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I would like to share my playstyle with Riki. I am in 3-4K bracked now, playing ranked games. My ranked winrate as Riki is around 65% with 15/5/14 KDA avarage. (see more: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/312654250)
You have to take into account that this build is primarily concerned to enjoy the game on public gaming and make from Riki the key player in team. I have no ambition to do guide for "pro" players. I can't hardly know if this build work in high (5K +) bracked games, I hope yes, but I'm not sure. I can only say that it definitively works impressively in 3-4 bracket solo / party ranked games.
Let's begin.
Maxing Blink Strike beforeCloak and Dagger provides safer lasthiting and better ESCAPE/chase ability. Stay alive and get last hits is most important thing in early game. This skill order is even more important if the enemy has sentry wards / dust on your line, so you can blink to last hit and immediately go back to safe position. The only acceptable reason for maxing Cloak and Dagger before Blink Strike is when you playing with good / disable support (and lane is easy), so you can faster finish your enemy in early game. But don't forget that reduced cooldown on Blinkstrike often safe your *** from enemies who are chasing you and makes you a lot more flexible (in fight,escape, teamfight). It must be mentioned that after Lvl 4 (4sec cooldown) you will be able to blink - ulti - blink back... in some cases very useful combo.
Last benefit from it is easier last-hitting enemy heroes which provide extra gold to rushing diffuzal blade.
After Blnk Strike you should max Cloak and Dagger for obvious reasons and next max Smoke.
Take your ultimate on 6,11 and 16 lvl (better cooldown, more attacks) and FEEL FREE TO USE IT. The cooldown is really very short! Properly using this skill takes some time to learn (often you must have fast fingers), but then you will find how many uses this skill have. Evasion of all kinds (like stun, Invo Meteor, dust, death :)), last hitting escaping heroes, massive dmg deal in teamfight
Early game
If your allies admit that you play Riki as carry, go on safe lane. It is real problem cause now many players (after watching some pro teams pick Rikki as supp) think that Riki must play roamer / support. And often they underestimate Riki carry potential. In a lot of games I went mid because I didn't want argue with my teamnates. You can farm on mid lane very well against majority of heroes so it is second best option after safe-lane.
In this stage of game you must farm a lot, and when you feel you can try some gangs for early kills (= +gold). Remember that your main task is to get Diffuzal Blade as soon as possible. (after PT and RoA) After you get this item, your killing potential and teamfight utility raise very high.
Mid game
Participation in teamfights and looking for lonely heroes worth to kill are main tasks, but don't forget to farm creeps as well! Your killing potential is good enough but with every next item it grows higher and higher. Usually (in most of my games now) I continue with Yasha and Basher (+ Diffuzal 2).
h3]Late game[/h3]
By completing SaY and Abyssal you got all items which make from you a nightmare of your enemies. The key point of well play is timing when to come fight. Usually is better not go like first one. If you join to fight a little bit later then your allies, you will do better job here. It isn't general rule, but often is better to kill some squishi/supp heroes at the edge of the fight, cause you need only few slashes to kill them and they will be unequal to register you in time. Be smart of using ulti / smoke / purge - good placing these skills changes result of teamfight dramatically.
Good supports for Riki:
Ancient Apparition, Crystal Maiden, Lich, Omni, Abbadon
Good synergies:
Magnus, Naix, Warlock
My english is bad and I haven't much time, but I will try to edit this guide soon. Any advice welcome!
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