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Personally I disagree with the radiance pick up. Once you have a midas, treads, bkb, and deso, a radiance gives a pretty small amount of damage in comparison to something like an Assault Cuirass. Also you will be somewhat weaker early on in the game, because of the lack of Armlet. The build up of BKB is mediocre at best, and without even a mention of Armlet I am not impressed with this.
Skeleton King don't need an Armlet its just a waste of money.He is not an early gamer!? He is a hard carry late gamer so he needs the strongest item. I got this from EG.Fear so don't disagree with this guide.
Ok! How about I replace the Desolator for HoT then go for DR but still no slot for the Aegis of the Immortal.But I should give the Aegis of the Immortal to the other Carry or Semi-Carry so we can win in team fights.
Quite applicable if you ask me.
Ok! How about I replace the Desolator for HoT then go for DR but still no slot for the Aegis of the Immortal.But I should give the Aegis of the Immortal to the other Carry or Semi-Carry so we can win in team fights.
Thank you for your suggestion but I think if you have this build even without HoT,your opponent can't do anything. I tried this many times and I just hitted My opponent like 3-5 times because of the Critical and Minus armor...But thanks anyway I would like to add HoT but there is no slot for it.
You can optionally replace either the Desolator or Radiance, and I think it would be best, if you're planning to go DR, to have a 5-item slot, leaving one free for Aegis of the Immortal.
The build is quite strong for any setup, though I would suggest for you to grab HoT if you're planning for DR.
Thank you for your suggestion but I think if you have this build even without HoT,your opponent can't do anything. I tried this many times and I just hitted My opponent like 3-5 times because of the Critical and Minus armor...But thanks anyway I would like to add HoT but there is no slot for it.