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7 Votes

Solo (Offlane) Visage

February 20, 2013 by toweroak
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Entenei (2) | July 31, 2013 8:24am
I must say i agree with xCO2, hes not a solo off-laner, against a couple of people he will just be targeted by like everyone... you can play it super safe, but all that happens is you miss out on xp and don't get to level 6 to gank, you don't slow the enemy carry down as you cant reliably get close enough to get ALL the xp. I think if you are going offlane there are better choises.

That said, however in my level i was forced into solo hard lane against a tri lane last night, I didn't do too badly, however I would say it was far from ideal. would have been much happier in support of carry with jungler for early ganks... I decided to build into desolater as we struggled with damage and after a few ganks were miles ahead (+ it looks like I'm breathing very hot fire balls :P)

That said it's a very nice guild on how to off lane and I did learn a lot about camp warding and later game visage (team fights and stuff) - I also agree that hes a mega fun hero and hes one of my faves, I love being able to adapt to what the team needs as the game goes on. (he works well as a semi carry in my level of pubs :D)
toweroak (2) | February 27, 2013 11:22am
sleepless wrote:

From watching your videos, the only thing i can say is that you must be going against really low level players, as to solo an offlane and get that much farm and levels on a visage really should not happen if your opponents know what they are doing. However i still think that this is a great off lane guide and that people who like the offlane could learn alot from this guide.

Well written toweroak. Pls up your MMR

Well I can't really say much about the MMR bracket I'm in but this does work when I use it and people say that it shouldn't. Although I do wonder why high level players read guides when they should have a deep understanding of the game and thus would be able to extract the play style of any hero because of it. Of course they might read it for any extra tips or strategies and I provide some. If you do not want to follow this guide then by all means don't.

This guide was made for medium level to low level players, not for higher levels of play as I have no idea of the things people do at high levels.
sleepless | February 23, 2013 11:39pm
From watching your videos, the only thing i can say is that you must be going against really low level players, as to solo an offlane and get that much farm and levels on a visage really should not happen if your opponents know what they are doing. However i still think that this is a great off lane guide and that people who like the offlane could learn alot from this guide.

Well written toweroak. Pls up your MMR
xCO2 (72) | February 20, 2013 10:12am
toweroak wrote:

The reason you max soul assumption is because when you hit level 6, you will have the capacity to deal enough damage such that you can get off a Soul Assumption with near max charge. However before level 6 you will, as you have said, not be capable of doing enough damage to charge up Soul Assumption. This is unless they start to go offensive on you with the multiple stuns which they might have. With the damage they have done you can probably get off a good soul assumption while grave chilling away. Alternatively, the hero at mid can come top to try for kills.

As you know, Grave Chill's 32% MS slow also boosts his own speed by that 32% that you stole off the hero you used it on. It is almost as good as Dark Seer's Surge and like Dark Seer, if you feel like the initial 3 second haste is not enough, then take another level of it. For the topic of Ion Shell being useful, you still might not be able to get experience due to there being too many stuns.

As for you having to move past river level due to pulling from different camps, this is indeed a problem which I have encountered little of (and forgot about since very seldom do people pull from the easy camp). I shall consider adding it to the guide. But some sources tell me that it is now impossible to pull from the easy camp.

I haven't been able to gather enough information about how he will play as a mid hero but he definitely can be placed mid lane. Most probably in a future update I shall touch on it and give it a section to itself.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Visage can not gain enough charges in a suicide lane, its not a matter of the charges not doing damage, its not being able to get charges in the first place.

Dark Seer works because he can make it very difficult for the enemy carry to farm, and he doesn't get a movement speed buff, he moves at max movement speed negating all slows. Dark Seer also acquires quite a bit of gold in lane, which makes up for what little XP you do miss, he can get close because he has Surge.

Visage will be nuked down before the enemy stun runs out, he has below average movement speed, and he has no way to farm safely in lane. He can work in mid lane because it is a 1v1 situation, he's not an ideal mid laner, but he can "pull it off", as for a suicide laner, he has no place as one.

I feel that if you rewrote the laning phase of the hero, and put necro'lic in an ideal laning environment then this guide would be definitely worth an upvote. For now, I'm not gonna cast a vote, simply because I would not refer anyone to a guide that would send Visage as a suicide lane, no matter the meta state.
toweroak (2) | February 20, 2013 9:49am
The reason you max soul assumption is because when you hit level 6, you will have the capacity to deal enough damage such that you can get off a Soul Assumption with near max charge. However before level 6 you will, as you have said, not be capable of doing enough damage to charge up Soul Assumption. This is unless they start to go offensive on you with the multiple stuns which they might have. With the damage they have done you can probably get off a good soul assumption while grave chilling away. Alternatively, the hero at mid can come top to try for kills.

As you know, Grave Chill's 32% MS slow also boosts his own speed by that 32% that you stole off the hero you used it on. It is almost as good as Dark Seer's Surge and like Dark Seer, if you feel like the initial 3 second haste is not enough, then take another level of it. For the topic of Ion Shell being useful, you still might not be able to get experience due to there being too many stuns.

As for you having to move past river level due to pulling from different camps, this is indeed a problem which I have encountered little of (and forgot about since very seldom do people pull from the easy camp). I shall consider adding it to the guide. But some sources tell me that it is now impossible to pull from the easy camp.

I haven't been able to gather enough information about how he will play as a mid hero but he definitely can be placed mid lane. Most probably in a future update I shall touch on it and give it a section to itself.
xCO2 (72) | February 20, 2013 5:59am
The guide itself is well written, displayed, and overall appealing. The playstyle you recommend on the other hand is not so well thought out.

Visage is meant to be in a lane where a lot of hero damage is being racked up, you even maxed soul assumption in this build. In a suicide lane you're not gonna have any stacks on Soul Assumption, a lot of the time that the enemy does provide a stack, you won't be in range to gain the stack.

You also have no innate escape, the closest thing you have is a 32% MS slow. The general idea of just being in a dangerous lane like that is not very ideal. You will be facing a Tri-lane or a double stun lane, in which case you will be caught out and destroyed before you even get to shoot a round of you Soul Assumption. I guaranty that you will be past the river if you want any XP at all, the enemy will either deny their wave so much that your wave will be pushing, or they'll manage to pull from the other two unwarded camps on Dire side.

I just don't see a use for a suicide Visage. Even if you could pull it off, which you'd have to be playing in an extremely low-tier of pubs, he doesn't provide the same results as say a Dark Seer or a Bounty Hunter. Actual suicide laners have an escape, a form of harass, or both.
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