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21 Votes

Restless Soul - A Vengeful Spirit Guide

July 20, 2012 by Reed
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KWinship | December 12, 2012 10:21am
I don't understand why everyone seems to play VS as a support, I have only played 7 games at the time that i'm writing this but I haven't lost one match. My build is a lot different than this, I normally buy my mekanism and power treads, but iv'e never seen aghanims come in handy for the price that it costs, I always get a desolater rather than the ult stick which REALLY helps, and it also throws people off when they expect me to be playing a support role, after the desolater I'll get a butterfly (but that normally doesn't happen as i've already won). As far as my skill build goes, it's pretty much the same as yours except that I get some command aura early on instead of the Wave of Terror. Anyways, thats just my way of playing and it most certainly works for me, but if the support role works for you then that's great. I would recommend at least trying a semi-carry type of game though, just to see how it works for you. Thanks,and best of luck!
Reed (3) | July 20, 2012 9:47am
kratrz wrote:

you make a guide for a support VS,
and you're saying VS is very item dependent...(then contradict yourself later)

support VS needs boots, wards, everything else is bonus.
getting an agha on support VS, 4200 gold, would be better spent on your carry
situational mid/late game items: standard support items such as meka/pipe.

you mention two builds, a pushing build and a ganking build. there's no distinction between the two different builds in your guide.

unless you're suggesting the difference between the two builds is a ring of basilius and bottle

in my opinion, there's two VS builds, a support and a carry.
carry should be getting agha, deso/offensive ****
support should be support stuff, let carries get the gold.

I hope that I addressed some of your concerns in my update, thank you very much for the feedback!
Phatty#214935 | April 18, 2012 9:05am
Great guide, I sometimes like to start with some mana pots if I know I'm going to be playing with an aggresive lane partner.
Cipio | April 17, 2012 11:52am
Just went 7/3/19 with this guide while on the phone the entire game, And it was my first time vs.. feeding the **** out of our ursa. +1 to yous sir great guide.
kratrz | March 15, 2012 10:27am
Welcome all to my first guide on one of my favorite support characters: Vengeful Spirit!

Vengeful Spirit is a powerful hero which is very item independent and one of the most effective gankers in the game.

you make a guide for a support VS,
and you're saying VS is very item dependent...(then contradict yourself later)

support VS needs boots, wards, everything else is bonus.
getting an agha on support VS, 4200 gold, would be better spent on your carry
situational mid/late game items: standard support items such as meka/pipe.

a push oriented build and a gank oriented build. Both will be covered in this guide

you mention two builds, a pushing build and a ganking build. there's no distinction between the two different builds in your guide.

you intend to gank ..., ... mana potions or a Bottle early on. ... geared towards the push ...; the armor aura from Ring of Basilius

unless you're suggesting the difference between the two builds is a ring of basilius and bottle

in my opinion, there's two VS builds, a support and a carry.
carry should be getting agha, deso/offensive ****
support should be support stuff, let carries get the gold.
rchaos1 | January 27, 2012 2:59pm
This is a pretty sweet build. Here is my observations.

It is very important to have map awareness, VS is a killer support if done right.

Based on this build, I get 3 branch, 1 strength, 1 tango, courier.

First 200 gold, I will upgrade courier.

At this point in a 5v5 I ask someone else to buy wards so I can get my basic boots.

After basic boots, I will buy the 2nd round of wards and ward up runes.

I will then decide whether to switch up lanes or help gank early. At this point I should be level 4-6.

I will max Wave first (unless we need aura to depending on the hero compositions).

I will attempt to swap enemies into towers if they get to close.

Typically I will grab a bottle before bracer and wand. After bottom I will get the wand. The bottle allows me to spam minus armor and setup stuns. If the enemy attempts to auto attack me the creep will scratch at him. In these opportunities, I will stun them as the creep run at the enemy. With the bottle, I will pay attention to runes. I will ask carry if I can have the rune to refill my bottle (so I don't have to port back or use the courier). This will allow me to roam the lanes a lot and provide support in fights. Wand + Bottle is just pure win as a support.

When you start upgrading Aura, team battles and pushing down towers start to get really fun!

I have started playing around with mid to late game... I will ward enemies jungle, runes, (and if theres an invis hero I will have sentry wards.) I will ward like a mad man. Sometimes I will get Phase Boots, or if I have the extra cash get the Boots of Travel. My mid to late game. I think it's really conditional on how many teleports I use.

In all honesty, most of the games I play as VS, I stick with the basics: Wand, Bottle, Upgraded Boots and Bracer. These are essentials for VS. At this point I will decided whether I should chill out with wards or if I should get a Force Staff and/or Sceptor. I've tried a couple times getting Sceptor before FS, but honestly I don't use swap that often unless we are in their base being *******s.

Sorry my text ain't really organized to well. I'm a derp.
Reed (3) | December 7, 2011 5:13pm
DirtySince90 wrote:

Nice guide, I made a guide for a more aggressive VS with desolator to add more armor reduction, but I'm gonna start trying to build more support. Its just preference but I really don't like the magic wand, I've not found it to be super useful for me.

While I mention it as a definite pick-up in this guide, it can be very situational in terms of how early you pick it up. You really have to consider your lane and how aggressive your opponents are going to be. There's no point in picking up magic wand or magic stick first if your enemy lane is a passive carry+support lane that won't cast many spells; in that case, pick up another item - like urn for example. As you become more active, magic stick/wand becomes more effective because your aggressiveness forces your opponent to respond.

Early game comments aside, by mid-game you will be a part of ganks and team fights when spells will be flying left and right. This is where magic stick/wand starts to truly shine, and it stays consistently effective throughout the game from then on out.
PotM_Plz (19) | December 7, 2011 3:06pm
Magic Wand is great for roamers especially, who aren't gonna be able to farm up alot of items, and wand gives that nice buff, along with a mana, and health heal... its the best item in the game. (considering its price.)
HamSandwich (34) | December 7, 2011 2:39pm
DirtySince90 wrote:

I really don't like the magic wand, I've not found it to be super useful for me.

And this is why your VS guide suggests to start with a wraith band and features a desolator.
DirtySince90 | December 7, 2011 1:52pm
Nice guide, I made a guide for a more aggressive VS with desolator to add more armor reduction, but I'm gonna start trying to build more support. Its just preference but I really don't like the magic wand, I've not found it to be super useful for me.
Reed (3) | December 6, 2011 10:56am
lol thanks for the catch on HoN terms :S

added in urn and medallion and mentioned some items not to buy.
dirrwen (10) | December 6, 2011 10:35am
no Urn or Medallion :(? Those are some of my favorite items for Venge. Also I think PMS deserves a mention if you're diving a particularly high amount of towers with your ult, or just taking a lot of creep aggro early. Other than that (which I think is just personal preference anyways), solid guide!

EDIT: Did I just see "power supply? Someone's been playing HoN >.>
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