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29 Votes

Sniper The Hard Carry by <VllX>

February 20, 2013 by vlladonx
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Xx epicness xX | September 22, 2014 6:30am
awesome guide! i suggest you add a manta style tough.
PseudoSoul | May 12, 2014 2:19am
This guide is pretty good, so you deserve a +1 from me!
Just a little mistake in your guide though, you said that MKB is the second highest damage item in the game, but the second highest damage item is actually abyssal blade
Kemedo (1) | July 16, 2013 7:00am
Eye of Skadi will work better if you change your Ring of Aquila for a Sange and Yasha in the end.

Nice guide.

It's ok to dislike Mjollnir. In fact, I use it as main item in my build without Shrapnel. The use on effect I put on me while farming, or on Tankish Mate in team fights. This is the ranged Battle Fury. :D

In Mid I often see myself with: Power Treads, Wraith Bandx2 and Maelstrom. And after Hyperstone. I have damage enought to start to become a pubstomper.

But your build works too without it, I tested. But I still prefer Mjollnir rush because the attack speed burst, that come at hand with Headshot, Monkey King Bar and a controverse Abyssal Blade
vlladonx (2) | February 25, 2013 3:13am
Possibly, but he's too squishy early on so it's easy to kill him before he comes close enough. And late game you can out-carry him.
DonQui | February 25, 2013 2:52am
At first a thanks to u for work :) but i wouldn#t say pick sniper immediately cause of meepo. He can really fck ur *** up. earthbind makes u keep visible , so SB is useless. I think its not that easy to eliminate a meepo with a bit microskills. A good placed poof jump of the meepos and its ur funeral. So it's not kind of meepocounter if u mean that.
sanjuro | February 14, 2013 12:04am
i think this is the best guide for pub playing, independently of this guide i used exactly same build, sniper is monster with it.
vlladonx (2) | January 25, 2013 5:18am
No ****, you should read the actual text and not just build. It says to skip either because of UAM.
Zbratko | January 25, 2013 4:17am
Desolator and Eye of Skadi does not stack. Instead you might think of AC.
vlladonx (2) | January 9, 2013 12:37am
Kemedo, I dislike items like Mjolnir as they give very little aid to farming and hero fights. A little skill and Sniper can take out the whole lanes of creeps with 95% last hits. And in teamfights the help is just insignificant. But thats just my opinion :)
vlladonx (2) | January 9, 2013 12:34am
PasDeBras, thanks a lot mate, thats what I was aiming for!
Kemedo (1) | January 8, 2013 11:58am
Our builds are very similar to the fact we don´t use [[shrapnel] at all.

But I use a diferent way to the end:

Shadow Blade
Monkey King Bar

And we´re done...

But if the game last until that, well we win!
PasDeBras | January 7, 2013 7:16pm
Thanks for the guide mate, i used the perma basher dwarf by nova before, but yours made me think nova's can be a little outdated.
I will test it out and report, thanks ! My upvote is yours for the sake of diversity !
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