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Silencer The Carry : A guide to teach people to shut the fuck up (in progress)

January 22, 2015 by d00mhammers
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famashunter | September 16, 2015 1:40am
Lol...good guide if you are up against noobs.
nosi23 | July 25, 2015 5:17pm
What's with the "2 Staff of Wizardry that will be kept in your stash as you wont have space for them."? You say that and fail to mention them again. I'm sorry, but I play Silencer carry a lot too, and this just seems crazy.
tokarevi | March 5, 2015 7:54pm
I've never played silencer, but Shadow blade seems like a poor choice of escape item in general. I can accept it at some heroes as initiation tool, e.g. at Spark, but in general it's not worth the price due to Dust. Otherwise the guide is not bad at all, although still need some polishing.
SatomiCappucino (12) | January 25, 2015 12:19pm
Smoke cannot be used for escape efficiently due to the effect being dispelled if an enemy hero is near. However it CAN be effective if you manage to travel 1000 range fast enough( Blink)
I Have Layers (4) | January 25, 2015 9:25am
Honestly though, I really am curious as to what the f*ck shadowblade even achieves. If you want an invis escape mechanism, just buy Smoke of Deceit.

Just put an early point into glaives, then max last word and curse of the silent, and prioritize the orchid malevolence. If you get a refresher like Kyphoid said to, you're going to be able to destroy the enemy team with CotS.
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 25, 2015 9:09am
Not one mention of refresher?
IMO, scythe + refresher + heart on silencer = GG NO RE.

He needs no crits. He needs no armor. He only needs SOME attack speed.
And if you have ganked enough, you already have your intelligence.

What do you need? NOTHING!
Silencer= Item independant aside from some health probs. You know what you can do with just those 3 items i mentioned?
12 seconds of unbroken silence.
2 targets disarmed and silenced for upto 6 seconds each.
2 targets sheeped for 6 seconds each.
3900 Magic damage to the team if you get all in your CoTS.

More than 100 pure damage on your auto attack.

If that is not a carry for you. Quit doto.
Not all heroes are supposed to be right-click you know.
apaz (17) | January 25, 2015 7:31am
d00mhammers wrote:

ShadowBlade serves escape purpose. If you get jumped, you are dead meat.

Um, I thought this has been gone over in every guide that a new player writes. All that Shadow Blade is going to do is force your opponents to spend 180 gold every once in a while(If your opponents are competent). New players tend to buy Shadow Blade on every hero for some reason. To make a sucessul guide, you have to look closer at the Items. I don't play much Silencer, but what does he need? He needs HP/Strength, because he has all the armor he'll ever need, a little bit of lockdown to let him DPS, ans, he needs INT. HE also could use a little bit of attack speed, despite his ungodly AGI growth. Therefore, you REALLY want your Rod of Atos. Another really god Item on Silencer is Orchid Malevolence, but that's really good on most to all INT Semicarries.

Other than that, never buy raw headresses, or raw sage's masks. If you're going for orchid, after doing the math, the best buying order on silencer is Mask---> Robe---> Mask---> Robe---> Finish oblivions---> Orchid.

Also, I consider Scythe of Vyse late game core. Fixes all the mana problems you could ever have, gives you ludicrous ammounts of damage with glaives, Gives you a lot of health, which gets even more efficient with your armor, and possibly even more importantly, It gives you MORE lockdown to DPS with.

Also, Blink Dagger is really good to gank with. It can also help you escape. It's also just OP in general, though.

Despite all this, your guide is rather good. Slight item efficiency problems, but overall good.
SatomiCappucino (12) | January 24, 2015 2:15am
The guide is not very bad, but as other people said Shadow Blade is not worth it. It can be countered by every competent team. You are not taking glaives early meaning you cannot harass much(I myself haven't tried your ability build though). Also you can add refresher to situational. Twelve seconds of global silence is just ******ed >.>
Smuggels (82) | January 22, 2015 11:08pm
d00mhammers wrote:

ShadowBlade serves escape purpose. If you get jumped, you are dead meat.

silencer is insanely good at turning a gank around.

i have gotten triple and ultra kills because they under estimate silencer.


2800 gold item called shadow blade as escape ... ill raise you a little 180 gold item called "DUST" that completely counters it.
Hamstertamer (89) | January 22, 2015 11:07pm
d00mhammers wrote:

ShadowBlade serves escape purpose.

No it doesn't. Unless you're playing against noobs.
tracc (3) | January 22, 2015 11:00pm
I think its an interesting way to play silencer. It seems like you would be a glasscannon and easy to burst down until you get your Atos. I can see this work if you go solo mid and your ganks of the sides work, but it seems risky. I would definately recommend to finish your Mek after Shadowblade because of the utility and tankage it provides you with.
Your whole build seems to be very single-target ganking oriented. I dont know wheter you will be completely shut down by a pushing and ganking team.
d00mhammers | January 22, 2015 10:09pm
Smuggels wrote:

hey man ummm.

Shadow Blade??

pretty much the worst item on Silencer hands down.

this guide is very... weird.

you dont upgrade into mek or pipe you buy shadow blade and you dont get glaives till lvl 10.

apart from extensive item descriptions its pretty weird guide.

i hate doing this but


really bad guide.

and before you go all ... "i know better"

i play carry silencer ... A LOT.

so yea ...

shadow blade .. i cant even.

ShadowBlade serves escape purpose. If you get jumped, you are dead meat.
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