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7 Votes

Skeleton King the Killing Machine!!! Hasta la vista, Baby

May 6, 2012 by Hanzskii
Comments: 7    |    Views: 18369    |   

Carry-Hasta la vista, Baby

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Vampiric Spirit (Innate)

Wraithfire Blast

1 3 5 7

Mortal Strike

2 4 9 13


6 11 16


15 17 18

Skeleton King the Killing Machine!!! Hasta la vista, Baby

May 6, 2012


Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Laurence
This a Guide for Skeleton King

Skeleton King is My Favorite... ^_^
Skeleton King is Hard Carry hero...That can deals a lot of Damage when being Ignored


1.Hellfire Blast
This skill can stun your opponent for 2 seconds and slow it for 4 seconds
It is used to Eliminate your opponent or Gank your opponent

2.Vampiric Aura
This skill can give you Lifesteal and can give your melee allies Lifesteal
It can be used to Regen your life back by hitting an Enemy

3.Critical Strike
This can give you more than damage on an attack

This a skill that can Resurrect you when killed in Battle


Leveling first yourHellfire Blast so you can Gank your opponent.Then you can level up yourCritical Strike andVampiric Aura so you can farm easily.But you need to level up yourReincarnation when it can be leveled.If you maxed out all of your skill you can go forStats


GetPower Threads first so you can farm.After that getHands of Midas so you can get your other items fast.Black King Bar first because you haveCritical Strike anyway.Then go forDesolator so you can rip apart your opponent thenRadiance because it can give a lot of damage when you hit an opponent and can deals 40 magical damage per second in a 650 AoE.Assault Cuirass so you can hit your opponent fast and gives you more armor. GetDivine Rapier if you are owning the game or if you want to end the game because it can give a lot of damage so you can push fast and you can kill fast


1.Laning-Keep farming till you get the first three itemsBlack King Bar,Desolator andRadiance

2.Ganking-Gank your opponent if you an Allie to help you

3.Pushing-Push if your Opponents are dead or if they are not they taking notice at you

4.Team Fight-Go for the opponent that has the highest damage then kill it first so it can be a lot easy now to kill others

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