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Shade's Guide to a Beefy Omniknight

July 19, 2016 by HeroShade644
Comments: 3    |    Views: 29197    |   

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Croofe (1) | July 25, 2016 10:52pm
To use the item database, so the wall text is less of a wall text, you can use double brackets to change [ [ Omniknight ] ] to Omniknight (omit the spaces). Same goes for skills.

To use big icons, use this (skill/hero name).

Of course you can use columns to make everything neat, but you have to search the formatting guide to understand how to use it.

Color the ones that needs to be emphasized, so it will catch the readers eyes.

Now to put opinion to the item build. To go Beefy, why not go Guardian Greaves after buying Arcane Boots or Mekansm?. It makes everyone else tanky as well.

Beefy means you need armor as well you know, or else you will be food to heroes that has armor reduction like Templar Assassin or Slardar.

I think it's better to buy Blink Dagger rather than Sange and Yasha though since his attack speed just outright sucks (without Power Treads to boot...). If you need that movement speed, better buy Drum of Endurance from early game, because your ally benefits as well.

Blade Mail and Vanguard combo for Omni seems also powerful because you want to be beefy and should be able to effectively use the return damage from blade mail.
HeroShade644 | July 31, 2016 6:11pm
Thanks for the comment, I'm new to writing guides on Dotafire, so I'll be editing the formatting soon. As for the item suggestions, I'll do some play testing to see what combinations work best. Thanks for the feedback!
kianmir | July 24, 2016 8:52am
It seems im the first to comment! ah well screw it im just here to tell you that if you format the guide a little bit... and maybe a bit more content about friends and foes. and your alternate build sucks. you want to make a "troll" build? carry omni. easy. wtf are your "troll builds". i gave a 1+. keep up the good work! and see you later!
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