or if around the 10 min mark your support leaves and all you have to face is the occasional enemy hero coming down to harass. That extra dmg is pretty big early game.
I was also thinking that if you really want to do a max/min build, after heart and manta you could go for a another tanky item. Maybe just a causal reiver (that you could build into a satanic).
I was playing a game last night and during one of the team fights here's what happened: Roshan and I got the agesis. Massive team fight ensued. I started out by yolo-ing in with spectral dagger and just right clicking. Then I was killed pretty early on, dispating dmg (right clicking and using manta). Agesis brought me back and I died again and dispated more dmg. Then I bought back haunted it. That was about 10,000 dmg taken probably, which means I dealt about 2000dmg to each enemy without even considering right clicks. Love this hero.
Good job on not including radiance xD if you read some of my guides, you will also realize I despise it.
Anyway, back to the topic.
A level 1 Dispersion is really situational tbh. It can't really improve your farm. So unless you're taking hits (like Anc. Hero says, though you should not), it would be good. If you're planing to stay in lane for a long time, as per your build suggests, maxing Spectral Dagger first would be a good idea, since it slows enemies down, allowing you to escape easier.
Also, be sure that your support ward the jungle you're closest to. Since Spectre relies on moving to get away, if you're chained stun, you're pretty much a goner. Also, you might want to add Blade Mail into a situational as Spectre can deal **** tons of damage with Blade Mail and Dispersion.
Other than that, it is a pretty standard and good build.
Radiance gets the most potential out of spectre, the racecar build is nice and all for fighting early but with proper positioning you can easily use haunt to fight alongside your team. And it kills supports and fixes your slow farming speed.
If you are using any haunts to reality in the point in dispersion is worth it, and there is a pretty big chance the enemy will try to kill the freefarm spectre.
Blademail i decent but i dont think it fits on radiance spectre apart from countering specific heroes. You would rather have the big item like heart or butterfly. If you want to reflect a lot of damage then make sure you have a mjollnir on your team, then the damage will get rediculous.
Good job on not including radiance xD if you read some of my guides, you will also realize I despise it.
Anyway, back to the topic.
A level 1 Dispersion is really situational tbh. It can't really improve your farm. So unless you're taking hits (like Anc. Hero says, though you should not), it would be good. If you're planing to stay in lane for a long time, as per your build suggests, maxing Spectral Dagger first would be a good idea, since it slows enemies down, allowing you to escape easier.
Also, be sure that your support ward the jungle you're closest to. Since Spectre relies on moving to get away, if you're chained stun, you're pretty much a goner. Also, you might want to add Blade Mail into a situational as Spectre can deal **** tons of damage with Blade Mail and Dispersion.
Other than that, it is a pretty standard and good build.
I would only get an early point in dispersion if you are getting harassed, if you have free farm, there is no reason to get it since you dont need the extra tankability. Rather, get more points into desolate as it does so much damage (65 pure damage at level 7 is alot of damage) or max dagger for the chase, thats is more player choice imo.
Im more of a fan of phase boots since it allows you to chase better and synergizes with dagger.MKB is also a situational item if you are fighting heros with evasion as well.
Its a decent basic guide, but there are some things i dont agree with.
Spectre is a carry that can fight pretty early WITH her team. even if she goes for radiance.
She isnt really strong but her ultimate adds a lot of power, if you have a mid hero or supports who want to get kills be sure to use it and reality in. Becouse of this i would take the early points into desolate, sometimes i even max desolate first but it depends if we have enough lockdown or slow.
Sometimes i go phase boots if i fight early but it depends.
I agree with not getting vanguard for the exact reason you explained, it doesnt help you farm, i still pick up a casual ring of health if needed though. You can make it into a refresher later in the game.
1 point in dispersion is NEEDED, it provides MUCH more survivability then a point of stats, i personally never get early stats.
I dont know if you realise but skadi and diffusal dont stack, i really like skadi though, but diffusal falls of pretty quick so only get it if you want to end the game early. Otherwise get a butterfly.
So you can add some items like butterfly and refresher.
And your skillbuild requires some fixing since you screwed up some of the points like 4 in your ultimate.
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1. Spectre has average starting int and int growth ( 16 and 1.9). That means you wont be able to spam dagger that much early game. It scales rather bad and the up-time of free-pathing is the same on all levels. However, post lvl 6, desolate damage can quickly adds up and is 'free', provided your enemies don't clump up ( if they do they're more prone to aoe disables/nukes ). Therefore, desolate seems to be the go-to skill to max first with dagger second.
2. dispersion or stats is a tricky one, since dispersion provides more EHP for the farming/laning stage and boosts your heals ( tranquils, tangos, stick, etc ). Stats however, give you more mana to work with and boost your ulti's damage ( since illusions benefit from stats-increased damage only ). I usually take dagger at 1 to prevent/ help with an early gang, then get dispersion at 2. After that it's a matter of game preference and both team's comp. Either leave it at 1 and take stats or max it after the other 2 skills.
