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Riki The Killer (patch 6.87/6.88)

July 5, 2016 by Holomajzlik
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Dibakar | November 25, 2016 6:51am
as a ganker phase boots seems obvious why not phase?
ilhmfzz | July 6, 2016 11:51am
well, i often take echo sabre after i get those diffu, cause it will do double, nah, about triple backstab damage cuz it slow ms and as, and i put basher in situational cuz this patch, abyssal doesnt offer a damage, only the stun, and the stun cost alot of mana and the bash got cooldown and chance, u never know when it procs, and i often build manta swag too :D, it offer damage, survavibility, pushing damage too! and u know, when echo sabre is off cd and u use ur ss, it affect all hero on area! and that means more attack that u got from ur ulti because riki's ultimate attack is 1 attack per second, and u can replace echo sabre to something more good like skadi or butterfly, once again, it offer more survavibility and damage, my usual final build is Travel, Manta, Echo, Diffu(2), Skadi, BKB
P.S.: u can change bkb to abyssal too, just jump into a fight and ss, its enough to make any spellcaster died, 5 slash x 5 heroes = 25 slash! 5 on each
Holomajzlik | July 8, 2016 12:36pm
Yasha / Basher is better for Riki then Echo Sabre. Let's compare!

Yasha - +16agi = 16 dmg / +36 backstab dmg, + 2 armor
- +15AS
- +8% MS

Yasha is cheaper by 600 gold.
+16 agi is a lot more then +15 dmg from Echo, and as you admit in ulti echo sabre isn't working at all.
Yasha provides you +8% movement speed, Riki base MS is poor, and you really need MS for better ganging with diffuz (you often travel far to kill someone). By completing SaY you get amazing +16% movement speed. Must note that SaY is only +1450 gold from Echo Sabre, and it is definitevely more universal and better item.

Basher in these patches is even better on Riki then before. It cost 2700 ( only 50 more then Echo. You need get some tanky item with Riki for late game, and Abyssal with active stun fits him perfect. You forgot one thing, with basher you are able to cancel somebody's porting/chanelling with BKB (with Echo Sabre you can't do it!). It also works with your ulti and with combination of your attack speed it is definitevely better then double slash with Echo. It provides you also +10 strenght like Echo, so you havent any justifiable reason for buying Echo Sabre.
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