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10 Votes

Some Say the World Will End in Fire, Sounds all Right to me! Support Lina Guide (Updated Build for 6.84!)

May 12, 2015 by Bunkansee
Comments: 19    |    Views: 48197    |   

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Bunkansee (32) | February 25, 2015 12:20pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Bunkan secret language decoded.

They're on to me!!!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 16, 2015 4:29am
Bunkansee wrote:

rares are usually good enough to keep you going until you start getting arcanas and immortals. Once you get your Arcana, you should be almost set up for good.

As for Owl staff, it's mainly something bought by newbs or ******s, I geuss you could get it on Lina if you needed to insult her, but overall I think it is too expensive to justify getting over other items.

Bunkan secret language decoded.
Bunkansee (32) | February 16, 2015 4:13am
ChiChi wrote:

Hi again! I have one question: what do you do concearning mana problems? Are the Arcane Boots sufficient until you get that Void Stone for the Eul's Scepter of Divinity? Why do you prefer this build over the Orchid Malevolence?

Arcanes are usually good enough to keep you going until you start getting kills and assists. Once you get your Euls you should be almost set up for good.

As for Orchid, it's mainly something bought by semi-carrys or ganking heroes, I geuss you could get it on Lina if you needed the silence, but overall I think it is too expensive to justify getting over other items.
ChiChi (47) | February 2, 2015 9:54am
Hi again! I have one question: what do you do concearning mana problems? Are the Arcane Boots sufficient until you get that Void Stone for the Eul's Scepter of Divinity? Why do you prefer this build over the Orchid Malevolence?
Unscathed (47) | January 9, 2015 4:41am
Its good enough like this and the guide itself is pretty good
Bunkansee (32) | January 9, 2015 3:41am
Unscathed wrote:

Positive:: None

Negative: by bunkansee

lel joke.

The main problem i had w/ this guide is the visuals


First.. Item sections... please fix!!! It looks like valve's build!! ermahgerd. The item build is yes, messy and like volvo's build. I suggest you divide them better,


Boot section consumbl sectn erly gam extension sectn start sctn etc

It looks really messy to me


The texts seems a little bit.. white i guess? But i guess yu tried ur best i guess it hard to make tem prety

Other than that


Or is it upvote? Hmmm

Well I moved all the support items into a seperate section but other than that I don't think there is any other way I can divide it up.

Downvote or Upvote, whatever you feel it deserves.
Unscathed (47) | January 9, 2015 1:51am
Positive:: None

Negative: by bunkansee

lel joke.

The main problem i had w/ this guide is the visuals


First.. Item sections... please fix!!! It looks like valve's build!! ermahgerd. The item build is yes, messy and like volvo's build. I suggest you divide them better,


Boot section consumbl sectn erly gam extension sectn start sctn etc

It looks really messy to me


The texts seems a little bit.. white i guess? But i guess yu tried ur best i guess it hard to make tem prety

Other than that


Or is it upvote? Hmmm
Bunkansee (32) | January 8, 2015 1:59am
apaz wrote:

The thing is, for a babysitter, Crystal Maiden is also nice, and would suffice. You're not playing Lina to her full potential if you play her as a support. If you take a look at her skills, she has way to much offensive potential to be played as a hard defensive support, and is actually best played in position 4-2. That's definitely not a passive for a hard support. You also didn't list her strengths and weaknesses very well, you forgot silences like Doom and the much more common Orchid Malevolence. That being said, you did many things exceptionally well. The item explanations are very good, as are your explanations of what to do in each stage of the game, and most of all who to Laguna Blade. My guide to Lina Mid is Here. It explains why I prefer to play her mid. That is, I do also want to say that's just a preference, and that Lina is also played very well as a position 4 support. She's just heavily gold dependant, so it's best if you don't hard-support. Anyway, nice guide to playing her as a support.

I definitely agree with you.

Lina makes a very good mid-game/semi-carry, and I agree that playing her as a support does lose some potential. The thing it, and I probably should've mentioned somewhere in here, is that she will most likely work better on a team with another support who is not so gold reliant. (as you said) I feel like however once you have at least of Euls as a support Lina, you can start ganking a lot better, and as long as you can time your stun right you have almost guaranteed kills or assists which will start getting you some more early gold to start getting some items, depending on the circumstances of course.

I really appreciate your feedback, I am almost playing support heroes all the time, which is why I tend to play Lina as a support, but I have played her Mid on many occasions.

Thanks for the comment!

EDIT: I also took some of the things you said in to account and added some changes to friends and foes and pros and cons.
wangyuphing (9) | January 7, 2015 11:29pm

I think the best would be the fifth from top. Honestly, I never got to aghs. The game ended with me having boots blink euls and force ==a
TheSofa (54) | January 7, 2015 4:03pm
Hello Bunkan! I see you've made a second guide!

Nice job, by the way.

I'll PM you the other stuff, maybe you'll take those into account.

Definitely a +1
Timminatorr (57) | January 7, 2015 12:50pm
wangyuphing wrote:

Btw bukan, have you ever gotten to aghs as support lina? cause i never. life sucks.

quite some!
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