3. if you really want to rush a radiance, provided that you are properly babysat and have vision, you can just stick to plain boots. 950 is a huge chunk of your gold early game and if you have a good team comp ( jungling/disables ), treads won't help you that much with setting up a gang on your lane.
4. as end game extensions, you should consider dropping off the treads for BoT ( that's a given ) and adding in a Refresher Orb. Most people underestimate the power of Haunt, because if it's not used correctly, i.e. you aren't really engaged in a fight, it's rather lackluster. You should pop your ult only when the enemy team is fully committed to a fight. Now, with refresher orb, you basically get 14 seconds of illusions that you can't kite and that move at 522 ms (with BoT and manta ). Someone did a damage test with refresher orb to a lvl 25 centaur with a HoT :
*Edit The pic is not really scaled correctly. The spec in the test is using Refresher orb, diffusal 2, radi and 3 EB's
Thanks for all the informative comments.
I was thinking and its seem like Desolate might be super useful if you're laning vs a solo offlaner. Or if around the 10 min mark your support leaves and all you have to face is the occasional enemy hero coming down to harass. That extra dmg is pretty big early game.
I was also thinking that if you really want to do a max/min build, after heart and manta you could go for a another tanky item. Maybe just a causal reiver (that you could build into a satanic).
I was playing a game last night and during one of the team fights here's what happened: Roshan and I got the agesis. Massive team fight ensued. I started out by yolo-ing in with spectral dagger and just right clicking. Then I was killed pretty early on, dispating dmg (right clicking and using manta). Agesis brought me back and I died again and dispated more dmg. Then I bought back haunted it. That was about 10,000 dmg taken probably, which means I dealt about 2000dmg to each enemy without even considering right clicks. Love this hero.
Well, the main problem when playing
Personally, I never pick
@Timm - I kinda have to agree with you, but I meant for
I was thinking and its seem like Desolate might be super useful if you're laning vs a solo offlaner. Or if around the 10 min mark your support leaves and all you have to face is the occasional enemy hero coming down to harass. That extra dmg is pretty big early game.
I was also thinking that if you really want to do a max/min build, after heart and manta you could go for a another tanky item. Maybe just a causal reiver (that you could build into a satanic).
I was playing a game last night and during one of the team fights here's what happened: Roshan and I got the agesis. Massive team fight ensued. I started out by yolo-ing in with spectral dagger and just right clicking. Then I was killed pretty early on, dispating dmg (right clicking and using manta). Agesis brought me back and I died again and dispated more dmg. Then I bought back haunted it. That was about 10,000 dmg taken probably, which means I dealt about 2000dmg to each enemy without even considering right clicks. Love this hero.
Good job on not including radiance xD if you read some of my guides, you will also realize I despise it.
Anyway, back to the topic.
A level 1
Also, be sure that your support ward the jungle you're closest to. Since
Other than that, it is a pretty standard and good build.
Radiance gets the most potential out of spectre, the racecar build is nice and all for fighting early but with proper positioning you can easily use haunt to fight alongside your team. And it kills supports and fixes your slow farming speed.
If you are using any haunts to reality in the point in dispersion is worth it, and there is a pretty big chance the enemy will try to kill the freefarm spectre.
Blademail i decent but i dont think it fits on radiance spectre apart from countering specific heroes. You would rather have the big item like heart or butterfly. If you want to reflect a lot of damage then make sure you have a mjollnir on your team, then the damage will get rediculous.
Anyway, back to the topic.
A level 1
Also, be sure that your support ward the jungle you're closest to. Since
Other than that, it is a pretty standard and good build.
I would also suggest some fireworks to this build, such as: colors, bolds, italics and underlines. Check this to improve your guide graphically.
Im more of a fan of phase boots since it allows you to chase better and synergizes with dagger.MKB is also a situational item if you are fighting heros with evasion as well.
Spectre is a carry that can fight pretty early WITH her team. even if she goes for radiance.
She isnt really strong but her ultimate adds a lot of power, if you have a mid hero or supports who want to get kills be sure to use it and reality in. Becouse of this i would take the early points into desolate, sometimes i even max desolate first but it depends if we have enough lockdown or slow.
Sometimes i go phase boots if i fight early but it depends.
I agree with not getting vanguard for the exact reason you explained, it doesnt help you farm, i still pick up a casual ring of health if needed though. You can make it into a refresher later in the game.
1 point in dispersion is NEEDED, it provides MUCH more survivability then a point of stats, i personally never get early stats.
I dont know if you realise but skadi and diffusal dont stack, i really like skadi though, but diffusal falls of pretty quick so only get it if you want to end the game early. Otherwise get a butterfly.
So you can add some items like butterfly and refresher.
And your skillbuild requires some fixing since you screwed up some of the points like 4 in your ultimate.