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Plus, the hunk of strength from HoT is useful for other heroes, but kinda wasted for Troll :|
I see you put my Armlet suggestion up, but it should be in the midgame section, as come late game you can swap it out for a heart or satanic, or maybe keep both if you feel squishy.
400 hp is a LOT for the price of 2800.
In general I think Vlad's would be the better option since you spend most of the game in melee, but it depends more on your team comp. If you have mostly ranged carries or just teammates in general, I'd go with helm simply because it gives similar bonuses for a cheaper price, and later builds into
Pretty much comes to team comp and preference, though. Both are viable options.
EDIT: Also, on the whole this is a pretty good guide. Maybe a section on what heroes Troll has synergy with, and who to stay away from. Who he counters (Pheonix anyone?} and who counters him, etc.
I don't think that
Still, it can be a great item. Great for ganking and sneaking around the map.
Hi Fumbles! Thank you very much for the feedback!
As for the Vlad > Helm debate. again, I would get Vlad if nobody else is getting it as it would be a waste of money if there is a another hero carrying it. and yes if majority of your team-mates are melee then I'd go for it.
Tried playing a while ago rushing BKB and not getting Shadow Blade and it turned out pretty well. I would agree now that SB is a waste on Troll and would be removing it from the Core Items. Thank you for pointing this out. I'll give you credits and a cookie. :)
And yes, I'll be adding in Troll's allies and enemies soon as I update the guide and also on how to play him at early-late game. and what to do in team fights/ganking.
On the whole, nicely presented and explained.
I'm no expert on
Hi Sando, Thank you for your feedback.
I'd still prefer to go with Ring of Protection as a Starting choice because you can just buy Sobi Mask from the Secret shop in order to get Ring of Basilius which is really important for troll early game.
and I don't think getting both PMS and Aquila is overkill because Aquila provides mana regen, armor and a bit of damage which troll really needs to spam his skills and PMS provides decent block and EHP for when you need to go 1-vs-1 with an enemy hero. I can't recall the number of times when my *** was saved with PMS when going for a 1-vs-1 match.
The starting items are a bit odd: a
Thank you Peppo for the feedback. Played a while ago and tried going for ring of protection, 3 Iron Branches and a Salve. and it went out pretty well. I'll definitely add it to my build and I'll give you credits for this.
As for Vladmir's Offering, I think it would be a good substitute for Helm of Dominator if nobody else is getting Vlad's since it's useless if 2 or more carries has vlad's But I'm still sticking to Helm due to it's versatility.
The starting items are a bit odd: a
In general I think Vlad's would be the better option since you spend most of the game in melee, but it depends more on your team comp. If you have mostly ranged carries or just teammates in general, I'd go with helm simply because it gives similar bonuses for a cheaper price, and later builds into
Pretty much comes to team comp and preference, though. Both are viable options.
EDIT: Also, on the whole this is a pretty good guide. Maybe a section on what heroes Troll has synergy with, and who to stay away from. Who he counters (Pheonix anyone?} and who counters him, etc.
I don't think that
Still, it can be a great item. Great for ganking and sneaking around the map.
Also ARMLET is EXTREMELY good on troll.