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2 Votes

Solo Offlane Jakiro (or is it dual lane??)

December 18, 2014 by Heinrich
Comments: 4    |    Views: 27758    |   

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JimmyWhiteLegs | March 9, 2016 1:17pm
Great Jakiro guide... +1
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 19, 2014 4:58am
Good guide, I like it. I'm pretty familiar with offlane Jakiro (and Jakiro in general), so I can suggest some minor improvements for it:

First, remove the Stout Shield which is terrible on ranged Heroes; moreover, Jakiro also has high HP for an INT Hero, which makes it even less appealing. A Ring of Protection is better and lets you build Tranquil Boots from the side shop.

About the skill build, the vast majority of players goes 2-0-4-1 by level 7: the damage increase from a level 2 Dual Breath is huge (125% more!), and the extra attack speed slow will save you more often than a 1 second stun with a super long cast time. Plus, if you're dual laning with someone that has a setup stun, landing a Dual Breath will ensure more damage than a level 1 Ice Path-Dual Breath combo. So, my suggestion is going 2-0-4-1 by level 7 and then 2-4-4-2, leaving your first skill at 2 unti level 14 just for the killing/esacping potential in lane.

Last but not least, the Mekansm is a situational choice: if someone else on your team can build it, it's better. Delaying your Blink Dagger (which comes in late already because you're going Eul's first) with the Mek really restricts your killing potential; I build it a lot on Jakiro too, but I'm always happy if someone else buys it.

Oh, and maybe consider a Ghost Scepter/ Ethereal Blade between extensions/luxury.
seadonkey | December 18, 2014 11:35pm
I agree that the strat is viable, but I do think it is situational. He can get pretty EXP starved with a safe lane tri-lane that knows how to zone correctly, but against a dual lane or a solo safelane with roaming supports he can get the levels he needs and keep the harass on the carry to make his life more challenging.
apaz (17) | December 18, 2014 10:27pm
I think I remember that pro game. The strat worked, and the Jakiro did his job as a solo offlane, and even picked up one or two kills on supports.

A solid guide to Jakiro in the offlane. The thing is, I can't find anything wrong with it. Unlike others, you aren't suggesting Radiance on every hero, or something equally ludicrous. You don't even say anything that's slightly incorrect. It's just very simple.

That being said, I think the best way to improve it is to make it more complicated, and perhaps add more sections, like a friends and foes section.
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