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2 Votes

Right way to play Slark. Ganker/ROamer

December 14, 2012 by crackhead125
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E4rl | April 5, 2014 8:44am
"Basically you want attack speed, lots and lots of attack speed." IF YOU ARE MAXING YOUR ******* PASSIVE YOU DON'T NEED ATTACK SPEED!
Mask of Madness and Mjollnir: SIMPLY NO. You don't need the attack speed (and the lifesteal), MoM makes you even squishier and Mjollnir is too expensive. Also, it's way better on farming carries, and you are a ganker.
Maxing Essence Shift before Pounce. *facepalm* You NEED Pounce to be maxed as soon as possible at the laning/early ganking phase. Example: You were level 7 mid and ganked another lane. You pounced on the first enemy and killed him. Then, if your Pounce is maxed, you can go for a double kill without your teammates even using their stuns. The low cooldown is simply too OP. BUT if you had taken those two levels of Pounce and three of Essence Shift, you wouldn't have that chance.
"The other item I question on Slark is vanguard. Truly a situational item in my opinion." VANGUARD IS HORRIBLE ON SLARK. You don't need the regen and you don't need to be tanky as a hero with 3 escapes ( Dark Pact counts too]])!
"Be around for team fights and DO NOT INITIATE. If you initiate, you will die." YOU ARE A FREAKING HERO WITH 3 ESCAPES, YOU WILL NOT DIE!
"...mana regen, since Slark has such low stat gains people feel he needs more mana regen. This is wrong. People who spam dark pact need mana regen, people who use pact to cleanse themselves do not need mana regen." You should be spamming Pounce, so get a Bottle or Ring of Aquila.
Assault Cuirass: Just more attack speed, and you don't benefit much from the extra armor/armor reduction. I believe Essence Shift can increase your armor, so if you're stacking agi with it, you'll have a lot of armor and your enemies will have their armor reduced. So Assault Cuirass is useless.
"Slark has very low starting damage so a quelling blade might be a better choice..." His starting damage isn't that bad, and stat items are more than enough to last hit well.
Also, where's Eye of Skadi and Skull Basher?
This guide is horrible, -1
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