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The amount of times I've gotten double or triple kills by kiting people around tombstone in the first 10 minutes of the game... hilariously high. Solo offlane Undying is more than a nuisance, it's a nightmare to deal with and hysterical to play as if your opponents are bad.
I also find that Undying works decently well against Lifestealer since you suck his HP and damage with Decay and if your team is decent you can still kill him. You rely on your team just as much in that scenario as normal, and Ghost Scepter makes him unable to attack you.
I didn't buy it in that game, starting to wish I had. I had alot less deaths towards the beginning of that game. lol
(picked up the maelstrom cause I wanted to try to pick up a mjollnir for the lightning sheild + farming capabilities if the game went on too long.
Cheers guys. He works well in most trilanes - I particularly like him with Skywrath Mage though due to his long range nukes, damage amplifier etc. Add a carry with a stun/nuke or slow/nuke to the mix and you're good - CK or WK could be good options.
He can also be horrendous with good harassers - Viper or Razor for example. You could also try something a bit funky like Undying/Titan/KOTL - provided they don't get an early kill then there's no chance in hell they'll win the lane. You can also try more traditional combos like Mirana/SD, Mirana/Rubick or Mirana/Bane. Tusk is another good partner. Basically anyone who can force fights once you've landed a stack or two of Decay.
Cheers. I'm not against earlier Tombstone skilling if you think you can get kills out of it - it has a few issues though:
- Expensive
- LONG cooldown
- Can potentially give enemies additional farm
Level 2 Soul Rip tends to be very efficient - 75 mana for 250 heal/nuke is very powerful (generally they'll be enough units about to get the whole effect if you use it at the right times) and flexible. Tombstone tends to be more of a one-shot deal and you have to make it count - if enemies can just move away from it or kill it then it's quite a big waste. Obviously your choice will depending on the laning situation!
However, when I play undying i just cant bear to not max tombstone asap, whilst putting a point into decay at level 1 for obvious reasons. I just find its so good for getting a kill once theres a few stacks of decay, and for deterring enemies from coming at you should they try and gank. Can you tell me why you leave it til level 4 to get it? Thanks :)
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Good stuff, Sando :)
I also find that Undying works decently well against Lifestealer since you suck his HP and damage with Decay and if your team is decent you can still kill him. You rely on your team just as much in that scenario as normal, and Ghost Scepter makes him unable to attack you.
I didn't buy it in that game, starting to wish I had. I had alot less deaths towards the beginning of that game. lol
(picked up the maelstrom cause I wanted to try to pick up a mjollnir for the lightning sheild + farming capabilities if the game went on too long.
Amazing as usual Sando <3
He can also be horrendous with good harassers -
ive been wanting to do an aggressive tri lane with him but i either lack stuns or damage.
Do I have to say anything?
- Expensive
- LONG cooldown
- Can potentially give enemies additional farm
Level 2
However, when I play undying i just cant bear to not max tombstone asap, whilst putting a point into decay at level 1 for obvious reasons. I just find its so good for getting a kill once theres a few stacks of decay, and for deterring enemies from coming at you should they try and gank. Can you tell me why you leave it til level 4 to get it? Thanks :)