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"Firstblood!" - Nate's Jug Build!

October 29, 2015 by Megionate
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Megionate | November 1, 2015 4:43pm
Blubbles wrote:

Pretty good info but you need more visual stuff like pictures of the icons for stuff just to make it easier to read.

Also I struggle with why everyone builds max Bladefury, its just not a good build. It does nothing in the late game except serve as a five second BKB. And if you want to use it effectively in the early game you need Phase Boots, which I dont like compared to Treads where you can have more attack speed, mana, and HP, which seems more valuable to me than slightly more damage. also BF uses up all your mana, so if you use it you cant use it for another minute, and then you might not have mana.

I prefer first level BF then alternate between stats and blade dance.

If your build works for you, thats great, but it hasn't worked for me.

You have a point there, about Blade fury. I should add this to the build too.
Unless you have supports with great diables in your lane (crystal maiden, shadow shaman)
You should just take one level in it, and then go stats/blade dance.
If you have good disables in your lane though, you should max it fast, as the mana cost decreases, while doing pretty good damage at that point. If you are not gonna max it first, it hasnt got much use to up it second, as at that point in the game the damage is just too low.
Blubbles (13) | November 1, 2015 12:00pm
Blubbles wrote:

Pretty good info but you need more visual stuff like pictures of the icons for stuff just to make it easier to read.

Also I struggle with why everyone builds max Bladefury. It does nothing in the late game except serve as a five second BKB. And if you want to use it effectively in the early game you need Phase Boots, which I dont like compared to Treads where you can have more attack speed, mana, and HP, which seems more valuable to me than slightly more damage. also BF uses up all your mana, so if you use it you cant use it for another minute, and then you might not have mana.

I prefer first level BF then alternate between stats and blade dance.

If your build works for you, thats great, but it hasn't worked for me.
Blubbles (13) | November 1, 2015 11:59am
Pretty good info but you need more visual stuff like pictures of the icons for stuff just to make it easier to read.

Also I struggle with why everyone builds max Bladefury, its just not a good build. It does nothing in the late game except serve as a five second BKB. And if you want to use it effectively in the early game you need Phase Boots, which I dont like compared to Treads where you can have more attack speed, mana, and HP, which seems more valuable to me than slightly more damage. also BF uses up all your mana, so if you use it you cant use it for another minute, and then you might not have mana.

I prefer first level BF then alternate between stats and blade dance.

If your build works for you, thats great, but it hasn't worked for me.
Zafre3ti5 | October 28, 2015 6:20am
But other than that, it's not that bad. :D
Mlapa | October 27, 2015 8:22am
also try using pictures to break up the walls of texts
apaz (17) | October 26, 2015 3:25pm
The guide isn't really a guide. It's a build. A good build, but still a build.

You should write a guide.
Megionate | October 26, 2015 11:35am
cpfran6 wrote:

Hey, it looks like you are new here, I highly suggest checking out the Formatting guude, as this is fairly hard to read.

Thanks for the headsup and link. I will surely use this :D
cpfran6 (3) | October 26, 2015 10:30am
Hey, it looks like you are new here, I highly suggest checking out the Formatting guude, as this is fairly hard to read.
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