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26 Votes

Sando's Guide to Oracle (6.84)

May 13, 2015 by Sando
Comments: 32    |    Views: 88317    |   

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PYRRHlC (1) | June 9, 2016 4:23am
Good guide, but out of date
Clarknado2 | August 10, 2015 8:15am
this is the best guide I've yet seen. The test was perfect for people contemplating trying this hero out. Very well made and I learned a lot. Also, quick noob question. If you use false promise on an ally with blade mail, will the damage return be zero or will it base off of how much damage it would've done. Also if it does do return damage, would dates edict amplify the damage return? I think if this plays out right there could be a great combo to use if they're focusing an ally who usually gets it to where blade mails effect would last past the point where the hero would've died
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 14, 2015 4:56pm
Sando wrote:

Yup, as Sofa said, he's not been in Captain'd Mode so no pro plays.

Slight change from the cooldown buff, you don't have to wait as long between casting your first Purifying Flames, channelling Fortune's End, and landing another Purifying Flames before the projectile hits. Also lets you heal 3 x during a level 3 False Promise.

He was in an all-stars match
Sando (118) | May 14, 2015 4:21pm
Yup, as Sofa said, he's not been in Captain'd Mode so no pro plays.

Slight change from the cooldown buff, you don't have to wait as long between casting your first Purifying Flames, channelling Fortune's End, and landing another Purifying Flames before the projectile hits. Also lets you heal 3 x during a level 3 False Promise.
TheSofa (54) | May 14, 2015 2:32pm
Nobody plays pro Oracle, he isn't released into Captain's Mode yet.

Sando: Now that Purifying Flames's cooldown is exactly the same as Fortune's End's channel time, do you think that means anything?
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | February 8, 2015 3:05am
Can you please post good pro level oracle plays to learn from, or players that play oracle good?
I wanna watch and learn.
NDenizen (1) | January 27, 2015 6:42pm
You can damage allies under the effects of frostbite, place them under the kill threshold and then be credited for the fatal damage, thus denying them. For whatever reason you are unable to commit suicide in the same way.
Sando (118) | January 27, 2015 11:46am
Thanks for the comments - most of what you say is right and helpful, but from the wiki:

"The damage is applied instantly upon cast, followed by the heal over time. The damage is lethal to enemies, but never to allies." - my own experience is you can only reduce your allies to 1 HP, so I'd think Ice Blast will definitely kill them then. You can of course help against it with your other skills, but the long duration with a scepter can make it difficult.
YourJayer | January 27, 2015 11:21am
OK, first things first:

You did a great job with this guide. I don't think anyone can complain about that.

But I go some little additions for you. I hope it helps you. -YourJayer
NDenizen (1) | January 20, 2015 10:09am
Great guide.

Only thing I would do is add the Eul's Scepter combo to the Nuking Combinations section, it's really what makes Oracle such a good nuker.

For reference, it's Flames -> Cyclone -> Fortune's End on the cycloned unit -> Once the enemy hits the ground, cancel the Fortune's End cancel with your second flames -> Fate's Edict and auto attack -> Flames again. If there are other enemies around, you use False Promise on yourself before you begin channeling Fortune's End to prevent the combo being easily interrupted.

In all it's about 1430 magical damage assuming the last flames are fatal, and that doesn't count the physical right clicks, no healing is ever done since it's purged off both times. Pretty costly on mana but it will kill pretty much anyone for most of the game.
Smuggels (82) | January 18, 2015 5:51pm
i can not wait till he is released into captains draft.

i want to draft that huskar oracle combo so bad.

so so bad.

its actually op as F#@k.

huskar had his heal on and he was at 150 HP and i ultied him then put purfying flames on him twice as well as mek.

in that time period he took a laguna blade to the face and had a PA crit once fro about 900 on him. he got an ultra kill with satanic on and popped back out with full HP ....

So ******** OP.


please make a note of life steal synergy with his ulti. as a satanic on you while ultied is incredibly powerful
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