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Well about orb walking, it is very important to harass without drawing the creeps attention, it fits an aggressive playstyle. I do agree that Curse of the silent is awesome and should be maxed first but one level of glaives of wisdom can allow you to harass without attracting the creeps attacks which is just more important than the first level of you aura. Early on espescially mid, you will not kill anybody within your range (with curse maybe but not in range still), and orb walking can allow you to go beyond creeps and harass. I just think it is better. Like :
Lvl 1 : Glaives
Lvl 2 : Curse
Lvl 3 : Curse
Lvl 4 : Last word
I do not doubt your ability to make a decent k/d/a with this build (and with the level you face on dota 2 sometimes... well nvm), but at lvl 1/2 orbwalking is more useful than curse in particular as lvl 1 curse is just waste of mana. I mean against lvl 1 curse a good player will simply ignore it.
About Manta, It's just bad habit from old dota on W3 where manta used to burn mana, they removed the orb effect in some patch or new map. I still think this item does not fit
About dagon, at first most of your damage is not magical, it's pure. Then i meant that the burst is really nice and useful when there is not a lot of magical damage or burst in your team like dazzle or furion or enigma. Don't get me wrong, dagon is not better than orchid, it's just better to shut down some huskar or pugna or any squishy hero you need to kill in 5s not 10 and nobody can do it for you in early/mid game. It's situational and orchid is core.
Actually I already remarked that this hero is squishy and vulnerable to ganks, of course you will have to defend yourself and pick wards to survive, but that depends on the game and isn't really mandatory. The point is: Mid should almost always carry a bottle to be on the lead all the time, and so he will need a courier to bring wards and control the runes, so someone MUST buy the courier for him to control the runes (must be able to carry the wards without going back) and river gank routes, that way you win the game. As I already stated, you have to do this if nobody else picks support, but if someone else does you can skip courier.
About getting the orb, to be honest, I've tried that several times and the curse totally took over the orb, as I realized how easy the game had become. It simply looks like it was designed for early game, it's useless at late game, doesn't deal any damage at mid game, and depletes the whole mana pool in 2 casts at level 1, thus leaving them wide open for even more curses, it's also cheap, fairly spammable, an AoE... You get 1 point on glaives early enough to chase when you have enough level to skirmish without risking too much. It's important to point that the orb costs a LOT early game too, so you may run out of mana, and having to waste cash on mana regen stuff was something I didn't want, since you can clearly play without even caring about it for the whole game. I've personally had scores of 21/10/13 k/d/a respectively with silencer using this build, and the orb just doesn't fit for early game. :D
About the items: Neither Manta, nor MKB are orbs, so you don't lose any effects actually. Manta doesn't even have any on-attack effects... Didn't quite get your point there.
About dagon... You haven't tried that build, have you? Orchid gives like 500dps at level 10. And take into account that most of the damage is magical, dealt by your glaives, which is your main damage dealer skill.
Actually by the time you have orchid you will be dealing +100 dmg per attack, so that's why I focus on poosting the attack speed over getting extra Int
Imho it's better to get
I tend to prefer
I would not advise to take
In "situational" I would also think about dagon. If your team lack magical damage (ie the opposite team is not likely to get magic resistance) and you have some squishy heroes opposite, it may be nice to get it.
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