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8 Votes

"Stand And Face Me"

September 22, 2017 by Nathenial
Comments: 4    |    Views: 14194    |   

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yarnzzzzz | October 2, 2017 4:57pm
FINALLY!!! Someone who agrees Aghs is the worst! great guide btw :D
Nathenial (2) | October 3, 2017 11:32am
Phsc (4) | September 29, 2017 12:13pm
I think this is a pretty great guide, the fact that you showed noobs that Aghanim's Scepter is terrible for Juggernaut already earned you a upvote.
But still, I feel like you didn't add more item options, stuff like Linken's Sphere, Mjolnir, Assault Cuirass which might be great versus Duel, Phantom Lancer and Desolator.
Juggernaut is the hero that got me out of the hell called 3k, and my go-to build was Battle Fury into Manta Style into Diffusal Blade into Assault Cuirass into Butterfly, and I feel like items like Battle Fury aren't that bad right now, with camps respawning every minute, and depending on the game items like Blink Dagger and Silver Edge might be great, maybe even Monkey King Bar.
And in some parts of the guide, like the Healing Ward one, you should add in information that you can do Roshan early with it.
and ffs add Crystal Maiden into the friends thing because holy **** that hero earned me so much party mmr
and also add canc... Phantom Assassin and Anti-Mage in the foes thing because you know... evasion and blink arent really cool.
Nathenial (2) | October 2, 2017 2:23pm
I agree on a lot of information that you have stated, but the problem I have is the items you have suggested (most of them) are not very stat based, jugg can feel a little squishy in mid and late game. as for Battle Fury and Blink Dagger, I would like to test these items in game because I never bought them and would like to try your build!

Thank you for the feedback as anything will be appreciated!
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