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8 Votes

Sasha's Carry Prophet (ReWorked)

June 23, 2015 by Orphelan
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apaz (17) | December 13, 2014 5:44pm
I now approve. Nice work. I really hate to be the antagonist that I have been, but sincerely nice work throuought the whole process.

+ Infinity

Orphelan | December 13, 2014 11:22am
Reworked the Whole Guide
apaz (17) | December 3, 2014 6:23pm
Sounds like all good points. Thanks for the alternate build. I kind of feel like that's for if you want to transition into a sort of Pseudo-Alchemist. The idea behind it is that you want to get 4-5 slotted before your opponent gets 3-4 slotted, then push the advantage and win. AntiMage also does this well too, when you rush a Battlefury.

Anyway, more comments about the responses to items.

[*] Shadow Blade: It sort of depends on what sort of game you're playing. It is good on NP, but the thing with Midas ---> Shadow Blade is that until you have it, you can't initiate, can't manfight, don't have a real escape besides an easily cancelable TP, and are stuck farming in the jungle. Once you have those things, you are decently strong and can go around killing things, while your farm accelerates due to Midas, and to a lesser and more situational extent, Shadow Blade. The idea here is that Shadow blade sort of pays for itself with the times when it ensures a kill or you make an escape with it. The downside is that a shadow blade is extremely greedy. If you think that you can get away with it than by all means pick one up, but if you get ganked while you have Treads-Midas-Claymore, then you're in for a world of pain. If you pull it off though, you'll be way ahead.

[*] Blade Mail: No. You don't have enough HP to try and leverage a Blade Mail. You would actually get way more damage out of guess what, a Dagon upgrade. Because of NP's ability to be all over the map, a shorter cooldown is awesome. Still though, put it off on carry Furion, so you can get some more of that delicious DPS, because of Dagon's scaling issues.

[*] Maelstrom and Mjollnir: Really, really good if you're doing the "Alchemist Strategy." You know just in case you want to be even MORE greedy. This will mean that you'll be out of the game for a LONG time, long past the time when teamfights start to break out. Better hope your team can 4v5. It's not core by any means, but is still a very good item. another little tip is that you can TP to the ancients and stack them. You can TP in around XX:47 and aggro the ancients at XX:53. I'm sure that you know how to stack, but just like tinker, NP requires a lot of time and map awareness. This actually, gives you crazy amounts of gold and xp, further accelerating your farm so that you can 4-5 slot before they can 3-4 slot. It's important to end the game early if you do this. like Antimage and Alchemist, many carries will eventually outcarry them. This is especially true about Prophet. That means that you find a balance between farming and pushing, which I've actually been working on a lot.

[*] Blink Dagger: As this has taken far too long to write, I'll be brief. It's an alternative to Shadow Blade, but should be bought after Orchid when you want to continue ganking and/or your team doesn't have enough initiation. You can TP into the trees, and say hello instantly. I recommend using the shift key on this one.

I wanted to write a short, sweet reply, but oh well.
Orphelan | December 1, 2014 11:45pm

Thanks for the comment I really appreciate it.

Shadow Blade I found the shadow blade very good in the mid game and saved my *** a lot of times also helped me in ganking so that's why I think this item is good.

Blade Mail In my dagon guide I use it often because it helps me to win fights but not in this build. I think it's time to remove it from this build.

Maelstrom and Mjollnir Agreed, very good items but I barely use it in this build. I will put it here if someone wants to use it.
I added alternate build with these items.

Blink Dagger in my dagon build yes but not in this one. I don't really need it and I don't have space for it.
apaz (17) | December 1, 2014 4:51pm
Blademail = no.
Hex is not situational and should be picked up most games, unless you see 3+ BKBs on the opposing team.
Shadow blade = meh. I would say use only as initiation, but you can already TP into the trees ant spawn treants to initiate. Therefore, all it's going to do is make you extremely weak in the early - midgame and force your opponents to spend 180 gold every once in a while. Since you're already going midas, being THAT greedy isn't an option. Alternatively, and actually a better option is blink dagger, for obvious reasons.
Maelstrom is actually really good to increase your farming speed. Mjolnr also gives crazy attack speed and is therefore useful with MKB, Hex, and all the other damage items that NP seems to get.
As you don't yet have a UAM, Desolator or Skadi are solid choices.
I do agree with the boot choice, however. Because you just rushed a midas, you really need the survivability that comes with treads. Stack attack speed as much as you can on NP. Damage comes naturally with the other stuff you buy.
BKB is obvious. Nuff said.

Perfect. Sometimes in pros you see people, especially in the offlane, skilling teleport over treants at levels 5 and 7. This, however is jungle NP, so perfect.

Although you do, in general, want Nature's Wrath on cooldown, you should be trying to lose it in a teamfight. Just target the other side of the map, and it should come back around in 2-3 seconds.

Vascor | November 30, 2014 9:47am
Honnestly a ok guuide...but about the orchid and sheep stick (scythe) I personaly feel like sheep stick is better for the pure reason that for 3.5 have free damage, they litterarly cant do anything since this disables evasion,attacking,useing abilities...yea the cooldown is kinda long but if you think about it i highly doubt you will need to pop sheep stick ever 10 seconds :P. But an ok guide +1
Orphelan | November 30, 2014 2:58am
Yes, Nature is simple if you know how it works. I played a lot with him and he needs damage and orchid or dagon. Riki is also simple but effective like Nature's Prophet.
Invoker is also simple if you know him. :)

I can write a LONG guide about Nature but why we need it? It's effective and easy.
Unscathed (47) | November 30, 2014 2:48am
Orphelan wrote:

The gameplay and the build is kinda simple, at least for me :D
What kind of details you want to read? tell me and I will write it.

Simple. Thats it. Not sure if that is good or bad.

But still, quite unique for a "simple" guide.

Though im holding unto my votes.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 30, 2014 2:21am
map awareness, correct usage of Sprout, high-level usage of Wrath of Nature;Also, Tinker wreks you
Orphelan | November 30, 2014 1:57am
Unscathed wrote:

Lacking details.

The gameplay and the build is kinda simple, at least for me :D
What kind of details you want to read? tell me and I will write it.
Unscathed (47) | November 30, 2014 1:27am
Lacking details.
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