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14 Votes

RAMPAGE Faceless Void * All New* Mid-Game Build*

June 25, 2013 by Bwallace
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BeeZsZ | May 6, 2013 12:11pm
I've been a big fan of Void for awhile now. My only problem has been that if my teammates can't hold on until late game I become useless. I just tried your Mid-Game presence guide out and to my surprise I really liked it! I actually got the maelstrom right at the 14 minute mark like you said.

Being able to jungle so early I was able to get the MoM and Crystals pretty quick.

My only issue was I was suffering from lack of mana regen. So I bought a medallion. I probably should have went for preservance than battlefury, but that's irrelevant now.

Great Guide + 1 Rep
Bwallace (1) | May 6, 2013 9:50am
Thank you Dynasty987 for clearing that up.
dynasty987 (6) | April 29, 2013 1:29pm
Bwallace wrote:

You actually can miss in the chronosphere. That is why I have a MKB as a situational item.

From the wiki:

"Enemy heroes do not have evasion while they are trapped in chonosphere."

So I guess you can miss from the debuff from panda, but not from windrunner/butterfly/pa.
Bwallace (1) | April 28, 2013 8:14pm
Thank you Unorc.

I will add a section discussing that.

Thank you Dzika Panda.

I added the upgraded boots.
DzikaPanda (16) | April 27, 2013 11:21am
You forgot about boots upgrade in midas build.
Bwallace (1) | April 27, 2013 11:04am
To Bullfrog

Thank you and the changes were applied.

To Dynasty987

You actually can miss in the chronosphere. That is why I have a MKB as a situational item.
Unorc (1) | April 21, 2013 7:09am
Good guide, could use a bit of color though. On the subject of Mask of Madness, it's not a bad item on void as long as the enemies don't have a lot of ranged DPS, like Sniper. Also, I would write something about getting a Hand of Midas. As long as he gets it before 12 minutes or so, it should be fine, but after that, it's better to just start on the MoM or Battle Fury.+1
dynasty987 (6) | April 21, 2013 6:44am
I'm fairly sure you can't miss in chronosphere, so assuming you use it well and catch any butterfly carrier/PA/panda, mkb can be almost ignored until you're a 6slot monster.
bullfr0g | April 21, 2013 1:50am
I don't like that you didnt mention Butterfly and Satanic as lategame options. Adding an optional Hand of Midas is also required as it has been extremely popular in the competitive scene on most farm dependant heroes.
Bwallace (1) | March 26, 2013 9:56pm

Thank you for your review. I agree MoM does have it's downside of taking 30% more damage, but the incrediable upside of +100 attack speed is priceless. This item alongside with the battlefury allows Faceless to start carrying his team 25 to 30 minutes in. I know, because I have done it myself.

If you are playing faceless and are scared you won't kill enough people inside the chrono or do enough damage to scare the enemy team away, save your timewalk for an escape after the chronosphere ends.

After thinking this through, the Mask of Madness is just an incredible item for Faceless and also allows him to solo Roshan.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 25, 2013 2:51pm
I like how the Faceless Void players I play against (and I think I'm in the mid-high matchmaking tier) always "rush" a Hand of Midas and end up with Midas + BF at ~30-35 minute: of course it can be a situational item, but some players don't understand at all that a Battle Fury actually gives you more gold than a Hand of Midas in the same amount of time, provided you have creeps to kill with it. Also, some players like rushing Mask of Madness and I find it very funny: you 3-shot then with Queen of Pain. Your guide clearly states what you should get and when, many people I know should read this and learn something.

Even though I disagree with the MoM being a "core" item (I prefer the Maelstrom, and I've played a lot of games with Faceless Void trying different core extensions), this guide is far from bad. +1, but I'd put at least one early point in Backtrack: in the laning phase (especially if dual/trilane versus trilane) it can save your life.
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