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9 Votes

R-Conqueror's guide to AXE

January 7, 2015 by R-Conqueror
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I Have Layers (4) | January 7, 2015 7:31pm

If anything, I'd just include more strats in Axe's item build in the guide, considering how versatile his build can be.
R-Conqueror (24) | January 7, 2015 7:28pm
I wasn't suggesting Soul Ring and Arcanes, sorry for the confusion. And while Tranquils can eventually make up for the lost health, they do not do so in the heat of battle, which is where Axe is most of the time. Well once you hit lvl 6 you can dunk as much as you want as long as you are successful, and it's not about all the time, its just about whether or not you have the mana pool to keep dunking in a skirmish/ full blown teamfight. In a fast engagement, the mana regen from Soul Ring doesn't matter, so it gives you a max of +150 mana. However, with Arcane Boots you already have an extra 250 mana in your pool along with the active which will gain you 100, giving you a total of 350 extra mana, enough for 5!!! extra lvl 1 culling blades if that is all you use it for. Thank you very much for reading and commenting, it is great to get so much feedback right after I update, cheers!
I Have Layers (4) | January 7, 2015 7:20pm
R-Conqueror wrote:

You can build into Bloodstone with Arcanes as well, and again, Vanguard has components that give Axe, IMO, exactly what he needs. In all my experience, if you are in the jungle, you can pretty solidly get an early Vanguard unless you want to rush Blink Dagger.

I never jungle as Axe.

I play a very, very aggressive Axe. First blood is always my goal. Soul Ring + Arcane Boots is very redundant. Along with that, Soul Ring CDs much sooner. As do Tranquil Boots, which counters the health loss of using a Soul Ring.
I Have Layers (4) | January 7, 2015 7:17pm
R-Conqueror wrote:

Well I do have Heaven's Halberd later on in the build, Sange just pales in comparison to Vanguard early game. You don't have the attack speed for the slow and it doesn't have items that help you as you build it. I don't really build Axe for how he will scale late, I want to have an impact as early as I can.

Arcane Boots are pretty much for dunking. You don't want to only be able to use your ult once in a fight. And when I play Axe I find myself in a lot of low health situations where a Soul Ring isn't the best tool to have.

I'm also disenchanted with Tranquil Boots because when you're playing a manly hero and have to either drop the boots (risky) or wait 13 seconds before you can go fight again, that doesn't really make sense to me as far as how Axe should be played. Porygon kinda has my philosophy on it as well, thanks man.
Thanks for the discussion though, its great to have comments on a guide after updating it!

I find Tranquil Boots excellent for recovery.

Like you say, he is a Balls to the Walls monster. You can't dunk every 13 seconds, and so Arcane Boots really becomes unnecessary. Especially when you have a Soul Ring and Tranquil Boots.

If I go all in, and I come out with really low HP, I want to be able to get back on the field as soon as possible. Early game, Tranquil Boots is an excellent item for this. And after Battle Hunger was nerfed, you're not using it nearly as often.

In the end, the guide isn't terrible but I suppose it is different from how I play Axe.
R-Conqueror (24) | January 7, 2015 7:16pm
You can build into Bloodstone with Arcanes as well, and again, Vanguard has components that give Axe, IMO, exactly what he needs. In all my experience, if you are in the jungle, you can pretty solidly get an early Vanguard unless you want to rush Blink Dagger.
I Have Layers (4) | January 7, 2015 7:13pm
porygon361 wrote:

Can you get HoT by 10 minutes? Vanguard is good for early game tower diving, and it lets Axe catch enemies and tank tower damage for his allies since he's supposed to tank anyway, then make it out with half health and regenerate it quickly afterwards along with his Tranquils.

Ah, you see?

You assume that in every game, you will be getting absolutely amazing farm and you are guaranteed a Vanguard by minute 10. But alas, such is not the case. You can pick up Sange earlier, and as I've stated, it scales into the late game better. Heaven's Halbred is much more useful on Axe since you'll be picking up HoT anyways. Vanguard is listed as a core item. It should be a luxury item.

I'd also like to point out again, that soul ring should be listed as core. It is excellent at solving any mana issues Axe has. And it builds into a Bloodstone, which you have listed as a late game item. And it is a decent late game item on Axe.
R-Conqueror (24) | January 7, 2015 7:12pm

I really have to disagree with Vanguard

Sange Provides different stats, but scales far, far better into the lategame with Heaven's Halbred

Why the Arcane Boots?

Tranquil Boots with Soul Ring works so much better for getting mana, and if needed you can pick up a Magic Wand. If I were you, I'd finish that Tranquil boots guide.

Well I do have Heaven's Halberd later on in the build, Sange just pales in comparison to Vanguard early game. You don't have the attack speed for the slow and it doesn't have items that help you as you build it. I don't really build Axe for how he will scale late, I want to have an impact as early as I can.

Arcane Boots are pretty much for dunking. You don't want to only be able to use your ult once in a fight. And when I play Axe I find myself in a lot of low health situations where a Soul Ring isn't the best tool to have.

I'm also disenchanted with Tranquil Boots because when you're playing a manly hero and have to either drop the boots (risky) or wait 13 seconds before you can go fight again, that doesn't really make sense to me as far as how Axe should be played. Porygon kinda has my philosophy on it as well, thanks man.
Thanks for the discussion though, its great to have comments on a guide after updating it!
porygon361 (46) | January 7, 2015 6:57pm

While you can make it into a Crimson Guard, HoT in my opinion is a much better tanking item than Crimson Guard. Sure, tower diving with it is easier but Axe isn't exactly Lycan or Nature's Prophet. You'll most likely have some backup with you.

Can you get HoT by 10 minutes? Vanguard is good for early game tower diving, and it lets Axe catch enemies and tank tower damage for his allies since he's supposed to tank anyway, then make it out with half health and regenerate it quickly afterwards along with his Tranquils.
I Have Layers (4) | January 7, 2015 6:46pm
porygon361 wrote:

Actually, Vanguard is pretty good for tower-diving, and allows Axe to man the **** up. Plus, you can make Vanguard into a Crimson Guard now.

While you can make it into a Crimson Guard, HoT in my opinion is a much better tanking item than Crimson Guard. Sure, tower diving with it is easier but Axe isn't exactly Lycan or Nature's Prophet. You'll most likely have some backup with you.
porygon361 (46) | January 7, 2015 6:12pm

I really have to disagree with Vanguard

Sange Provides different stats, but scales far, far better into the lategame with Heaven's Halberd

Actually, Vanguard is pretty good for tower-diving, and allows Axe to man the **** up. Plus, you can make Vanguard into a Crimson Guard now.
I Have Layers (4) | January 7, 2015 5:58pm
I really have to disagree with Vanguard

Sange Provides different stats, but scales far, far better into the lategame with Heaven's Halbred

Why the Arcane Boots?

Tranquil Boots with Soul Ring works so much better for getting mana, and if needed you can pick up a Magic Wand. If I were you, I'd finish that Tranquil boots guide.
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