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6 Votes

Queen of Pwn (Middle)

June 24, 2015 by Tall Jenkins
Comments: 3    |    Views: 20544    |   

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kkoopman3 (28) | June 20, 2015 7:48pm
This guide is extremely rudimentary. Most of what you say is fundamentally true, but what happens if I want to buy and Orchid Malevolence? How would that fit into your build? I'm sorry, but I just can't help feeling that this guide is slightly trolly. "In a teamfight, do Queen of Pain things." Ummm... what?
apaz (17) | June 17, 2015 10:44pm
The build is... interesting. However, it isn't necessarily wrong. Dota is situational. There are also many different small, annoying typos and lapses of logic throughout the guide, such as saying that Shadow Strike has a 3 second cooldown and the aforementioned 2 points in Sonic Wave. Usually, for me, a Orchid Malevolence or a Scythe of Vyse is enough mana regen, and once you have both, there really isn't any need for a Bloodstone. Bloodstone is an Item that needs to be rushed, usually because the hero you are playing snowballs well and is poop without mana regen. Queen of Pain can go without.

There are certain situations where this build would work, and that is against a team heavily countered by slows with a lot of burst damage, and a low HP BKB-reliant carry. Usually, I go Orchid Malevolence or Eul's Scepter of Divinity (If they have silences I really need to remove) into Aghanim's Scepter and Scythe of Vyse. Perhaps then, Octarine Core, because it basically just puts you back at full health. Of course, a Black King Bar might at some point be necessary.

Those are all the complaints, however the important part is that the guide is formatted rather well. At least I understood what you were trying to say, unlike may other guides I review. So, 7/10.
ChiChi (47) | June 17, 2015 5:37pm
This guide is so optimistic lol I like everything you have here, since it is pretty standard Queen of Pain, but you're a bit too rigid on your choices, I think. What if the game doesn't go your way and you can't farm that Aghanim's Scepter? What if the enemy team massively buys magic defence (BKB, Cape, whatever)? What if there is Storm Spirit or Silencer? Your build doesn't allow you to face these situations. Consider includind the other non controversial items, such as Scythe of Vyse, Orchid Malevolence, Black King Bar (even the new boots of travel as a final pick up).

Also, you have three paragraphs saying "buy these, do that". C'mon, you can do better - skill build explanation, how to counter specific heroes in the mid lane, controlling runes, etc. That stuff will make me want to +1.

Finally, why only two points in Sonic Wave?
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