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65 Votes

Some Idiot's Guide to Brewmaster

March 9, 2016 by Safecyn
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Judi | August 1, 2016 3:28pm
Excelent Guide to Brew! I would like to make an item suggestion as an alternative to BKB, that is Lotus Orb. A little known fact is using it purges off silences on your hero, making it a more reliable Euls, since it doesn't disable you for 2 seconds and even if you manage to **** up your ult despite purging off a silence, you still become a front line beast that is now reflecting all single target spells back at the caster. Plus it gives armor, mana, and it builds from arcane boots!
Forna | April 14, 2016 3:16pm
Omfg!! xD best giude EVER xDD dude, you so ****ing funny, like , ya made ma day sir... You should read "skullduggery pleasant". But realy, thanks, this helped meh ;,;, wuv u
kianmir | March 11, 2016 3:45am
Hey! Safecyn! I really gotta confess your guides are AWESOME, great sense of humor, great information and great formatting. now, about Brewmaster, he is a hero i like, but i simply think there are so many heroes which could harrass the **** out of his panda-butt.ESPECIALLY before level 6. Once you hit 6, you can start a 1v1 fight with an enemy, then if he/she is almost killing you, panic ult and either kill them, or run away. if a ally of them arrives, focus on the person you were fighting, and try to lower their health a lot. after that, just ult, finish that person who is low. and run off using your ult. Add this as a way to 1v1 someone in the lane. other than that, a gameplay section would be nice? brew's early game can get rough without some quick-levels and a few last hits which... honestly aren't easy to get in pubs.mid-game, you depend on using your abilities A LOT, as dat miss chance bro... DAT MISS CHANCE. i think carry brew really isn't viable. Thats because if you pay attention, ALL carries damage the whole enemy team, Anti-Mage's Mana Void for example. or Faceless Void's chronoshphere. brew, can't deal that much damage to the WHOLE enemy. sure you got your ult but? i mean??? your ult is used for scaring your enemies and for taking out the enemy carry out. after your ult is out you simply will die in seconds, unless your team is REALLY powerful in terms of "secondary initiators" and can win the teamfight before your ult ends. and obviously, thats next to impossible in pubs. That was all i had to say! Safecyn, can you make some more guides for heroes like Enchantress, Lycan and Morphling? these are heroes i want to try,(especially Lycan and Enchantress) but there are no valid or detailed guides about them. "Abandon hope ye'all who enter here"
Dimonychan (43) | July 17, 2015 6:39pm
Dunno, still play Brew with Aghs, especially if I go mid and get Power Treads instead of Arcane Boots. Mana from Point Booster and int staff helps a lot. And Brew is getting attention again, early BLink makes him into a perfect ganking machine, and his ulti cd is actually low enough if you subtract it's duration from actual cd.

The problem is that hero doesn't rek as most popular mids are ranged and do not rely on autoattacks to last hit. On contrary, he is like Ember Spirit in terms of lane presence 1 vs 1. But if you go for some fancy double-hard which is very popular now, you can win your lane most of the time and go ham with Blink. Imagine Brew+Zombie vs a melee carry ;_; Literally insta-death if you approach a creepwave.
Timminatorr (57) | July 17, 2015 5:32pm
plaes remove that drums already ;_;

brown boots blimk best build.
TheSofa (54) | July 17, 2015 4:38pm
Hey Safecyn! It has come to my attention that this guide is completely outdated. Well, not completely, but you get the idea.
  1. Magic Wand only has 2 branches. Consider changing the starting items
  2. No one buys Agh's as core. Blink >> Vlad's >> AC >> Agh's >> Shiva? for maximum auras
  3. Consider buying a Force Staff after blink.
  4. Consider adding that no one plays Brew anymore. ;_;
Forna | April 14, 2016 3:18pm
Rip brew 2k15 ;,;
And yeah, screw aghas
Sgt. Polaris | April 23, 2015 10:27pm
Ember Spirit is a different Hero now. Fix guide, please.
imacreep | April 12, 2015 4:22pm
Dude, I had to register at dotafire so I could thank you for all your guides. I love the way you write and your sense of humor (I assume it's you impersonating Ogre magi, one of my favorite heroes to listen to).

Cheers and a +1 from a fan.
Sceptre | March 31, 2015 1:56pm
Please update the guide and can u tell me to do a combo with the 3 spirit?
ercsoccer3 | December 11, 2014 6:29am
Great Guide! As entertaining as it was helpful. Created account just to vote you up.
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